Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 621: She even wanted to hold Master Chu

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Chapter 621 She even wants to take Master Chu

Gu Ninghuan had almost never seen Mrs. Fu's expression.

"Why did the Fu family and the Chu family complain?" Gu Ninghuan didn't understand what kind of hatred that made Mrs. Fu, who has always been calm and gentle, so dangerous.

Mrs. Fu raised her eyes and looked at her. There was no **** anger in her eyes. She said: "You don't need to know what it is for, you just need to do what I said."

The more Mrs. Fu and the older Master Chu kept quiet about the complaint between the two, the more Gu Ninghuan wanted to know the reason.

"In addition to letting you take Xishen to the Chu's house less, there is another thing I want to ask you today." Mrs. Fu looked at it in her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan was looked at with her eyes like that, and she could not help sitting up straighter, and reverently replied: "You said."

"Are you going to take charge of the Chu family and become the new heir to the Chu family."

Gu Ninghuan was shocked and bit his lip: "Yes, Master Chu did have this plan, but I..."

She wanted to say that she didn't mean to take over the Chu family at all.

But Gu Ninghuan remembered again, whether she took over the Chu family's matter was simply not her personal will.

If Mu Yan cannot develop the antidote in Fu Xishen's body, she must take over the Chu family.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan swallowed the denial that he had intended to say.

Mrs. Fu was keenly aware that she had not spoken completely, thinking that she could not give up the power of the Chu family. Her eyes were slightly cold, and her smile was ironic: "Ning Huan, Mrs. Fu Jiashao and the heirs of the Chu family cannot coexist. Two identities.

If you choose to inherit the Chu family, then you will never want to step into our Fu's house all your life, and don't want to continue to be the wife of Xishen, do you understand? "

"I understand."

Gu Ninghuan said that she understood the word, but she was sad. She thought before, even if she took over the Chu family to save her family.

After waiting for the expiration of three years, Gu Ninghuan can get rid of Chu's family after getting the antidote from grandpa and brother.

If Fu Xishen still liked her at that time, the two of them could start again.

But the arrival of Mrs. Fu today completely crushed her hope.

The Chu family and Fu Zhai are one-way streets in her life, and she can only choose one of them.

After Mrs. Fu left, Gu Ninghuan sat in his original position for a long time.

The servants watched the young lady sitting on the chair, dare not look forward to disturb, and could only stand beside and watch her.

After a while, Gu Ninghuan stood up, looked at the servant who was worried about her, and said, "I will go to Gu's house to prepare the car."

"Yes, young lady."

Whether he chose to inherit the Chu family, Gu Ninghuan thought for a long time and did not come up with any two-way solution.

In this case, it is better to look at Grandpa's situation first.

Gu Ninghuan was busy with Chu Zi's business some time ago, and there was less time to see Grandpa. Sometimes Grandpa called and she hung up the phone after a few words because of the inconvenience of answering the phone at Chu's house.

When the Chu family knew that Grandpa Chu had prescribed medicine to Grandpa, she even wanted to take Grandpa Chu and force him to give the idea of ​​antidote.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, and the idea of ​​holding Master Chu has not disappeared, but it is very difficult to implement.

She was even more worried. According to the cruelty of Master Chu, even if he held him, he would choose to burn the jade directly.

The driving car stopped, and Xie Yu, who had been waiting at the parking lot for a long time, approached the car and opened Gu Ninghuan's door: "Miss, I know you are going to have dinner today. The master has received the call from you. Be happy now."

"How is Grandpa's health recently?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Xie Yu replied: "Recently, the old man's health has been very good. I didn't know if it was due to the season change. I had several high fevers, but fortunately a servant knew a famous doctor.

It's also magical. The old man still had a high fever, but after taking the doctor's medicine, his body gradually improved. "

Gu Ninghuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had a fever before, but he would get better after taking the new doctor's medicine.

How similar this situation is to her a few days ago.

"What is Grandpa doing now?"

"Master knows that you are coming over for dinner. He took the fishing rod and brought the housekeeper with his friends to go fishing. He said he would add dinner to you at night."

Gu Ninghuan was helpless. Grandpa didn't know that he was drugged, so he was full of energy.

But she was very worried about Grandpa, and was afraid that he might have an accident while fishing.

If Grandpa told her on the phone that she was going fishing, she would not agree to let Grandpa go fishing.

Gu Ninghuan has no requirements for eating, she does not care how fresh the fish will appear on the table.

"Since Grandpa went fishing with friends, let the new doctor who cured Grandpa's fever come over to see me. That's right, and the servant who recommended the new doctor came with me."

"Yes, miss."

After hearing Gu Ninghuan's instructions, Xie Yu immediately picked up the pager in his hand and let the servant in the villa inform the person.

When Gu Ninghuan entered the living room, the maid and the male doctor were already waiting in the living room.

Gu Ninghuan walked in front of them and waved away the nearby servant: "Do you know why I want you?"

The male doctor reached up and held his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I don't know."

"I don't know? OK! Then I will tell you, I came to you, I just want to ask, how much did the Chu family give you to start with my grandfather."

Gu Ninghuan did not intend to let the two in front of him, but did not think of torturing them now.

If she is now working on the two people in front of her, then the Chu family will definitely send other people over.

Changes in personnel may produce an inestimable butterfly effect, and Gu Ninghuan cannot take Grandpa's body to take risks.

"Miss, our loyalty to the Chu family is not measurable with money." The male doctor straightened his back, and some dissatisfaction Gu Ninghuan used money to tarnish his beliefs.

Gu Ninghuan sneered with a sneer: "You should know that I am about to inherit the Chu family. Since this is my future master, tell me what you did to my grandfather for your faith. Why let him have a fever torment him."

When Gu Ninghuan said this, the maid and the male doctor glanced at each other.

Then the maid said: "I was inserted into the Gu family by the Chu family six months ago. A month ago I received an order from Uncle Zhang to let me take medicine during the daily meal of Gu Gu. After taking the medicine, I need to The next day, give Gu Gu an antidote.

Otherwise, the medicine in Master Gu’s body will break out, but because Master Gu is too old, sometimes his appetite is not so good, I will not eat the food I ordered, and the foods I can take antidote are limited, so As a result, sometimes he was unable to let him go, and he would only get sick if he took antidote in time. "

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