Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 622: Did the Chu family bully you?

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622 Is the Chu Family Bullying You?

The maid also felt very wronged. Master Gu wanted to take hold of Miss Gu's handle. Of course she didn't dare to have any thoughts of hurting Master Gu.

However, because Gu was old, her body was not so good, so when she was taking medicine, she had to pay attention to the amount of medicine.

Before the doctor came, the servant was worried every day, for fear of what happened to Gu Gu, which would cause her mission to fail.

What the servant said was similar to Gu Ninghuan's conjecture. She thought that Grandpa had been given medicine and there is no problem now.

It should be the person who administers the medicine, always secretly giving the antidote.

After Gu Ninghuan knew this, not only was he not much happy, but he became even more angry.

She bit her lips fiercely, and her eyes were full of chills: "What the **** do you think of my grandfather, is he the one who gave you the medicine?"

The servant was frightened by Gu Ninghuan’s terrible eyes, and she took a step back suddenly, some hurriedly: "Of course not, how dare I treat Master Gu as an experimental person. Miss Gu, please trust us, we are from beginning to end I never thought about hurting Gu’s life."

"The maid is right, Miss Gu, we hope that Gu can live a healthy life more than anyone else, and you don’t need to repel us that much, even though we came to the Chu family with the task, but we are outside the task, But also dedicated to work for Gu family.

I am a doctor graduated from a famous medical university and also have a certificate of practicing medicine. You can rest assured that I will take care of Master Gu's body. Moreover, after I came to Gu's house, I really helped Master Gu to improve his body a lot. "

In the words of male doctors, even vaguely proud, male doctors like him are also sought after outside.

But Miss Gu looked at him like he was looking at the murderer.

Male doctors are studying medical treatments at famous medical universities. They can't stand being watched like this.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and had to suppress the anger in his heart.

She kept telling herself that the two in front of her are now useful, and they should never be able to deal with them because of their brazenness.

"Let's go down." Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows. All questions were asked. She didn't want to watch the two appear in front of her again.

Otherwise, watching them do something wrong, but they feel angry when they look good for Gu Jia.

Since Gu Ninghuan wanted them to leave, male doctors and servants did not dare to stay in front of her.

After they left, Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to make a video call to Gu Yan.

My brother has been on a business trip abroad for some time, and he will not be able to return until next week.

Since the Chu family has a man's hand beside his grandfather, there should be someone beside him.

Gu Yan answered the phone very quickly, but after connecting the phone, he did not speak, but turned the phone camera in one direction.

Gu Ninghuan watched a group of company executives on the screen are in a meeting.

Gu Yan was inconvenient to answer the phone during the meeting, but her brother was afraid that she would be connected to her video call.

Brother, he is always so gentle, so considerate of others.

Now that Gu Yan is in a meeting, Gu Ninghuan will not talk irrationally. She lies on the sofa and looks at the screen.

Gu Yan has turned the phone around, the screen is facing his face, he is attentively listening to the reports of his subordinates, from time to time to add something.

Finally, when the meeting ended, he walked into the meeting room with his mobile phone and looked at Gu Ninghuan on the screen with a gentle smile: "How can you a busy person call me today, and you will usually be contacted by me, you can't say much The call will be hung up in a sentence."

"Did I usually do this?" Gu Ninghuan said lazily with one hand on his chin.

Gu Yan's tone was a bit of a smile: "Of course you have done this, and there are still many times. This is probably what they often say about girls being extroverted."

Of course Gu Ninghuan knew that Gu Yan said this not to blame her, but Gu Ninghuan felt a bit sour in his heart.

Since Gu Shi's imprisonment, she thought that the Gu family's crisis was completely over, so she focused more on her work.

I didn't expect to ignore them. Now that I know that the Chu family has prescribed drugs to them, Gu Ninghuan knows how much she usually ignores her brother.

"Brother, have you felt any discomfort in your body recently?" Gu Ninghuan asked directly.

Gu Yanduan didn't notice anything wrong. He sorted out the documents and said: "It's good. There were no dissatisfied places when going abroad."

"Brother, you have to do frequent physical examinations recently. It is better to take your temperature every day. If you find something wrong, you should go to the hospital immediately to know?" Gu Ninghuan thought that the Chu family should give them the same medicine. In this case, the symptoms of natural onset are similar.

"Okay, I know, why are you so verbose now." Gu Yan didn't take Gu Ninghuan's words seriously.

He was even a little strange. Gu Ninghuan urged him to go for the annual medical examination.

Why did he start reminding him in reverse now?

Gu Yan’s hand was signed slightly, and he looked up at Gu Ninghuan on the phone: "Do you have anything to tell your brother?"

Gu Ninghuan didn’t expect Gu Yan to notice something. She froze a little and hurriedly concealed: "No, I just heard that this place where you are on a business trip recently, this season is the season of high incidence of infectious flu, if you don’t take a daily dose If you have a body temperature, you may have a fever without knowing it, and you will be in trouble when you get sick."

"Well, Ning Huan reminds you that it makes sense. I have a tight work schedule recently, and I really can't spare time to get sick." Gu Yan thought Gu Ning Huan was right.

Afterwards, Gu Yan seemed to think of something, opened the drawer, took out a delicate black box, and opened a row of cigars that looked good in texture: "Last time I heard that Grandpa loves smoke, so I deliberately touched Ask your assistant to buy this famous cigar and give it to Grandpa. Do you think he will like it?"

Gu Ninghuan pursed her lips, and there was an indelible anger in her eyes. Her brother was now given a medicine that would kill him.

But his brother didn't even realize it, even thinking about helping Mr. Chu buy gifts abroad.

Why is her brother so good.

"There is no need to buy it for Grandpa Chu. It is also a waste of money. It is better to throw it into the pool, at least you can hear a noise." Gu Ninghuan said coldly, and there was a disgust that Tibet could not hide.

Seeing her sister like this, Gu Yan had some doubts in her heart: "What's wrong with you? Is the Chu family bullying you?"

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