Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 698: Do I have a better relationship with Fu Xishen?

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Chapter 698: Do I have a better relationship with Fu Xishen?

Gu Ninghuan tossed and turned on the bed. After counting tens of thousands of sheep, he counted hard from night to early morning.

After dawn, Gu Ninghuan didn't want to continue to sleep anymore. She got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a simple wash. Without makeup, she walked downstairs.

The servant downstairs was already preparing breakfast. Gu Ninghuan wanted to help but was refused. He could only sit at the table and watch.

The maid who prepared the breakfast brought the meal to the table. Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and poured himself a glass of milk. Before he even drank, he heard the man's low voice: "Help me pour a glass of milk."

Gu Ninghuan heard his voice, frowning fiercely, then picked up the milk jug and put it on hand, making it clear that he didn't want to give Fu Xishen a sip.

The servant looked at the strange atmosphere between them, and some did not understand what was going on.

"Sir, I will prepare another jug ​​of milk for you right away." The maid played a round for the two of them.

Fu Xishen sat opposite Gu Ninghuan and said lightly: "No, isn't it here?"

The servant looked at Gu Ninghuan a little bit embarrassed. What Fu Xishen meant was that he wanted to argue with Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't bear to embarrass the servant. He clutched the milk jug tightly and stared at Fu Xishen: "Why do you want to fight for milk with me? Can't you drink juice?"

"No," Fu Xi said flatly.

Gu Ninghuan is not used to Fu Xishen's temper, she has a very bad tone: "I want to drink this jug of milk alone this morning."

"You can't finish drinking." Fu Xishen's long fingers tapped the table lightly.

Gu Ning Huan was so angry that he picked up the glass and drank a whole glass of milk. Then he put the glass down heavily: "Who said I couldn't drink it."

Fu Xi looked at the white milk on her red lips, her eyes dim.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen and saw that he did not speak, and no longer continued to grab milk with her. Instead, he quietly took the English newspaper the servant handed him and looked down.

Fu Xishen did not continue to **** for tat against her, but made Gu Ninghuan feel a little unaccustomed.

After he had Bailu, didn't he even want to talk to her, but it wouldn't be good if he didn't, Gu Ninghuan didn't care about such boring things.

Gu Ninghuan was eating breakfast angrily, just halfway through the meal, the phone rang, Gu Ninghuan connected: "Song Ci, is there anything?"

"Gu Ninghuan! Did you bad guy come back to Kyoto! Why didn't you tell me when you went back to Kyoto! I actually knew from Su Muzhe, do you have any heart?" Song was angry with anger. I can feel that when she called Gu Ninghuan, she was really unhappy.

Gu Ninghuan didn’t sleep for a night, and his head was dizzy. He was noisy because of Song Ci’s voice, and his temples were even more painful: “I’m sorry! Song Ci, my return to Kyoto this time was not what you thought, so I didn’t Notify you as soon as it happens."

Gu Ninghuan did not intend to hide Song Ci's case of her returning to Kyoto, but some things were really inconvenient to tell Song Ci.

"I don’t accept any verbal apology. If you really feel sorry for me, see you at our bar at eight o’clock tonight! It’s just that you are still single. I’ll find two small fresh meats for you to open up. Okay? "" Song said in a rage, but said angrily.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly: "Kai? This... Ok! I'm going!"

She originally wanted to refuse, but after seeing Fu Xishen, she didn't want to refuse again.

Fu Xishen has already had a new life and there are suitable girls around her. She should also go out to meet more people.

Even if it's not to say that it's a good idea, it's nice to change places and meet friends.

After agreeing to go to the bar, Gu Ninghuan continued to speak with Song Ci to appease her emotions.

After she coaxed Song Ci, she hung up the phone.

She put her mobile phone aside and planned to continue to have breakfast, but did not expect that she just received a call. The milk jug she had just tried hard to grab was now at Fu Xishen's side.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen: "Why are you in danger, grab my milk."

"Because this is my home." Fu Xishen's face was cold and he looked very unhappy.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the juice jug and poured the juice into a new glass. He smiled with pride: "Fu Xishen, you might have eavesdropped on my phone call just now, so you are jealous and jealous."

"Gu Ninghuan, I need to remind you that you cannot fall in love during your work." Fu Xishen's tone was cold.

Gu Ninghuan nodded indifferently: "I know I can't fall in love, but your rules don't say you can't go to bed, I should understand that."

Fu Xishen replayed the glass in his hand, his brows were light and his eyes were deep: "Gu Ninghuan, are you provoking me?"

"I'm just telling the truth, how is it to provoke you, Fu Xishen, you are wrong and I am not so good.

Besides, there is a problem with the rules you set yourself, can you blame me? "Gu Ninghuan said arrogantly and confidently to Fu Xishen.

The man gave Gu Ninghuan a cold look, got up and left without saying anything.

Gu Ninghuan watched Fu Xishen eat half of his breakfast, and suddenly he felt a vengeance.

What Fu Xishen said to her last night completely ruined all her moods for sleeping and made her sleepless all night.

Today, she was so angry that Fu Xi could not eat breakfast.

In this way, Gu Ninghuan still feels that she is more disadvantaged, and can only find Fu Xishen to settle the account later.

Gu Ninghuan sipped the juice, but he didn't plan to do so.

"Miss Gu, what happened to you and your husband? Wasn't it a good relationship before? Why did it suddenly happen like this?" The servant looked at Gu Ninghuan anxiously.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the servant and said seriously: "When will I have a better relationship with Fu Xishen? Think about it. My relationship with Fu Xishen is an awkward predecessor. Under this relationship, we have not stabbed each other. Very restrained each other's temper."

"Is that true?" The servant had doubts in her eyes. Why did she feel that the husband and Miss Gu were quite harmonious.

Gu Ninghuan nodded of course: "Of course, but you can rest assured that I am only targeting Fu Xishen alone, and will not implicate you."

"We know that Miss Gu is a good person, but the husband is not a bad person. Since the husband divorced you, he has never led a woman home in the villa. The husband should have you in his heart." The maid said good things to Fu Xishen.

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