Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 699: Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe appear together

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Chapter 699: Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe Appear Together

Gu Ninghuan has long distrusted Fu Xishen's so-called care.

Besides, there is no need to bring home even if you have a girl you like. Isn’t it the same when you are dating outside?

Gu Ninghuan made a pause gesture: "Stop, refuse this imaginary love, it will be impossible for me and Fu Xishen. Well, I will go out at night, go up and lie down for a while, Don’t call me for lunch, thank you."

Gu Ninghuan said so, and of course it was not convenient for the servant to continue to help the husband.

However, the maid always felt that the husband was different from Miss Gu.

After finishing breakfast, Gu Ninghuan returned to the room and lay down on the bed. It was probably Fu Xishen who was a little angry at the dining table just now, which made her feel a lot better and let her insomnia last night.

When I woke up again, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Gu Ninghuan got up and finished makeup, and then went out after watching another movie.

She walked downstairs, and the servants in the living room were busy. When they saw Gu Ninghuan come down, they all stopped in a tacit understanding: "Miss Gu, are you really going out?"

"Of course, do I look like I'm not going out?" Gu Ning asked with a smile.

The servant was a little uneasy: "But we are worried that the young master will be angry if he doesn't see you back."

"At that time, you remember to cook some herbal tea for him and let him lower the fire." Gu Ning laughed and walked out of the villa.

The servant looked at the back of Miss Gu's departure, and was a little worried about how they would explain when the husband came back.

She still went to cook a sober tea for the husband to extinguish the fire as the young lady said.


Gu Ninghuan drove outside the 10th Huanhuan Club, stopped the car and got off.

She has not been here for a long time, and now she misses it a little.

She walked into Torihuan and saw Song Ci standing at the front desk of Torihuan to tease the young boy.

The boy in charge of the front desk at Toshihiko looked young, and was blushed by the words of a girl in Song Ci.

"Song Ci, you are a family person, can you restrain yourself a little bit." Gu Ninghuan walked to Song Ci, raised her hand to hook her arm, and spoke to help the front desk service staff.

Song Ci saw that Gu Ninghuan was coming, and was not interested in continuing to tease the little brother at the front desk. She hugged Gu Ninghuan and kissed her directly on her face: "Gu Ninghuan! You finally returned to China without conscience. Now!"

"Oh, don't be so excited! When I was studying in the United States, didn't you come to see me twice, and we have videos almost every day, and it is estimated that exotic lovers are not as frequent as our contact." Gu Ninghuan lifted The hand wiped the saliva on the face, the movement was very careful, did not wipe the makeup on the face.

Song Ci clutched Gu Ninghuan's hand tightly, and his face was half black: "You're so sorry to say that the two of us have such a high frequency of contact. I didn't even know about your return to Kyoto!"

"That's because I went back to Kyoto. It's not a good thing. It's shameful to say it." Gu Ninghuan had some difficulty in explaining her and Fu Xishen's things.

Song Ci led Gu Ninghuan to the bar floor of Shirihuanli: "It doesn't matter if it's humiliating to say it now, it won't be humiliating to say it after drinking some wine."

The two entered the dimly lit bar, sat at the bar, ordered a glass of wine, and began to reminisce.

After listening to Gu Ninghuan's words, Song Ci couldn't hold back the surprised expression on his face: "Ning Huan, are you sure Mr. Fu is against you, don't you like you?"

"Where do you see that he likes me!" Gu Ninghuan looked back at Song Ci in more surprise, completely ignorant of what she was talking about.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, the life assistant only takes care of the life of the employer, but from the treatment you said at the Fu family, you are completely the master's treatment!

In other words, do you think there is any difference between the attitude of Fu's maid and you half a year ago? "

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She really wanted to tell Song Ci that the attitude of Fu's housemaid to her was still different, but she couldn't say it again.

It really doesn't make any difference.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan's changed face and sighed heavily: "Ning Huan, shouldn't you have reunited with Mr. Fu?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I absolutely cannot combine with Fu Xishen." Gu Ninghuan resolutely answered.

Song Ci took a sip of wine: "It is not possible for you and Mr. Fu to be a bad thing. I heard that the Fu and Bai families are about to marry, and you, as the heir to the Chu family, look so out of place in front of the Fu and Bai families. "

"Why are you so sensitive about the news that even Fu Xishen wants to marry Bai Lu? What else do you know?" Gu Ninghuan raised his hand to his chin, his eyes full of curiosity.

Song Ci was getting ready to talk to Gu Ninghuan about the right and wrong of the rich circles of Kyoto, but he didn't expect to see the picture of Su Muzhe and Fu Xishen walking side by side.

Her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe the two handsome men who were walking towards them.

Gu Ninghuan felt the stiffness of Song Ci's eyes and looked down at her. After seeing the two, they were stunned.

Why did Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe appear together in Ten Day Huan.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Song Ci, and when he saw Song Ci, he immediately reached out and covered his face as if it were an ostrich.

She also lowered her head, hoping that Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe would not notice her.

Song Ci is about to marry Su Muzhe. She is worried that Su Muzhe sees it, but she doesn’t want to draw the attention of the two. The main reason is: if they see her, it’s easy Found Song Ci sitting next to Gu Ninghuan.

"Gu Ninghuan, do you think it is useful to lower your head?" Fu Xishen walked to Gu Ninghuan, his handsome eyebrows were clean and indifferent, and his tone was deep.

Seeing the discovery, Gu Ninghuan raised his head and looked at Fu Xishen: "What are you doing here?"

"Hi! Su Muzhe, I haven't seen you for a long time." After Gu Ninghuan asked Fu Xishen, he tilted his head and greeted Su Muzhe.

Su Muzhe looked at Gu Ninghuan with a bit of sorrow: "Gu Ninghuan hasn't seen you for half a year. The charm is still there! The soul that hooked my fiancé once in Kyoto is gone."

"Su Muzhe, you shouldn't even eat girls' vinegar, childish!" Gu Ning Huan Huan glanced at Su Muzhe.

Su Muzhe's tone was profound: "Oh, I'm not alone in being naive."

"Song Ci, come home with me, do not mix into the dog blood drama of the ex-wife and ex-husband." Su Muzhe's eyes fell from Gu Ninghuan to Song Ci.

Song Ci lifted his face from his palm and looked at Su Muzhe: "Don't you all tell you to leave me alone? I haven't seen Ning Huan for a long time. I want to talk more with her."

"No today, Gu Ninghuan is inconvenient to tell you the old one today." Su Muzhe pointed out something.

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