Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 700: Gu Ninghuan, would you be jealous of me?

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Chapter 700 Gu Ninghuan, Will You Be Jealous For Me?

Song Ci was flustered when she saw Fu Xishen, but she really didn't want to be separated from Gu Ninghuan.

However, both Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe came to Ten Days. Under the eyes of these two men, she and Gu Ninghuan would not work no matter what they wanted to play.

"Come back with me." Su Muzhe watched Song Ci repeat again.

Song Ci reluctantly left the bar counter and said to Gu Ninghuan that he would make an appointment next time and was taken out of Su Muzhe for ten days.

After seeing Song Ci left, Gu Ninghuan glanced at Fu Xishen sitting at the bar next to her: "Song Ci is gone, why are you still here."

"Aren't you going to drive meat tonight? I'm gone, how are you going to drive it?" Fu Xi said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

When she said that she was talking about it, she simply repeated what Song Ci said. She didn't mean it from beginning to end.

But now she doesn't have this need to explain anything with Fu Xishen.

"No, after seeing you, I don't have any interest in opening up. I'll go back to the villa first, and you play slowly." Gu Ninghuan finished talking, didn't look at Fu Xishen again, got up from the bar and left.

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the 10th Huanhuan, and the cool night breeze blew over her skirt, smoothing the heat of her cheeks, which were originally hot due to drinking.

She only realized now that she had drunk just now and could not drive back to the villa.

Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and was ready to contact Song Ci and asked her to give her several phone calls with good driving skills.

But before her phone was called, Fu Xishen took the phone away.

"I will send you back." Fu Xishen stood beside her, unable to hear the tone of anger.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen and frowned slightly: "Fu Xishen, haven't you already traded yourself to the Bai family? In this case, you should keep a distance from me."

"I just said that I am a young talent in the Bai family, you think I traded to the Bai family. Gu Ninghuan, do you like Lenovo too much." Fu Xishen looked up at Gu Ninghuan, his eyes were very bright light.

Gu Ninghuan chuckled: "Fu Xishen, if you and Bai Lu don't mean this to each other, then why Bai family should help you deal with Chu family."

"Once it did." Fu Xishen did not deny it.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lower lip violently, staring at Fu Xishen with almost angry expression. She had already been psychologically prepared for the marriage between Fu Xishen and Bai Lu before.

But when Fu Xishen confessed his intentions between him and Bai Lu, Gu Ninghuan's heart hurt a bit uncontrollably.

"Fu Xishen! You scumbag man who plays with women! You die!" Gu Ninghuan kicked heavily on the man's knee.

He did not hide, but stood on the spot and received Gu Ninghuan's foot, looking at her lightly: "Gu Ninghuan, you went to the United States as soon as you divorced. Shouldn't you think of this? A bit?

And I just had this plan, even if these two words would make you so angry, then why did you go? "

"I..." Gu Ninghuan listened to what he said and wanted to refute, she wanted to say that she had no choice at first.

But what is worth explaining now.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head and didn't want to say anything.

"Come back to the villa, there is a lot of people here in Shirihuan. If something ambiguous comes to Ms. Bai's ear, it will be bad." Gu Ninghuan finally calmed down, not like half a year ago. That impulse.

Seeing her compromise, Fu Xishen returned the phone to her and turned to walk to the place where he parked.

He drove, and Gu Ninghuan chose the position in the back seat of the car to avoid suspicion.

But she had just walked to the door of the rear seat, and her finger had not touched the handle of the car, and she heard Fu Xi's cold voice: "Sit down in the co-pilot."

Gu Ninghuan listened to her words and bowed her head toward the co-pilot. She lifted her hand to open the door of the co-pilot and got into the car.

After she fastened her seat belt, Fu Xishen drove a luxury car, and Gu Ninghuan looked out of the window. The night road raised a thin mist. The white street lamp was as beautiful as a pearl suspended in the water mist.

Sometimes I should walk out more at night, otherwise she won't see such a beautiful view tonight.

Back at the Fujia Villa, Fu Xishen had just stopped the car, and Gu Ninghuan could not wait to open the door and rushed out.

She got out of the car too fast, and the heels of her beautiful high heels were too thin, which made her almost fall to the ground.

However, Gu Ninghuan didn't care, but endured his foot pain and accelerated his pace to the villa.

Fu Xishen collected all her movements into her eyes and got off without expression.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the room without even removing makeup, and the whole person was paralyzed on the bed.

They have been divorced for half a year, but as long as she and Fu Xishen are in a small area, she will involuntarily breathe faster and her heartbeat will lose her original rhythm.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she was really annoying, but it could not be changed.

She curled up on the bed and didn't want to think about why she became like this.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to be alone, but a man refused to give her this chance.

The tight door was opened by Fu Xishen, and a steady footstep sounded from far and near.

Gu Ninghuan heard the footsteps and almost sat up from the bed almost immediately, staring at the man in front of him with an alert look: "Fu Xishen, it's late now, do you still have anything?"

"Can't you come to you if you're fine?" Fu Xishen raised his hand and wanted to touch Gu Ninghuan's face.

But Gu Ninghuan turned her face one step in advance, she did not go to see Fu Xishen, and said coldly: "Fu Xishen, what the **** do you want to do!"

"Gu Ninghuan, you don't think your reaction to Bailu and I was overkill." Fu Xi looked down at her deeply, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen seriously: "No excitement, but I don't understand. Why do you want to provoke me under the good choice of having white dew? You didn't like this before."

"I have nothing to do with Bai Lu at the moment, no matter how good she is, it has nothing to do with me.

And Bai Lu did not care about your existence so much, why do you care so much. "Fu Xishen raised his hand and pinched Gu Ninghuan's small chin, and smiled faintly.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes changed slightly, and his tone of voice rose: "Fu Xishen, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about! You actually told Bailu that I exist, do you particularly like to see two women for you? The picture of fighting for jealousy."

"Well, I thought about it, but would you be jealous of me?"

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