Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 717: Why is Fu Xishen here

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Chapter 717: Why Fu Xishen is here

Lin Weiyin hugged the child until she saw the police in front of her.

Originally she thought that it wouldn't matter, Gu Yan wouldn't be so cruel to her.

However, Lin Weiyin later learned that when a man really starts to be cruel, everything is for him, and there is no patience or intolerance.

When the police had approached, Lin Weiyin also tried to struggle: "Gu Yan, can you look at the child's sake and leave me a way of life, leaving me at least one million to let me live. "

"Lin Weiyin, you are talking about dreams." Gu Yan smiled slightly, his eyes were cruel.

Lin Weiyin wanted to say something more. The police had taken her away. She couldn't help but look back at Gu Yan. She was still waiting for Gu Yan to stop.

But Gu Yan didn't look at her at a glance, and his indifferent work didn't even care about Lin Weiyin's life and death.

When the office was quiet again, Gu Yan picked up his phone and dialed Gu Ninghuan's phone.

Gu Ninghuan was watering flowers with the servant in the garden. Suddenly he received a call from Gu Yan. The words were all unexpected: "Brother? Are you working? How can you call me when you have time? Let me send you the documents.

If you are playing with such an abacus, I can tell you very responsible, impossible! "

"Ning Huan, I am your brother-in-law, don't say I didn't have the idea of ​​sending you documents, even if I really do, can't you drive my brother to send documents?" Gu Yan's tone even felt aggrieved I didn't expect Gu Ninghuan to be willing to send documents to him now.

Gu Ninghuan took a small sprinkler to water the flowers, and said impatiently to the phone: "Okay, okay, don’t continue to pretend to be poor. If you really leave the file at home, I will let the servant now Send it to you."

"I made this phone call not for documents, but for...apologizing to you." Gu Yan's tone suddenly became serious.

Gu Ninghuan's hand watering flowers stopped a little, and some surprises: "What are you talking about?"

"For Lin Weiyin, my brother is sorry that I didn't listen to you in the first place, so that she would stay at Gu's house for so long. You can rest assured that I will let her spit out all the things she will take from Gu's house." Gu Yan The tone was indifferent. When he mentioned Lin Weiyin, Gu Ninghuan even heard the disgust from his tone, even if he tried his best to control it.

Gu Ninghuan handed the kettle in his hand to the gardener: "I am very happy that you finally think so, but why did you suddenly decide to do this to Lin Weiyin? You obviously also agreed that grandpa said no more investigation ?"

She is still somewhat strange, why is Gu Yan's attitude suddenly causing such a big change?

The changes before and after this were so great that even Gu Ninghuan tried to ignore it, but there was no way to ignore it.

"She came to the office just now to find me, she still feels that she is not wrong, so I think I can tolerate enough." Gu Yan still did not tell Gu Ninghuan about the miscarriage.

Now that time has passed so long, Gu Ninghuan is now divorced from Fu Xishen.

Why did he provoke the sadness of his sister again?

Gu Ninghuan nodded slightly: "Since this is the case, just do what you want. I also think that the fact that Lin Weiyin took away a lot of money and comfortably spent the rest of his life is Some are cheaper for her."

"Well, you can rest assured that my brother will not let her spend the rest of her life." Gu Yan solemnly promised Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan was a little strange about Gu Yan's changes, but he didn't take it seriously, only as if Gu Yan was mad at Lin Weiyin and lost his mind.

After all, she had no doubt that Lin Weiyin had such a skill.

She hung up the phone and put her mobile phone in her bag. Now that Lin Weiyin's case was resolved, should she prepare to return to Chu's house?

After all, even if she told Chu Tan, let Chu Tan help her block the news that she was not working beside Fu Xishen.

But she also understands that this kind of thing can't be concealed for a long time. When she didn't show up in Fu's villa for a long time, Mr. Chu knew what was going on.

Gu Ninghuan knows clearly that she should return to Chu's house, but she doesn't know why she wants to continue to delay.

It may be because there are her friends and her family in Kyoto, and she can feel the emotion of being loved all the time.

After returning to Chu's house, except Chu Tan, she didn't even have a trusted person.

Gu Ninghuan looked down at the splendid white roses blooming around him, so it would be better to wait for a while.

It didn't take long for Lin Weiyin's incident to happen, and Grandpa at this time also needed someone to accompany him.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and returned to the villa. Today the weather is so good, it is better to make some snacks and send them to his brother to eat, as if to encourage him to work.

She went to the kitchen and began to prepare cookies and cakes, and when she was ready, she sent it to Gu Yan, who was working in the company.

Grandpa Gu became addicted to fishing at noon and did not return to dinner. Gu Ninghuan worried about his grandpa's emotions and made a video call to him.

When she saw Grandpa Gu's happy face in the video on her mobile phone, her hanging heart finally dropped.

Grandpa knew that Gu Ninghuan was preparing to bake cookies, and was very happy to let Gu Ninghuan leave a copy for him to eat back.

Gu Ning smiled and nodded, and then began to concentrate on the snack.

She had plenty of time, and it was indeed too long to make cakes and biscuits. She became very interested and made a table full of cookies and cakes.

When the servants saw Gu Ninghuan liked it, they didn't stop it. Instead, they packed her snacks next to her and it was convenient for Gu Ninghuan to send snacks to Gu Yan.

After finishing all of them, Gu Ninghuan carried two big bags of snacks to his friends.

Originally, she only intended to send Gu Yan a snack, but later she did more, it would be better to send a copy to friends who are working.

After Gu Yan and Song Ci had both delivered, Gu Ninghuan drove to Chutan's house. When she entered the password of the high-level apartment rented by Chutan, the door in front of her suddenly opened.

Gu Ninghuan was holding a snack and was caught off guard by the man in front of him.

Fu Xishen...

Why is he here.

Gu Ninghuan panicked for a moment, but when she saw Fu Xishen and his assistant, they should be going out.

She walked aside to make room for them to leave, but unexpectedly heard Fu Xi deeply said: "Ji Bai, you go back to the company first, Chu Tan and I have something to discuss."

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