Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 718: Fu Xishen really does not get along with women

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Chapter 718: Fu Xishen really won't get along with women

Ji Bai was stunned for a moment. The president had to discuss with Mr. Chu Tan. Haven't they discussed all the official matters before?

Ji Bai has a lot of questions in his heart, but now Gu Ninghuan is here, even if he has more questions, he dare not ask.

Otherwise, if the president is angry, he will not be able to expel him in minutes, and send him home to eat himself.

After Ji Bai left, it was Gu Ninghuan's turn to be stunned. Why did Fu Xishen not leave with Ji Bai.

Standing in front of the gate of Chutan, she hesitated whether to send the snacks in the end.

Fu Xishen, as if he didn't see Gu Ninghuan, closed the gate of Chu Tan vigorously after Ji Bai left.

The loud closing sound surprised Gu Ninghuan who was standing outside the door. He apparently did not expect this to happen.

Fu Xishen closed the door and turned to the living room. Chu Tan looked at the computer screen on his lap and looked at him unexpectedly: "Isn't the company still in trouble?"

"Already let Ji Bai go back to deal with it." Fu Xishen answered on the sofa.

Chu Tan looked at him sideways, then bowed his head and thought for a while, then he understood why Fu Xishen stayed.

Chu Tan didn't want to puncture the secret thoughts of a good brother. When Gu Ninghuan walked in with dim sum on it, Chu Tan greeted her as if nothing had happened: "Ning Huan, thank you for your dim sum, I was just hungry. "

Gu Ninghuan put the bag in his hand on the coffee table in front of Chu Tan, and ignored the man sitting next to Chu Tan as much as possible: "You are welcome, I just sent it by the way. Now that it has been delivered, I will go back first. ."

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan turned to leave.

Chu Tan was just ready to say, and suddenly someone kicked him on the calf. He frowned slightly and looked at Gu Ninghuan with a smile: "Someone gave me a good black tea a few days ago. The dim sum is just right, would you like to try it?"

"Aren't you going to talk about business with Mr. Fu? Isn't it a bit inconvenient for me to stay? I'll go back first." Gu Ninghuan said kindly, she could notice from Fu Xi's closing motion just now. Into his bad mood.

Chu Tan raised his hand and glanced at the time: "It doesn't matter, we just take a break for fifteen minutes before talking about business."

He talked about this for a while. If Gu Ninghuan forced to leave, it would seem that she was so impersonal.

Gu Ninghuan nodded and sat on the sofa. She took out three snacks from the large transparent bag and opened it.

When Chu Tan went to make tea, Gu Ninghuan picked up a piece of cookie and ate it. He had to say that making cookies was really simple and fulfilling.

Gu Ninghuan was eating dim sum, she did not speak, and Fu Xishen would not take the initiative to speak.

The two haven't seen each other since they were separated in the hospital. When they met again, there was really nothing to talk about.

Gu Ninghuan is not a person who can stay in an awkward atmosphere, and Chu Tan does not know why the tea making has not come yet.

Finally, when the atmosphere was so embarrassing that Gu Ninghuan was unbearable, she raised her hand and pushed the dim sum in front of Fu Xishen: "Would you like to try it."

"I don't like eating sweets." Fu Xi glanced at her deeply, his face filled with indifference.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head. Fu Xishen did not like to eat sweets, but when she liked sweets before, Fu Xishen always accompanied her to eat.

This made Gu Ninghuan gradually forget. Fu Xishen didn't like sweet at first.

When Chu Tan came over with tea and felt the awkward atmosphere between Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan, he shook his head helplessly.

Fu Xishen really didn't know how to get along with women no matter half a year ago or half a year later.

Chu Tan gave Gu Ninghuan black tea, and he and Fu Xishen had coffee.

He took a cookie and took a bite, a little surprised: "Gu Ninghuan, your cooking skills for making dim sum have improved recently."

"There are no cooking skills for biscuits, just follow the recipe, it's very simple." Gu Ninghuan took out a cream cake from the packaging and said lightly.

Fu Xishen's tone was slightly ridiculed: "Indeed, after all, when you were at Fu's, cooking was really terrible."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Chu Tan also looked at Fu Xishen with some surprise: "Do you let her cook for you at Fu's?"

"Aren't life assistants responsible for cooking?" Fu Xishen said in a low voice.

Chu Tan couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, the life assistant should really be responsible for cooking, but Gu Ninghuan's cooking skills are quite ordinary. Why don't you have to embarrass yourself."

"Free assistant, Idle is also idle." Fu Xi raised his eyes and looked at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She thinks seriously now, if the black tea left in the cup is poured on Fu Xishen's face, the feasibility of this plan.

"Gu Ninghuan, what are you doing watching black tea? Is there something wrong?" Chu Tan's eyes fell on Gu Ninghuan who was looking at the black tea cup.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of black tea: "There is nothing wrong with it, I just want to pour black tea on Fu Xishen's noble face."

"You can try it." The man put his lips together and said these words coldly.

Gu Ninghuan's red lips slightly ticked: "I don't have the guts to try. After all, Mr. Fu, you are not even willing to pay the salary of a life assistant. If I really spilled black tea on your face, I'm afraid you will be in the next second I'm going to revenge me."

"Of course." Fu Xishen cannot deny.

Gu Ninghuan was too angry with Fu Xishen "of course".

She stood up directly from the sofa, raised her hands to hook her long curly hair that fell on her face, and sneered: "I'll finish my meal, I will look back home first. Chutan, after you are busy with Kyoto, you should go back early. Chu family, don’t keep fooling around with some bad friends!"

Gu Ninghuan finished speaking and left angrily.

The direction of the bad friend she said before leaving was obvious.

Chu Tan looked at Fu Xishen: "Xishen, do you want to recall Ning Huan, or do you think she and her new boyfriend are not going fast enough, and want to help push it?"

"Is her boyfriend the person from the Chu family who carried your arrangement?" Fu Xi asked.

Chu Tan shook his head: "It should not be, if it was arranged by Grandpa Chu, then Gu Ninghuan would not accept it. After all, if it was not Grandpa Chu who took you..."

Chu Tan ate the cake and suddenly realized what he said, and stopped in time.

Fu Xishen's eyes fell on him: "What did you take me for?"

Chu Tan put down the cake in his hand and regretted it for the first time in his life.

High sugar fluffy desserts always make people easily lose caution and become stupid.

"Chu Tan, you have something to hide from me." Fu Xishen put down the coffee cup in his hand and spoke lightly.

He put down the cream cake in his hand and wiped his fingers with a wet tissue: "I do have something to tell you, it is because of the nature of some things, it is destined to be unable to say at that time, it is not necessary to mention it now."

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