Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 719: Help me repair the car Fu Xishen

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Chapter 719: Help Me Fix the Car Fu Xishen

"Say what you know."

When Chu Tan saw Fu Xishen wanted to hear, he also felt that it was meaningless to continue to hide the past.

Moreover, even if Fu Xishen knew what was going on, Gu Ninghuan would not want to reconcile with him again.

Fu Xishen's self-esteem will no longer allow him to turn back to Gu Ninghuan.

After thinking clearly, Chu Tan drew a cigarette from the cigarette case containing: "Actually, it's nothing. At first, Master Chu gave you and Gu Ninghuan medicine, and used your life to force Gu Ninghuan. But he probably thought This was not cruel enough, and he sent someone to hurt Song Ci. At that time, Song Ci was so badly injured that Su Muzhe could not control his emotions and vented his anger on Gu Ninghuan."

"Well, I know all this."

"Then did you know that Gu Gu and Gu Yan were also drugged? At the same time, the cheating scandals she made abroad were also arranged by the Chu family." Chu Tan said.

Fu Xishen's fingers froze slightly, and then quickly returned to normal: "When did you know all this?"

"You didn’t know everything until you broke up with Gu Ninghuan, and then you were both divorced, and it didn’t make any sense to say that, there wouldn’t be any possibility between you and Gu Ninghuan, let alone the injured. Heavy, who wants to be together.

Moreover, now that Gu Ninghuan has a new boyfriend, you should get along well with Bai Lu. Bai Lu is worthy of your treatment, and marrying a woman who doesn't love and understands should not be a bad thing. "Chu Tan lit the cigarette between his fingers, and his thin lips exhaled bluish white smoke."

Fu Xi sneered: "You shouldn't really think Gu Ninghuan is in love."

"Regardless of whether Gu Ninghuan's love is true, but since she said so, the expression should be very clear, what do you think?" Chu Tan said unhurriedly.

Fu Xishen didn't speak. He put the coffee cup in his hand on the coffee table, and then left with the dessert sent by Gu Ninghuan.

Upon seeing this, Chu Tan hurriedly said: "This is the snack Gu Ninghuan gave me."

"Isn't anyone telling you that when you have a girlfriend, don't eat the snacks given to you by others." Fu Xishen turned sideways and said lightly.

Chu Tan: "..."

He had never imagined that a man like Fu Xishen, who was indifferent in appearance, could actually be so careful.

Didn’t Gu Ninghuan come by the way and give him a snack? Actually even jealous of such things.

Chu Tan ate half of the cake left on the plate in front of him and continued to work.

Fu Xishen placed the dim sum bag on the co-pilot's position. The reason why Gu Ninghuan was separated from him half a year ago, he vaguely knew a little.

But he didn't know that the scandal that broke out abroad was also fake.

However, this is not important.

Fu Xishen started the car, and hadn't even left the garage, he saw Gu Ninghuan standing in front of a red sports car, somewhat at a loss.

He stopped the car beside her and rolled down the window: "What's wrong?"

When Gu Ninghuan was having a headache, he suddenly heard Fu Xishen's voice, as if he had met a savior, and forgot the little unpleasant conflict between the two just now: "Fu Xishen, my car is broken, you Can you help me repair the car?"

"I can't repair the car." Fu Xi looked at her deeply and said softly.

Gu Ninghuan stunned slightly: "But don't the presidents in the TV series all repair cars? You actually don't."

Speaking of this, she turned around in disappointment, if Fu Xishen wouldn't repair the car, then it would be of little use for him to appear here.

Gu Ninghuan picked up his mobile phone and prepared her brother to send a trailer over.

"This is a high-end apartment. If a strange vehicle enters, the residents need to call to agree." Fu Xishen seemed to be able to guess what Gu Ninghuan was doing, looking at her half-sideways.

Gu Ninghuan: "Then I will call my brother and let him send the trailer. You can call Chu Tan for me and let him inform the security guard in the community. Thank you."

"I won't do such a boring thing." Fu Xi said calmly.

Gu Ninghuan was angry when she heard Fu Xishen say this. She put down her mobile phone and opened the door of his co-pilot. When she saw him put it in the transparent bag of the co-pilot, she froze for a moment, and then picked up the bag where she put the snack. Aside, he stooped into his car and fastened his seat belt: "Okay! Since you don't want to call me, then you are responsible for taking me home."

"Go down." Fu Xishen took back the sight that fell on her and said softly.

Gu Ninghuan clutched the seat belt tightly: "I will not go down unless you call me! Otherwise, you will be my driver and send me home. After all, as you said, a free helper , Idle is also idle."

In fact, she didn't have to let Fu Xishen help to call, she just wanted to be angry with Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the co-pilot, waiting for Fu Xishen to pick up his mobile phone and contact Chu Tan.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xishenfei didn't call her, but instead directly started the car and drove out of the garage.

Gu Ninghuan was surprised, looking at the scenery moving outside the car window, and there were some accidents: "Fu Xishen, you shouldn't drive and throw me into the wild! I can tell you that my phone is fully charged, if you throw me into the wild , I must call the police as soon as possible."

"Gu Ninghuan, don't you always make those stupid snacks when you are free, do you understand more by reading books to make up your brain?" Fu Xi looked at Gu Ninghuan coldly, leaving no emotion in his words.

Gu Ninghuan was unwilling to show his weakness: "If you think my snack is so stupid, why should you take it away? Fu Xishen, after so long, why are you so guilty that you still don’t want to change it? In fact, you really like the snack I made Not?"

"Oh." Fu Xi sneered deeply.

Gu Ninghuan leaned his back on a comfortable leather seat: "You don't have to be embarrassed to admit that my cooking skills for dim sum are really good. Even if you like it, it's not an embarrassing thing."

"Gu Ninghuan, if you say one more thing that I don't like to listen to, I will open the door and throw you down." Fu Xi's eyes looked straight ahead, cold and cold.

She listened, glaring at Fu Xishen with some dissatisfaction. The man was really overbearing, and she didn't even let her speak.

While obviously at Chutan's house at the time, he also said that he didn't eat sweets, but instead brought home the dim sum she made.

"Fu Xishen! Wouldn't you take my dim sum back to eat for other women!" Gu Ninghuan suddenly remembered that Fu Xishen really didn't like dessert.

Then he took her dessert, is it to borrow flowers to present to others!

Fu Xishen's handsome profile didn't show any waves, and looked at her sideways: "Gu Ninghuan, you have such a strong association ability, why not write a novel."

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