Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 720: Why didn't Fu Xishen appear

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Chapter 720: Why Fu Xishen hasn't appeared yet

"Of course it's because it's not easy to be famous because of the low income of writing novels. Besides, with my beauty, even if I leave the Chu family one day, my new job should enter the entertainment circle instead of the literary world." Gu Ning looked at with a smile. Fu Xishen didn't feel shy at all.

Fu Xishen didn't say anything. Whether it was half a year ago or half a year ago, Gu Ninghuan's active temperament hadn't changed much.

It was just a while ago that the two of them were tit-for-tat. When they got along, the smell of gunpowder was the most, and what he really liked in his heart was still Gu Ninghuan, who would play funny words with him.

Fu Xishen did not speak, and Gu Ninghuan continued to quarrel with him. She sat on the co-pilot and played with her phone honestly.

Gu Ninghuan also knew that she could not be too presumptuous in front of Fu Xishen, otherwise Fu Xishen might be really angry and threw her directly out of the car.

The location of Gu's villa is far from the city center, and not many drivers are willing to go.

If Fu Xishen threw her out of the car, she would have to spend a lot of time to get a taxi.

Gu Ninghuan, thinking of this, is playing with his phone more and more cleverly.

When Fu Xishen parked the car outside the Gu's villa, Gu Ninghuan pushed the car door and got off with the bag.

Before she turned to prepare to close the door, she did not forget to thank Fu Xi deeply: "Thank you Mr. Fu for sending me back, and pay attention to safety while driving."

And Fu Xishen should not have ignored her perfunctory polite words.

The man did not respond, and Gu Ninghuan did not feel embarrassed. She closed the car door and left.

Gu Ninghuan pushed open the iron door of Gujia Villa, walked into the courtyard, looked back to the door and could vaguely see Fu Xishen's black luxury car.

He did not leave immediately.

Gu Ninghuan withdrew his eyes and returned to the villa. He lifted his hand and pushed open the window near the iron door of the villa. Half of his body protruded out of the window. He wanted to see if Fu Xishen's car was still there.

However, the trees planted in the yard outside the villa were taken care of by the gardener. The green and lush foliage blocked Gu Ninghuan's line of sight, causing Gu Ninghuan to see nothing at all.

When the servant saw Gu Ninghuan was struggling to look outside, it was strange: "Miss, what are you doing."

Gu Ninghuan heard the servant's voice and hurriedly withdrew her body. She stepped on the floor with her feet, and there was no embarrassment on her face: "It's nothing. I just want to see how the trees outside are being taken care of."

Hmm... I have to say that the new gardener takes good care of the tree, which is really good. "

"Miss, why are you suddenly concerned about the tree." The maid looked at Gu Ninghuan even more strangely.

You know, Gu Ninghuan has never been interested in gardening matters, but now I care about it.

Gu Ninghuan looked free: "It's nothing, but suddenly I want to care about the green plants in my home."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan took the bag and went upstairs.

She pushed open the bedroom door and threw the bag on the bed. Before she could remove her makeup, the phone in the bag rang.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the bed, took the mobile phone out of the bag, and glanced at the screen of the mobile phone. The lighthearted mood suddenly cast a haze.

She answered the phone: "What's the matter."

"Miss Gu, the master asked me to ask you when you will return to Chu's house." Uncle Zhang asked with respectful tone.

Gu Ninghuan sat on the bed and chuckled: "The news of Grandpa Chu is too accurate. I didn't leave Fu Xishen's side for a few days. I knew it."

"Miss Gu, you don't have to be so disgusted with the old man, he also cares about you." Uncle Zhang said.

Gu Ninghuan smiled deeper on his lips, but spoke coolly: "I can't afford to care for Grandpa Chu. I will return to Chu's house the day after tomorrow. After all, Grandpa is old and I want to accompany him more."

"Okay, I will let the maid prepare in advance what the young lady likes to eat and wait for Miss Gu to return." Zhang Shudao said.

Gu Ninghuan said: "You don't have to be so troublesome, just feel free to be casual, but thank you Uncle Zhang for your trouble."

"Miss Gu, you are too kind, then I won't disturb you."


Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and put the phone aside. She was lying on the bed as a whole, looking at the delicate crystal lights in the room, her thoughts drifted away for a moment, I don’t know why she thought of Fu Xishen’s deep memory. The handsome face among them.

She didn't know if Fu Xishen had invaded her life too strongly some time ago, and Gu Ninghuan had already become accustomed to his existence.

Directly leading to Fu Xishen's quit her life, Gu Ninghuan wasn't so happy even if she started to think of Fu Xishen frequently.

Such a change really makes Gu Ninghuan feel strange to the extreme.

She can only attribute her changes to the city of Kyoto.

After all, almost all of her and Fu Xishen's memories happened in the city of Kyoto.

Now that she is in this city, of course it is inevitable to see Wu Siren.

After she returns to Chu's house, everything should be fine.

Gu Ninghuan can only comfort herself so much now. She also believes that after she leaves, all emotions she should not have will cease to exist.

The day after tomorrow, she was leaving Gu's house. Gu Ninghuan told the grandfather and brother about it.

They were somewhat disappointed on their faces, but they were able to feel Gu Ninghuan's mood and did not show much emotion.

Before leaving Ninghuan, Gu Ninghuan met with Song Ci, who was of course reluctant to leave her. She abandoned Su Muzhe immediately and went to the Gu family to accompany Gu Ninghuan for a night of sleep. Go to the airport.

In the process of waiting for the flight, Song Ci tightly grabbed Gu Ninghuan's hand: "Ning Huan, when I'm free, I will go to the Chu's house to see you. You must remember to contact me after you get off the plane."

"Hmm, I know, when I return to the Chu family, people will send you the pastry made by the Chu family dim sum master, and their dim sum is delicious." Gu Ninghuan was also reluctant to express his words, holding her back. hand.

Standing beside them, Su Ci was ordered by Song Ci to look at Gu Ninghuan's luggage. At this time, he really wanted to throw the suitcase at his feet directly on Gu Ninghuan, and then sent her with the luggage and sent it away.

He almost felt that Gu Ninghuan was really too eye-catching, it was the third party between him and Song Ci.

Su Muzhe stood aside with a poor complexion.

But Song Ci didn't seem to feel the low air pressure from Su Muzhao's body. She even tipped her toes and kissed Gu Ninghuan savagely: "I will miss you! Ning Huan."

Su Muzhe: "..."

His patience was finally exhausted after Song Ci took the initiative to visit Ning Huan.

Su Muzhe raised his wrist and glanced at the time. He thought it was almost time now, why Fu Xishen hadn't appeared yet.

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