In a quiet cabin specially opened in the ark, Shang Xia, who had settled down for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before that, he had been replaying the process of confronting Guan Ziqing, a sixth-rank real person in the Lingmang world.

At that time, without attracting other people's attention, the two secretly confronted each other in three positions within a radius of 100,000 miles, but the real bodies of the two remained in place without the slightest sign of making a move, and even Yang Cha, another fourth-rank real person in the Lingmang world, chatted happily in front of him.

It was precisely because of this confrontation that Shang Xia used his own strength to frighten Guan Ziqing, a sixth-rank real person, so that the other party could only choose to compromise when he realized that he could not help him. The direct reason why the Lingmang Realm retreated completely, and was even able to reach an alliance intention with the Lingmang Realm.

In all fairness, Guan Ziqing deserves to be called a sixth-rank real person, and Shang Xia was actually slightly at a disadvantage in the process of confronting him.

Of course, Shang Xia didn't show his full strength, and there were still many cards in his hand that he hadn't used.

However, this confrontation between the two is actually mainly based on mutual testing and learning from each other. From the beginning to the end, neither side broke their faces. Didn't Pin Zhenren ever have a hole card?

But on the other hand, with the improvement of Shang Xia's cultivation level, every confrontation with warriors of the same level is equivalent to a mutual exchange and discussion. After this confrontation, whether it is for Shang Xia, For that Guan Ziqing, it must be of great benefit to his own practice.

But in fact, as the cultivation realm improves, this kind of opportunity will become more and more rare.

Getting up from the cabin, feeling the further accumulation of his own background, the refinement of the Liuhe Origin Qi in the dantian was further refined and thick, and when Shang Xia came back to the bridge, his face was somewhat satisfied. .

"Where are you now, is the secret path provided by Lingmang Realm wrong?"

Seeing that the owners on the bridge were performing their duties, Shang Xia asked Song Zhen and Yan Ming.

Song Zhen replied after hearing the words: "At present, everything is still normal. In fact, the Ark has been traveling on the edge of the turbulent flow of the void, and has not been greatly affected."

Yan Ming also replied: "The secret path provided by Lingmang Realm is actually equivalent to paralleling at the edge of the normal path, but the path we walk has always been on the edge of the turbulent flow of the void, otherwise it would be so The narrow void path cannot carry a large ark at all."

"However, we will be able to bypass Yuandu Realm soon. Once we go deep into the void and turbulent flow again, it will be the last stage of our journey to reach the Chaotic Star Sea."

Shang Xia nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "It seems that our luck has finally improved, and it would be best if we don't have to conflict with people from Yuandu Realm!"

Fortunately, Shang Xia's words were not considered flag-raising, and there were no accidents during the next two days of journey, until the ark circled to another direction in Yuandu Realm, and planned to pass through the chaotic void directly from this direction. The flow reaches Chaotic Star Sea.

By this time, Shang Xia and the group had spent more than a month on the journey, and Song Zhen even asked worriedly, "There won't be any problems with the twin thieves, right?"

Shang Xia replied with a smile: "The twin thieves are also resting and recuperating. You should know the rules of Chaos Xinghai better than me.

The news that the fragments of the world were looted may have already spread by now. It is not a secret that the Twin Bandits have suffered heavy losses. Now, there are many people who are looking for the Twin Bandits, and they will not show up easily at this time. "

"Besides, I still have an original incarnation staying in place. Although the distance is far away now, and there is turbulence in the void, I can't communicate with the original incarnation, but once the original incarnation dies, I can feel it here. So, at least so far there shouldn't be any problems."

Although there were minor twists and turns in the process of traveling through the turbulent void, it still went smoothly overall. After traveling for several days, the Ark finally came out of the turbulent void and came to the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

In fact, even if there is a stargazer to plan and guide the route, crossing the turbulent void is still extremely dangerous. Whether personal strength can withstand accidents.

Fortunately, no matter whether it is the spirit-level ark that carries the Tongyou Academy and the group, or Shang Xia and Song Zhen who sit in the ark, they are all strong enough to withstand all unexpected variables encountered during the shuttle.

After the Ark came out of the turbulent flow of the void, the speed of this movement immediately increased significantly. Although it was not as good as the sixth-order real person's full-fledged escape, it was better because the battery life was long enough.

In this way, he traveled for a period of time in the void of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, looking for the connection between the original incarnation and Shang Xia. Shang Xia guided the ark to finally return to the depths of the meteorite belt, and successfully connected with the twin robbers. head.

As expected by Shang Xia, during this period of time, the Twins Thieves have been hiding in this meteorite belt to recuperate, and nothing unexpected happened.

According to the previous agreement between Shang Xia and them, the twin thieves never had any ambiguity when they handed over the fragment of the world to the group of Tongyou Academy, and the two sides have always maintained a relatively friendly atmosphere.

Of course, the precautions that should exist in the dark still exist.

However, the Twin Pirates were still surprised that Shang Xia was able to bring out a spirit-level ark from Guantianyu in such a short period of time, but after seeing Song Zhen, all the Ying brothers were stunned.

Obviously, as a well-known bandit in Chaotic Star Sea, even though Song Zhen was only the fourth in Cloud Piercer at the beginning, his popularity is not low.

After several sixth-level real people from both sides joined forces to transfer the forbidden fragments of the world from the ark of the twin thieves to the spiritual ark of Tongyou College, Shang Xia once again assured the Ying brothers that they had previously promised to help them conquer a sky world , and agreed with the other party on how to contact them, they left here with more than 20 warriors of the fourth and fifth ranks who were abandoned by Wan Yunhui on another dilapidated large starship, and set off on the road again. Watch the return journey of Tianyu.

When heading towards the Yuandu world, Song Zhen approached Shang Xia directly, and asked straight to the point: "My lord, what do you plan to do with the twenty or so warriors in Wan Yunhui and that starship?"

Shang Xia immediately laughed when he heard the words, and said, "Why, do you have an idea?"

Song Zhen smiled "hehe" and said: "The twenty or so warriors of the Wanyun Society are all masters. They originally came from the Dongtian Sect of the Yuan-level upper realm. They have a solid foundation and rich means. Ordinary warriors of the same level are a bit taller, if you don't need manpower, why don't you temporarily leave them to your subordinates?"

Shang Xia originally intended to do this. If these twenty or so warriors followed him, it would be difficult to arrange them.

It's a problem, if it is directly under Song Zhen's command, it can directly enrich the size of his caravan, and at the same time, its strength of a sixth-rank and second-rank real person is enough to overwhelm everyone.

So Shang Xia nodded directly and said: "This is indeed a good idea, how about it, I will not only give you the people, but also leave you with the starship, but those people are from the Wanyun Society, you need to know in advance Change their identities, and the large starship is seriously damaged, how to repair it is entirely up to you."

Song Zhen originally only thought about Shang Xia's men, but he never thought that Shang Xia would even give him the large starship directly, and he became excited all of a sudden.

As far as Song Zhen knows, the entire Lingfeng world has never owned a large starship except for the spirit-level ark.

Song Zhen originally thought that Shang Xia would bring this starship back to Guantianyu and hand it over to the people of Tongyou Academy to imitate it. Originally, he only asked the question with the mentality of trying it out, but he never thought that Shang Xia would directly Handed over the starship to him.

Large-scale starships are not something ordinary caravans can afford in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Even among ordinary star pirate groups, large-scale starships are rare.

In the sea of ​​chaotic stars, large-scale starships are usually a symbol of strength. Only those large-scale star bandits who can really make a name for themselves are qualified and capable of buying large-scale star ships, and behind these famous star bandits are often Has a strong background and channels.

Although the large starship that Shang Xia gave to Song Zhen was seriously damaged, there were many traces of emergency repairs on the hull, which looked extremely ugly, and the defensive formation system around it was also seriously damaged. I don't know if it can be maintained. A bit of defensive strength, but this is a large starship after all!

After seeing the starship, Song Zhen had already carefully checked the inside and outside of the ship. Although the starship appeared to be severely damaged on the surface, in fact the keel of the ship and the overall large The frame structure is still relatively intact, and as long as it can undergo a major overhaul and make a facelift, the starship can be reborn.

And after owning a large starship, Song Zhen's caravan can completely get rid of that kind of petty state, and is qualified to compete in the chaotic sea of ​​stars and get in touch with a higher level.

The main reason why Shang Xia gave this starship directly to Song Zhen was that he obtained a lot of information about the construction of large-scale starships from Yuan Xingjie and Twin Pirates, and that Shang Xia was in the spirit class before. After the Ark was brought back from Yuanxingjie, the college has been organizing people to reverse trace and copy the Ark, and now it has achieved certain results.

Although the spirit-level ark is different from the large-scale starship in essence, if you can actually master the method of building a spirit-level ark, it will be much easier to go back and build a large-scale starship.

Seeing Song Zhen's happy face, Shang Xia couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't get too excited, this starship and this group of people are handed over to you, but there are conditions."

Song Zhen was not surprised by this, but solemnly said: "Please give me your orders."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "You can inquire about Yuanhong Realm and Lingjun Realm in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, especially the news about Kongtianshi and Yuanhong Realm's construction of a spirit-level ark for the Lingjun Realm!"

Song Zhen was startled when he heard the words, and said, "My lord, you are going to..."

There was a cold light in Shang Xia's eyes: "As the saying goes, coming and not going is indecent, if he dares to be the first grader in the Lingjun world, then don't worry about me, Shang, who is going to be the fifteenth grader!"

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