During the journey back to Guantianyu, Song Zhen took more than 20 martial artists who were abandoned by Wan Yunhui, and returned to Xinghai Market in the large starship that was in dilapidated appearance.

Song Zhen needs to moor the starship in the star port of the market for repairs and make certain transformations. At the same time, he needs to arrange the more than 20 warriors and assign an identity to each of them, and then he will be alone. One person returned to the ark and assisted Shang Xia to drive the ark back to Lingfeng Realm.

Song Zhen wasn't worried that after he left, those warriors from the original Wanyun Society would take the opportunity to escape. If Shang Xia didn't even have the means to contain them, he, Song Zhen, wouldn't be so determined to serve him in the future.

After Song Zhen returned to the ark, Shang Xia and the others were not far from the turbulent flow of the plane of Yuandu Realm.

Because they have already had a shuttle experience, the path of crossing the void and turbulent flow here is not unfamiliar to them, and with the guidance of Yan Ming, a fourth-level stargazer, this journey should have been counted as a journey. Smooth sailing.

But this time their luck didn't seem to be very good. Just when the formation of the turbulent flow across the void was halfway through, two star beasts broke through the turbulent flow of the void and attacked the ark!

Seeing this, Shang Xia didn't make a move, not even Song Zhen who was beside him. Instead, several fifth-rank warriors in the ark came to the side of the ship under Shang Xia's order, and began to cooperate with the ark's own defensive formation. Resist the attack of these two star beasts.

Generally speaking, warriors can only move freely in the turbulent void after their cultivation has reached the sixth heaven.

But in fact, when a first- and second-rank real person who has just advanced to the sixth level is walking alone in the turbulent flow of the void, it is very easy to get lost under the scouring of the torrent of space.

At the same time, even if the cultivation level of a warrior has not reached the sixth level, if he has enough protection, or under the premise of guarantee, he can still stay on the edge of the turbulent void for a while.

Just like now, a group of fifth-rank warriors from Tongyou Academy are standing on the deck of the ark. Although the ark is protected by its own screen, the shock caused by the turbulent flow of the void can still affect the hull and the ship through the screen. above deck.

Before, everyone was hiding in the cabin of the ark or on the bridge without realizing it, but now standing on the side of the deck, they can clearly feel the power of the turbulent flow of the void.

And in this case, it is not easy for these fifth-level warriors to protect themselves first, and it is even more difficult to intercept the attack of the two star beasts on the ark.

However, although Shang Xia intends to train everyone, naturally he will not let the two star beasts really hurt people!

But he didn't personally stare at these people on the deck, but handed over the job to Song Zhen, while he himself put most of his attention on the depths of the surrounding void.

The moment these two star beasts appeared, Shang Xia had already sensed that there must be beast fighters hidden in the depths of the turbulent void. Otherwise, no matter how intelligent the two star beasts were, they would not have appeared in the face of Ark's sniper attack. Such a wonderful fit.

Compared with the dangers brought by encountering the beast warriors, Shang Xia paid more attention to the possible changes brought about by the appearance of the beast warriors in the turbulent void of the plane of Yuandu.

However, these two star beasts only have the strength of the sixth level. Although the combat power of the star beasts can be amplified to the maximum in the void turbulence, it can also be judged that the strength of the beast warriors behind the two star beasts should be Not too strong!

And since the Beast Warrior came out

Now that it is near Yuandu, will more beast warriors emerge in the future, and whether there is an organizational connection between these beast warriors, and whether they will have any movements in the future, and the real purpose of these existences? what is it

Shang Xia has not forgotten that in the depths of the sea within Lingfeng Realm, there are still a group of existences who are suspected to have inherited the inheritance of beast warriors, and they are now embarrassing with the forces of various sects.

The two sixth-order star beasts circled around the ark in the turbulent void, constantly circling up, down, left, and right, and from time to time waited for an opportunity to attack the ark.

The academy fighters on the Ark are fairly well-coordinated, relying on the academy's secret joint attack formation, coupled with the cooperation of the Ark's own defensive formation, they can not just defend blindly, but fight well with the two star beasts Back and forth, Song Zhen, who was on the sidelines, kept nodding his head and approvingly. The star bandits in the chaotic star sea rarely have such fourth- and fifth-tier fighters who dare to confront the existence of the sixth heaven.

But from this point of view, the gap between the strength of high-ranking fighters in Tongyou Academy and those elite children of the Upper Realm Sect is already extremely small.

Also because of this,

And at this moment, Song Zhen suddenly sensed slight void fluctuations coming from behind, and when he turned around to look back, Shang Xia's figure had already disappeared on the ark.

Song Zhen immediately looked around, trying to detect something from the turbulent void around him.

However, before he could feel it, the two starships that had been hovering around the ark suddenly turned around and were about to rush towards the depths of the turbulent void in a certain direction.

"Heh, can you get away easily?"

Song Zhen, who had been skimming over the ark, suddenly let out a sneer, and was about to step out of the ark.

However, at this moment, Shang Xia's erratic and slightly distorted voice suddenly came from his ears: "Don't move, be careful to move the tiger away from the mountain!"

Song Zhen was startled, but after all he was a pirate from the Chaos Star Sea, but he remained calm on the surface, and there was still obvious turbulence in the void around him, and then his body flashed and disappeared on the ark.

At this time, the only two sixth-level real people on the ark left, but the more than ten fourth-level and fifth-level warriors who stayed in the ark were not afraid, but they all performed their duties and worked together to control the ark in a stable position. In the turbulence of the void, waiting for the return of the two real people.

However, not long after Song Zhen's qi disappeared from the ark, one of the two star beasts that was supposed to escape into the turbulent void to reinforce suddenly sprang out from the turbulent void in another direction, and then frantically rushed towards the position where the ark was.

Yan Ming was the first to discover this situation among the remaining people in the ark, and immediately warned everyone else.

However, the monitoring of the turbulent flow in the void by the fifth-level warriors was really unsatisfactory. Even Yan Ming, who had the highest cultivation level among all the people, had no time to dodge the star beast charging from the side of the ark when he was warning.

However, at this moment, the academy fighters driving the Ark still showed a calm state. First, the protective array of the Ark was fully activated, and at the same time, the defensive power of the array was tilted to the side that was about to be collided by the star beast. For warriors above the fifth rank, they began to snipe with all their strength against the charging star beasts.

Everyone knows that without the protection of a sixth-level real person, once the ark is destroyed, everyone in the ark will not be spared. Instead of this, it is better to face the impact of the star beast head-on, or to return Can fight for a chance for himself.

As for the fourth-tier warriors in the ark, the reason why they didn't make a move was because the ark still needed them to control the stable hull, and at the same time, the attacks of the fourth-tier warriors would hardly cause any damage to the sixth-tier star beasts.

However, despite the attacks of the warriors in the ark falling on the body and tearing open wounds, the star beast seemed unaware and just slammed into the hull of the ark.

But at the moment when the ark's protective barrier was torn apart by the star beast, a colorful cloud of light suddenly burst out from the ark, covering the entire ark's huge body in an instant and spreading outward , even the star beast that had just torn apart the formation was shrouded in it, and even the turbulent void surging outside the boat did not wash away the clouds!

"This star beast is yours now, as long as you don't get out of the area covered by the clouds and mist, you can do what you want!"

Song Zhen's voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every fifth-rank warrior in the ark.

But at this time, in the eyes of Yan Ming and other fifth-rank warriors, the moment the star beast was shrouded in clouds and mist after tearing apart the curtain, it was like a mouse locked in a maze. Going on a rampage, but actually always going around in circles in a fixed space.

However, Song Zhen's voice transmission told them clearly that they might have a chance to jointly kill a sixth-order star beast next!

At this time, at the edge of the range covered by the Wanyun Feixia Talisman outside the ark, Song Zhen glanced at the clouds, mist and rays of light that were fading away under the turbulence of the void, and then looked solemnly into the depths of the turbulence of the void. , and then in a flash, he pursued in the direction Shang Xia had left before.

However, before he could get too far away from the void turbulence in his depths, Song Zhen suddenly felt a deep and familiar qi descending suddenly, followed by him and saw the unnecessary void turbulence surging ahead. Being frozen generally stops the surge.

Sensing the almost stagnant space around him, Song Zhen didn't try to break open forcefully, but raised his head in astonishment and looked into the depths of the void again.

Then he saw a stick shadow smashing the frozen void to "shatter", and then the shattered void became even more violent in an instant!

Song Zhen looked horrified when he saw this, and without thinking, he turned and fled towards the place where the ark was.

And not long after he left, a violent and unnecessary undercurrent of space rushed over, and half of the star beast's huge body was wrapped in it, and that half of the body was slowly being annihilated under the scour and tear of the turbulent space flow.

Song Zhen had almost just rushed into the range of clouds and mist covered by the Wanyun Feixia Talisman, and the turbulent flow of space that came from his hind legs hit the seemingly soft and shapeless cloud of light and mist that was actually tough.

When he turned around with lingering fear, he happened to see that the last few pieces of the star beast's body were almost clinging to the clouds and mist and slowly annihilated in the turbulent flow of the void. The clouds and mist scoured by the current are slowly decomposing and melting under the scour of the undercurrent.

Song Zhen was startled, and regardless of the lingering fear in his heart, he quickly returned to the ark to stabilize the boat, otherwise under such a washing, even if the Wanyun Feixia Talisman could still protect the ark, the ark would probably be destroyed. How far the turbulent flow of the void rushes.

But before Song Zhen stepped onto the ark, he suddenly saw the dignified Shang Xia who had already stepped on the ark before he knew it.

While sighing in his heart, Song Zhen also knew that he no longer had to worry about the ark's yaw under the scouring and turbulence of the void.

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