Lu Yichen was shocked by his idea, slamming from the bed, frowning tightly wrinkled, carefully thinking about his nearest abnormalities. Seeing him with the valley, I am not happy.

I quarreled with him, I can't see him, I will be uncomfortable.

It is not only a touch of touch, but also a faint joy.

Is it true that I really like him?

What about him? Then he will like me? Lu Yichen tangled in bed, I don't know when I fall asleep.

I woke up the next day, I found that I have been more than ten o'clock, Ye Tang didn't know when it came out.

I am afraid to grasp the hair. I think I want to see the company. I feel that my heart is not very comfortable. Especially I just determined my own mind yesterday. I don't want to see the name of the first love girlfriend of Ye Tang, come with himself how much intimate.

"Forget it, anyway is late, I will not go today." Lu Yichen said to throw himself back into the quilt. What are you thinking about Ye Tang now? I want to call him, I am afraid that he is busy. Tangled for a while, I don't know what to do.

"Right, morning morning! You can talk to Chen Chen, see if she is a good way." Lu Yichen said excited. Pick up the phone on the table called Tang Chenchen.

"Hey, who?" Tang Chenchen sleeping, suddenly woken by the phone, his eyes are not open, impatiently asked.

I heard her voice, Lu Yichen is also a glimpse, I didn't expect that she is still sleeping now, and I am very embarrassed: "Morning morning, I don't know if you are still sleeping, it is really embarrassed."

"Well, oh, okay. I have overtime yesterday. What happened? What? Is there anything I have?" I heard the familiar voice, Tang Chen Chen took the eyes, let himself wake up, asked casually.

"That ... nor a big thing, or you will sleep first." Lu Yichen said sorry.

"Nothing, anyway, I also sleep, there is something wrong." Tang Chen Chen said with a smile.

Seeing her, Lu Yichen also laughed with a smile and said: "This way, we will go to the coffee shop for the last time, it is unclear in the phone."

"Okay, wait for it." Tang Chen Chen smiled.

"Well." Lu Yichen should hang up the phone.

Lu Yichen got up and packed up, I got out of the door and drove directly to the café.

When I arrived, I didn't come yet, I was sitting at the cup, sitting at the last card, while waiting for her, thinking about her.

When I arrived in Tang Chen, I saw that I was sitting in Lu Yichen, like what I was thinking. Going with light hand, I took it on her shoulder, said: "Work, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Yichen was shocked and said with his chest. He said that: "Morning morning, what are you doing? Almost didn't scare me."

"I am not seeing that you are in a stay, just ask what you are thinking?" Tang Chenchen laughed innocent.

Lu Yichen is white, not talking, look down on his cup.

Seeing her, Tang Chenchen is also a bit surprised, and you will ask: "What happened to Lu Da? What is it?"

"I ... I think ... I seem to ... it seems to like Ye Tang." Lu Yichen said.

"What? Do you like Ye Tang?" Tang Chenchen was surprised, the sound suddenly pulled up.

Lu Yichen's face "brush" is red, and then go to her mouth, and said dissatisfaction: "Can you dot?"

Tang Chen Chen took a head and screamed himself.

On Lu Yichen, he took his hand back, nodded, said: "Yes, I think I really like him."

Tang Chen Chen smiled nodded, and I was angry: "This is normal, Ye Tang is so excellent, you like him. Moreover, you are still a husband, all day, this is also a morning and evening."

Lu Yichen was distressed, said: "But ... I ... I will face him in the future? I think it is not comfortable now."

"Is this uncomfortable? You are a husband and wife." Tang Chen said with a smile. After a sudden, I wrinkled, I continued: "However, since you know your feelings, you don't want to be fiercely on him as before. Men like the gentle girl, you will also Good point, don't do anything to do it. "

Lu Yichen is sorry to nod, the opening: "I ... I tried my best."

"Well, but you don't want him to be more wronged, you can't lose, the principle is definitely can't. Do you know?" Tang Chen Chen said seriously.

"I know." Lu Yichen said. See what she still wants to say, hurry: "Okay, don't just say me, how are you with Yang?"

In Tang Chen Chen, I barely smiled and said: "How can we still do it like before? Don't say them, let's go shopping."

I didn't want to say that she didn't want to say, nor did she ask. Laughing nodded, walking with her.

On the afternoon, Ye Tang is still going home in the morning, just like Tang Chenchen, I want to go home for dinner.

Tang Chen Chen did not stop, watching her laughing.

Lu Yichen was embarrassed by her laugh, quickly driving home.

When I arrived at home, I didn't come back, and Lu Yichen took the ingredients to the kitchen, do their best effort and made a table meal.

Ye Tang entered the house, he saw that Lu Yichen was busy in the kitchen. He warm in your heart, let's go down your hands, and go to the kitchen to help her.

"Are you coming back? Go to wash your hands, ready to eat." See he, Lu Yichen lips, gentle.

Ye Tang was shocked by her sudden gentle, reached out and touched her forehead, and said: "Are you sick? Suddenly?"

Lu Yichen was caught by him, and he asked: "Then I will gentle you softly in the future?"

Ye Tang couldn't help but put her into his arms and smiled and said: "Of course, good."

Two people have a sweet eating dinner.

"Ye Tang, you send me to work tomorrow, I don't want to drive." Before going to sleep, Lu Yichen suddenly ran to Ye Tang's study and said seriously.

"How? The car is broken?" Ye Tang asked in confused.

On Lu Yichen biting the lips, said: "Hey, I don't want to drive."

Ye Tang picks up the eyebrows, smiled and asked: "Don't you know our relationship?"

"There is no need to see the relationship, what is too afraid?" Lu Yichen religious.

Ye Tang was surprised to pick eyebrows, opening: "Well, I will go to work tomorrow."

Lu Yichen, I nodded, said: "Then I will go back to sleep, good night." Said that he is jumping back.

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