Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 105 invitation

Ye Tang is a lot of recent changes in the morning, which is not only gentle to himself, but also often follows himself into a variety of occasions, and is not afraid that others know the relationship between the two. Although I don't know what she is suffering, but I am really happy to these. Lu Yichen has since knowing his feelings, it is not worried that others know her relationship with Ye Tang. The feelings of the two are rush to heat up, and they are smiles every day, even if they are in the work, they are hard, nor is it.

Since the last time I followed Lu Yichen, the Valley's land was more unhappy in the morning. In particular, she also took into time with Ye Tang high-profile, Ye Tang actually I am used to her, and she will pick up her every day. The eyes are red, but she can't help it, I can only have a variety of martial horses.

Compared with the morning, Liu Ruifeng has been more miserable. He before, with the valley, it is also because the valley said that it is necessary to promote her, and give her a lot of money. Who knows that this is so fast, I will know Lu Yichen, and I also find out that she has a business document.

Fortunately, she is soft, or if she is now, I can still not. Looking at the president, I will get on the morning, Liu Ruifeng is more embarrassed, and the valley is also more and more alienated with him. When she goes to her, she is ignorant. There is no bottom in my heart, I will no longer disclose the documents in the company, and even I don't even see her, I don't touch her, I am afraid that Lu Yichen suddenly remembered her in the United Valley, she fell into her, when she wanted When the president blows a pillow, I am afraid I have to roll away.

Lu Yichen did not know what Liu Ruifeng was afraid. Seeing that the company's documents did not disclose, thinking that she finally changed his evil, and the mood was more good.

"Dear, two days are my birthday, just like this opportunity to eat a meal, I hope everyone can enjoy a face." Valley suddenly took a letter to the invitation to push the door, smiled and worked. Say.

Everyone gave up to the face, nodded, saying that they will go.

Valley nodded and took an invitation, one by one, and gentle smile: "I hope you can participate."

However, after the Lu Yichen, I jumped directly. The invitation letter on the hand is given the next one.

On the instant, the moment of the morning rose, the eyes, the eyes, not going to see the people around.

Atmosphere instantaneous stagnation.

Valley saw her, satisfied hook lips, handed the invitation letter in the hand, handed it to the hand next to her, smiled and said: "Welcome to participate in my birthday party, the invitation is the people in the company I hope you can enjoy light. "

The man secretly aimed at the end of the head, and some reluctantly smiled and said: "Thank you, Director, I will go."

Valley smiled nodded and said: "That's good." After you continue to send one, I didn't look at Lu Yichen.

The people in the company also know that the valley has been in the morning, but I didn't expect that she would do it, and she did not hide her not to be in the morning.

Valley is sent to the invitation letter, smiled and said: "Well, everyone work hard, don't forget to go, I will go." After I finished my office.

"I know that Gu Director doesn't like that Lu Yichen, but I didn't expect that she didn't give her a little face. Everyone gave it, she didn't give it." Lu Yichen suddenly heard a whispering.

"This is actually guessed, after all, is your own birthday party, do you want to invite someone you don't like to add it?" Another person replied.

The people around them are also joined in three or two, and the seven-mouth eight tongue is discussed.

"Yes, I don't like that land, I don't know what she looks at her?"

"Maybe, is the means of people."

"Why didn't you see it before, she has such a powerful means?"

"What is so strange, I used to have some good people who have encountered their respect."

"To the right, maybe it's also ............"

Lu Yichen faintly obviously said that someone had always say something, although they didn't hear it, I can guess nothing, suddenly turned to see the past.

Some people who said, did not expect that she suddenly came over, unnatural smile, one of them said: "Okay, still go to work, all have to work." Others should also Back to your own seat.

The bite of the bite in Lu Yichen, did not care, continue to look at his computer.

"Beingbell ..." The phone on the table rang.

Lu Yichen took the hand, see is Ye Tang, it is good, and the eyebrows said: "Hey, what happened?"

"In the morning, I have something to do, I am afraid that I can't pick you up at night. Waiting to get off work, let the housekeeper pick you up?" Ye Tang sorry.

"No, you are busy with you first, I will go back to get off work." Lu Yichen bites the lips, so he said casually.

Ye Tang did not hear her grievance in her voice, smiled and said: "Okay, you will go home, I try to go back early."

"Well, I know." Lu Yichen hangs.

Lu Yichen completed the things in his hand, and when he was preparing to go, he saw Xiaoxi also picked up something.

His hesitation, walked to her, said with a smile: "Xiaoxi, let's go together."

Xiao Xi stunned, did not expect that she would talk to himself, smile and say: "No, don't you come to pick up? I have to squeeze the subway, I will not with you."

"I will go back today, we squeeze the subway together." Lu Yichen said with a smile.

Xiao Xi frowned and said: "I still have something, wait until I will go home, you will go first."

Lu Yichen was still silly, she didn't want to with himself, and she barely smiled and said: "Well, then I will go first."

Xiaoxi nodded, continuing to pack things on the table, I don't want to talk to her more.

Lu Yichen took a taxi back home, and I saw something in the mailbox in the door.

I thought it was the newspaper in the morning to take it out, I am free to take it out, but I didn't expect to be an invitation, or the valley sent, her angry invitation.

Lu Yichen thought that the afternoon Valley sent an invitation to everyone, deliberately jumped over himself, and the grievances in his heart couldn't help but felt the invitation letter.

When you enter the door, you will be thrown on the table of the living room, sitting on the couch, waiting for Ye Tang back.

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