Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 115 Coincidence

"I really don't want to go, you will go." Lu Yichen smiled and refused. Xiao Xi saw she really didn't want to go, and I didn't advise her again. I said: "Since you don't want to go, then we don't force you."

Lu Yichen smiled nodded and told them for a while, and everyone returned to the seat.

Ye Tang didn't know how to get to Lu Yichen recently. Before, it is still good, and it is gentle, how can I suddenly want to take care of myself? Every day I saw my own ice, I didn't want to talk to myself. I want to marry her, but the work is too busy recently, I can't take a time.

" -"

"Come in" Ye Tang accumulate thoughts, and said.

Chen Feng pushed in, put on a large stack of files on the Ye Tang's table, said: "You look at these first, there are things to talk to Li Group, how do you think about it? Waiting for the news. "

Ye Tang took one after the document sent from Chen Feng, and quickly looked at it. "" "" Rebursing the price, minimum, one percent, otherwise we earn too little. "

"One percent?" Chen Feng said with surprise, wrinkled with an eyebrows, saying: "This is afraid that it is not good."

"I remember that the president of Li's president has not been very good in these years. His son is also very powerful." Ye Tang Head did not lift.

Chen Feng's eyes lit, nodded, said: "You can rest assured, I know what to do."

"Our subsidiary company GM has the project of Tianmei Entertainment, has been in the place and time of the interview, this time you need you to take the town supervision."

Ye Tang Yi, frowning: "Who is the GM company?"

Chen Feng hesitated and said: "It is a valley."

The Ye Tang's eyes slipped through a dislike, the opening: "Can you change people?"

"This is afraid, she is the most suitable for GM, and it is also what she goes. If she suddenly change people, I am afraid that Tianmei shouldn't be happy, even if Tianmei doesn't say anything, others take over This project also needs time to run, but we have no time now. "Chen Feng analyzed.

Ye Tang sighed, said: "OK, I know you go down first."

Chen Feng hesitated and said: "The company has been working overtime, and the employees are getting lower and lower, you see ... Is it first ... Let them take a few days in a few days?"

Ye Tang's hand was toned and said: "The salary will give 120%."

Chen Feng's black line, silently spit: "It's a capitalist." I didn't say anything on my mouth. I should go out.

Ye Tang looked at a thick file, raised his hand and smashed the temple, and bowed his head and continued to read.


Legend is a very advanced clubhouse, only entertain members, and all kinds of measures are also very complete, and the GM is also the last interview with Tianmei.

Ye Tang went in, he saw the valley sitting on the sofa next to it, obviously waiting for yourself. Wrinkled, pretend, did not see it, just like it is upstairs.

Valley quickly followed, pulled Ye Tang's clothes, poorly said: "Tang, you listen to me, I am drunk, I don't deliberately, I really regret it. And you are willing, I can explain it clearly to the morning, telling her that this is just a misunderstanding. "

Ye Tang pushed her hand and said coldly: "This matter has passed, and I will not mention this in the future."

"Tang, I really know the wrong, I ... I didn't expect that I will make this kind of thing, I ... I ..." The Valley said that tears will fall.

Ye Tang frowned, but it was not easy to be tangled here and opened: "I know, go up."

I am happy on the valley, ask: "Tang, do you forgive me?"

Ye Tang did not speak, turned to go upstairs.

The grain's face is instantly changing, and the end of the eyes have to drop it. Looking up at the back of Ye Tang, he went deeply, pulled out a smile, followed.

Anyway, the photo has been seen by Lu Yichen, and now the most important thing to let Ye Tang forgive her. That night, if Ye Tang really got his own bed, now I need this to ask him forgive? Thinking of this grain hard-working, the rounded nails are tied to the palm, and the smile on the face is still gentle.

When the two were just arrived in the room, the representative of Tianmei Company was here, and when I met the cold, I will enter the topic.


"Suzu Bell ..." When the Yichen is finishing, the mobile phone suddenly sounded.

Pick up and see that it was a line person who was often collaborate before, and hurriedly opened and said: "Hello? What? What is good news to give me?"

"Of course, I have a message that you want to listen?" The voice of men talking to the man.

Lu Yichen smiled and said: "What kind of news? I am not attractive, I don't want it."

"Hey, let's cooperate so many times, can I still don't know your rule? You can rest assured that this news is absolutely worth it." The man smiled and said.

I nodded in Lu Yichen and said: "Well, then you talk about what your message is."

"This ... remuneration, you see ..." said.

Lu Yichen picks the eyebrows and opens: "Or is the old rule, calculated by the important level of the news."

"Well, I will tell you, I just in the legend, I saw the first-line star of the recent fire with a girl with a girl here. How? This news is okay?" The man said.

Lu Yichen asked: "What? Is it true? You didn't look wrong?"

"Of course, I don't even know that he can't recognize it, then I don't have to eat this bowl." The man said the dissatisfaction.

Lu Yichen said with a smile: "I am not too surprised. Ok, money will turn to you, I will go to see it now."

Ye Tang said that he is talking about the representative of Tianmei, because it has already discussed the difference, this time is the signing of the contract, and thoroughly implement this matter.

After receiving the line of the launch, Lu Yichen has rushed over, who knows that I just said that Ye Tang and some people who didn't know, and I was laughing, and I followed her behind her, and my face was ashamed.

I just started a rainy rain in the sky, I looked at them in a fine rain drunk, and the rain dripped to my face. I watched them like this.

See Ye Tang as if you look at it, quickly hide toward the corner of the side, sneaken in the corner, turning around and ran into the rain.

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