Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 116 meets Gu Yunxi

The contract will sign soon, when you leave. After the Valley walked in Ye Tang, carefully kept the distance, looked at him to talk to others, and the eyes were willing. When the line of sight sweeping to the intersection of the legendary opposite, the valley looked at the familiar figure in the rain curtain, and picked his eyebrows. The eyeballs turned, just smiled and went back to Ye Tang, reached out his arm.

Ye Tangzheng said with the person in charge of Tianmei, and did not prevent the arm suddenly grabbed his arm. He turned it. He turned to see it, his brow is instantly crumpled, and she opened her hand.

Valley was smashed, and he looked up and saw that Lu Yichen was looking at it. The quick stood up and went a few steps forward. I didn't dare to reach again, and I laughed and smiled low, like It was just that Ye Tang turned and talking to her, and Yu Guang stared at the road opposite the road.

When Ye Tang opened a small hand, he swept away to the road, there was a familiar figure, waiting for a closer look, no. Wrinkled, thinking that I miss her too much, this is only to think about her. Helpless sigh, continue to follow the people next to him, saying that the guest's set of words.

Valley looked at Lu Yichen turned out the figure, smiles smile.

Lu Yichen turned and ran away, I didn't know what happened behind him, recalling the scene I just saw, crying forward.

"-" Lu Yichen ran, suddenly hit a person, got it, almost fell to the place, but the man hugged her in time.

After the end of Lu Yichen, he grabbed his face with his hand, he was soaring that the crying said: "To ... Sorry, I am not ... not deliberate." I wanted to bypass him, hurry.

Gu Yunxi thought that it was not good today, and there were not many people who came out, and they came out to relax. Who knows that they suddenly hit it up. The first reaction was to be recognized by the fans, frown wrinkled, reached out and support her, by the way, to put your mask again, try to reduce his identity. I am lamented in my heart: "I didn't expect this to be recognized, this also made me live?"

Hold people, just want to hurry, I heard the familiar voice, Gu Yunxi stunned, stop the pace of leaving, and carefully got the people in front of him.

"Morning?" Gu Yunxi said that he didn't expect to meet her here.

On Lu Yichen, I saw a huge man who wrapped up a parcel. Wrinkled and asked, "You ... Who are you? Do you know me?"

Gu Yunxi's face, raising his hand, picking out the mask on his face, said: "It is me, how do you always recognize me?"

Lu Yichen was surprised to widened his eyes and said: "Gu Yunxi? How are you here?"

"I have nothing to do, come out and stroll. How are you here?" Gu Yunxi asked.

"I ... I received the line newspaper, saying that Dong Ling is near here, and I came to find him." Lu Yichen reluctantly said.

Gu Yunxi wrinkled, hesitated, "That ... you ... how is your eyelid?"

"Is there ... Is there?" Lu Yichen said, panicked, his hand didn't help but touched his eyes.

Gu Yunxi's brow wrinkled, the opening: "In the morning, you will not act at all, what's wrong with you? What is the trouble? Is there anyone bully you?"

Lu Yichen hurriedly shake his head and said: "No ... No, I am fine, you are busy first, I am gone." I wanted to bypass him.

Gu Yunxi reached out to grab her arm, worried about: "In the morning, you are not like nothing, what's wrong with you? You have told me before, I will tell me, I will Help you. "

On Lu Yichen biting lips, I don't know how to tell him what I saw, hesitated for a while, or shook his head, said: "I am fine, do n'thing to ask."

Gu Yunxi sighed and said: "In the morning, you ..."

"I am fine, I am really nothing." Lu Yichen interrupt Gu Yunxi, struggling to leave.

"Morning!" Gu Yunxi's lip is helpless: "If you don't want to say, then I will ask, you nod or shake your head, is it good?"

Lu Yichen looked at him carefully, hesitated for a while, nodded, said: "Well."

Gu Yunxi thought for a while and asked: "You ... Are you not happy with Dong Ling?"

Lu Yichen asked: "Tong Ling? What is the relationship with him? I have never seen him."

"You don't mean that you are because Dong Ling?" Gu Yunxi is also a bit.

"No." Lu Yichen shook his head and said: "I am here to hear that he has a mysterious woman near this, but I haven't seen him yet."

"Mysterious woman?" Gu Yunxi picked his eyebrows, recalling it, said: "The mysterious woman you said," I often have a girl to go to the class with the play of Dongli, I often have a girl. "

"Hey ..." Lu Yichen stunned.

Gu Yunxi went back to God, and continued to ask: "Then you are not because of Dong Ling. Is it because of who? Ye Tang?"

Lips, bite the lips in the morning, nodded. The eyelves are red, and the tears come up, and the eyelashes are stained with a small water.

Seeing her nod, Gu Yunxi frowned, asked: "Is it because of his ex-girlfriend?"

Lu Yichen nodded and did not speak.

Gu Yunxi reached out and took the shoulders of the first morning and said: "What do they have? You tell me, I will help you out."

Lu Yichen hesitated for a while, the opening: "When the Gali Birthday, Ye Tang throws me to participate in the birthday party, and ... and haven't come back that night. The next day, the valley called me out. Say to let I am dead, still ... I also gave me two bed photos. "Lu Yichen said with tears and slid down, and the large droplets were on the ground.

Gu Yunxi is distressed to wipe her tears and say: "Don't cry, why don't you tell me?"

"I don't know how to tell you" Lu Yichen shook his head, continue: "When I went back, I met Ye Tang, I knocked on the side of the side, but he didn't say anything."

"May ... what misunderstood may this? After all, it is not a thing you see. You will ask Ye Tang this thing." Gu Yunxi persuaded.

"See you?" Lu Yichen smiled and said: "Oh, I just saw it. After the Valley is shy, he still turned back with her."

Gu Yunxi forehead, the green gurt picked, said: "I didn't expect him to be such a person, let's go, let's ask him. What is this?" Said that she stretched the land for the morning It is necessary to go forward.

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