"Don't!" Lu Yichen pulled Gu Yunxi's hand, crying and said: "Don't, don't go." Gu Yunxi screamefully shouted, press ourselves to hit people, ask: "You do n'thing Tell him? Does this torture yourself? "

"I ... I don't know, but ... but I am afraid ... I am afraid of them ..." Lu Yichen cried, and I can't say it.

Gu Yunxi hated iron and said: "In the morning, you are self-deceived, brave, don't be so weak, you are the legal wife of Gu Yunxi, take out your bottom, go to him. "

Lu Yichen cried and shook his head and pleaded: "Don't, I beg you not to go, I don't want to go."

"You ... hehe." Gu Yunxi helpless sigh, hate hammered the wall next to it.

Lu Yichen was scared by him, biting his lips and looked at him, did not dare to cry.

Gu Yunxi saw her, and said with a smile: "I will not hit you, what are you afraid? Since you don't want to go, then you will not go. However, you remember, don't put these things next time. In your heart. Even if you don't want to tell me, you can say that others can, know? "

Lu Yichen saw him a concern, exhaling a smile, nodding, said: "Okay, I know."

Gu Yunxi is relieved and asked with smile: "Where are you going to go now? Is it going back to the company?"

"No, I have no friends in the company." Lu Yichen shook his head.

Gu Yunxi hesitated, open the mouth: "That ... What are you playing?"

"Morning morning, yes, there is my blueme bamboo horse." Lu Yichen said with a smile.

"Qingmeizhu Ma?" Gu Yunxi picked his eyebrows and asked in confusion.

Nod, I opened the mouth: "Yes, I will go to the bar in the first time, it is to go with him, it is what you open with your friend."

"Yang Hao?" Gu Yunxi asked with a smile.

Lu Yichen was surprised to open his eyes and opened: "How do you know? Do you know?"

"Hey ... I can't meet. When you go last time, I am also. But you have been drunk, so I don't remember that I am normal." Gu Yunxi said with a smile.

"" Lu Yichen was embarrassed, took out the mobile phone, said: "I called the morning morning." After I finished Tang Chenchen.

"Hey, in the morning, what happened?" The phone quickly was turned on, and the voice of Tang Chenchen was coming.

Lu Yichen lips, to stand the tears that I have to flow, open the mouth: "Morning morning, do you have time now?"

"Yes, I have been very idle recently." "Tang Chen Chen said with a smile.

"Then can you come over with me?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"Of course, where are you? What is it?" Tang Chenchen asked.

Lu Yichen raised his hand and wiped tears, said: "I am coming again in the alley, you are coming again."

"Well, you wait for me for a while, I will come right away." Tang Chen Chen said.

I just put the mobile phone back in the morning, my heart moved, I also sent a message to Yang, let him come over.

Tang Chenchen took the place to drive to the place where Lu Yichen said.

Yang has received the news of Lu Yichen, saying that her mood is not good, it quickly came over. The Lu Memory has been happy in the morning, rarely seeing that she said that her mood is not good, my heart is anxious, and it is very fast.


"In the morning, are you nothing?"

"In the morning, are you okay?"

The two sounds from the end of the alley, while sounding.

I saw it around Lu Yichen and said with a smile: "It's sufficient, you are here."

Yang has stopped running, slowly walked to the first morning, but his eyes stared at the women in the opposite side. How long does it haven't seen her? Since the last time she confess, she will never see themselves, all the contacts are all pulled black, as if I don't want to have anyone with myself.

Tang Chenchen also slowed down, low head, gone. Suddenly, when he saw Yang, her heartbeat seems to stop shooting, and she can feel his burning gaze in her own. Just like him, the sun is cheerful and enthusiastic, like a fire, you can ignite the fire.

In an instant, the atmosphere became very embarrassed.

Gu Yunxi glanced at it and saw that they were very unhappy between them. Blinking, smiling and patted Yang's shoulder, said: "Hello, remember me?"

Yang passed this from Tang Chenchen's body, and looked at Gu Yunxi. Carefully recall it, and said: "When the red first male star Gu Yunxi? I ​​don't remember when we have seen it."

Gu Yunxi smiled and picked the eyebrows, prompt: "Drunken dreams."

Yang's confused, asked: "What do you say? What is drunk?"

Gu Yunxi shrugged, continued to prompt: "Small mixed."

Yang's fierce stunned, squinting, gotting up a lot of Gu Yunxi, uncertainly asking: "Is it that day?"

Gu Yunxi stood, let him play, smiled and nodded, said: "Yes, that day is also clever, I just go to find someone. Who knows that I will see ... I will help it."

Yang's gratitude said: "That's so much thank you, otherwise ..."

"No, this thing is my duty." Gu Yunxi said with a smile.

See Yang's misty water, explained: "The bar is I opened with friends, so I also have an obligation to protect the personal safety of the customer."

"What? The boss is actually you?" Yang has been surprised.

Gu Yunxi and nodded.

Next to Lu Yichen, I saw that they said it almost, this only opened: "We don't always stand here, let's drink bar?"

Gu Yunxi frowned and did not agree with: "But two girls ..."

"We are fine, then say, don't you also protect us? Do you say that it is morning morning?" Lu Yichen said turned to the Tang Chen Chen inquiry.

Tang Chen Chen smiled and nodded, and the eyes were in Gu Yunxi. He said: "Hello, my name is Tang Chenchen, I have seen you many times in TV."

Gu Yunxi nodded and opened: "I am Gu Yunxi, I am very glad to meet you."

"Let's drink bar, I want to drink." Lu Yichen opened.

Gu Yunxi frowned, helplessly said: "That line, go to drunken dreams, at least, I can protect you."

"Good!" Lu Yichen nodded and nodded.

Others have no comments, and the four people went to the bar.

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