Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 118 is drunk again

When I arrived at "Drunken Dreams", I greeted them to sit down, and I took some wine from the bar. I thought that they were a girl, and the wine was not good, and I didn't dare to take the good precision. Too high, take it. It is the lowest alcohol. " -" Gu Yunxi put the wine on the hand on the table, laughing and saying: "Come, drink it. I invite, but be careful, don't be drunk."

I nodded in Lu Yichen, I will tell yourself. I took a bottle and opened the bottle cap. I handed it to Tang Chenchen. I have opened a bottle and I touched her with my wine bottle. I laughed and said: "CHEERS!"

Tang Chen Chen looked up at her, smiled and said: "CHEERS!"

The two didn't finish the bottle and started drinking. The Nang Yunxi next to him was shocked, and the face was worried about them, but they didn't dare to grab, they can only advise them to drink slowly. .

Lu Yichen drunk a whole bottle, the whole person is a bit uncomfortable, and the head is going to take another bottle.

Gu Yunxi hurriedly stopped, persuaded: "In the morning, don't drink so anxious, so easy to drunk."

On the morning, I didn't listen at all, and I took the power of him. He looked at his hand and shouted: "Let go, let go, let me go, I want to drink, wine ... Drink, I want to drink."

Gu Yunxi can only try to do his best, with his eyes to scratemary, Yang over a glass of water, say: "In the morning, you don't worry, give you wine immediately."

Lu Yichen blinked, like understanding, quiet sitting, no longer sauce.

Yang has quickly poured a glass of water, sent to Gu Yunxi's hand, eyes stared at the bottle, the two eyes were emptied, I was afraid that she would have to drink.

A bottle of wine in Tang Chenchen only drank most, the mind is still awake, quietly sitting there, thinking that he is with Yang from acquaintance to now a little bit.

Lu Yichen drunk a water, it feels not quite right, raise your hand, you have to push it, say: "This is not wine, I want to drink, you will take the wine."

"This is wine, come, you have a drink and try it, it is really wine." Gu Yunxi patience.

Lu Yichen wasted a bit, and directly pushed the Yunxi. When he pushed him, he took a bottle from the table, and opened the cap and started drinking.

Gu Yunxi did not guard her will suddenly push himself, when she reacted, she had opened a bottle and drunk.

Looking at the headache of Gu Yunxi, I don't know what to do.

Soon, Lu Yichen has finished a bottle, put the bottle on the table, some shakes, and go to the bar.

Gu Yunxi reached out her and asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Lu Yichen smiled and pointed at the bar, said: "I have to sing, I have to dance, you let go."

Gu Yunxi looked at the direction of her, and a group of people were crazy twisted with their body. The music put the music was also written by the morning, wrinkled, said: "In the morning, there was too messy. Sing this, do you sing it? "

Lu Yichen fierce his hand and went straight to the bar.

Both people did not stop, helplessly looked at the cheerful land on the bar.

Gu Yunxi looked at the Tang Chenchen who was in a daze. He said in Yang: "You look at her, I went to see the morning." After finishing, he spoke, and ran around the label to the next morning, protect her .

Yang gave a long time, and found that Gu Yunxi did protect Lu Yichen very well, this is relieved. Take a sofa sitting next to Tang Chenchen, watching her.

Lu Yichen jumped for a while before he was pulled down from the bar, and he kept crying.

Tang Chenchen was pulled out from his own memories, picking up a bottle on the table, opening handed her, said: "Come, in the morning, I will drink with you."

"Okay, drink!" Lu Yichen grabbed the bottle, and said to the mouth.

Tang Chenchen is like an exported, accompanying landing in the morning. Drinking later, even her own, I couldn't clear it, I was drinking so much in order to accompany it. Still, because there is Yang's over?

Gu Yunxi is worried about two people who are worried by Yang Hao next to them, do not know what to do.

"In the morning, you can't drink it again, you are drunk." Gu Yunxi took the empty wine bottle on the table to take another bottle and hold her hand, and worry.

Lu Yichen struggled, said: "I don't, I am not drunk, let go, I want to drink, ... ..., you also bully me, ..."

Gu Yunxi said: "Don't cry in the morning, you really can't drink anymore."

"I don't want you to manage, you rollers, I want to drink ... Drink!" Lu Yichen said to take a bottle on the table.

Gu Yunxi did not pay attention and was opened by her, and they went to the mouth.

Yang passed the Tang Chenchen who wanted to continue to take the wine, persuaded: "Morning morning, you can't drink it again. Drink too much wine, not good for your body."

"What is your body? Do you have me? Go away!" Tang Chenchen said coldly, picking up the bottle on the table begins to drink.

Yang passed and didn't dare to grab her, and I could only look at her and drink.

The two paired the eyes, and they were helpless, and they immediately stared at them who were drinking.


"Hey ..." Tang Chenchen was drinking and suddenly fell on the couch, but also grabbed the wine bottle in his hand.

It's scared that Yang has quickly pushed her. He shouted anxiously: "What happened in the morning, morning? Don't scare me."

Tang Chen morning frowned and raised his hand.

Gu Yunxi heard the voice, hurry over, look at it carefully, laugh and said: "Don't worry, she is drunk, go back to sleep, I have n'thing to do."

Yang passed this loose, frowning, I was still drinking, hesitated for a while, sorry, said: "I ... I have to take care of the morning, can you get rid of you to take care of the morning? I ..."

"Nothing, she will give it to me, I will take care of her, don't worry." Gu Yunxi said considerately.

Yang's grateful said: "It's great to thank you, I ... oh ... I will take the morning morning. You don't want to stay too late." Said that turning around and picked up Tang Chenchen lying on the sofa.

Gu Yunxi nodded and said: "Well, let's leave, let's go first."

Yang has nodded, and worried about it, I was still drinking, there was no choice but to sigh, and I left Tang Chenchen.

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