Gu Yunxi sent Yang to leave Tang Chenchen, turned and looked at Lu Yichen in drinking, helpless sigh, sitting around her, opening: "In the morning, you also drink so much, don't drink, Let's go first? "Lu Yichen opened his hand and said:" Um ... not ... drink ... you have to drink ... Hey ... Drink ... You are ... Hey ... also drink. "I said that the bottle in your hand is handed over to Gu Yunxi to drink.

Gu Yunxi took over and put it on the table and continued: "In the morning, you can't drink it again. You see, they all go, we should go."

"Walk ... Hey ... I also walk ... Uh ... I am ..." Lu Yichen said.

Gu Yunxi looked at her, raising his hand, pressed the temple in the hurt, hesitate to give the Ye Tang to the phone, let him pick up.

Lu Yichen squatted on the table and fell asleep, there is still a mutter in your mouth.

Gu Yunxi is close, and listened to it carefully, he also heard her: "Tang ... Home ..." what. Helpless sigh, took out the mobile phone to find the Ye Tang's number, hesitated for a while, still dialed it.

"Hello, your call is temporarily no one to answer, please call again later. Sorry ..." The cold female voice came from the phone.

Gu Yunxi frowned, see no one to turn, and no more.

"In the morning, let's go out first, is it good?" Gu Yunxi asked.

Lu Yichen is in the past, and I didn't listen to what he said and nodded.

Helpless sigh, Gu Yunxi took out the drunken land.

Be careful to put people in the deputy driving, Gu Yunxi launched the car, looked at the ripe land of sleep, thinking that if this way to send her back, I am afraid that I will misunderstand the mistake, say that they will exacerbate their contradictions.

Gu Yunxi helpless sigh, drove nearby hotels, opened a room.

When she put her in bed, when the quilt was covered, Lu Yichen suddenly woke up, shouted: "Hey ... hot, I ... I am hot." Said that he also reached out to pull his clothes.

Gu Yunxi stunned, hurry up and hold her hand, said: "In the morning, don't move, I will open the air conditioner? I will not be hot." I said, pick up the remote control of the bed. The temperature is down on two degrees.

On Lu Yichen frowned, he took advantage of his hand, struggling for a while, did not earn it, she started crying: "Oh ... put ... let go, hot ... good hot, I am hot."

Seeing her crying, Gu Yunxi did not dare to smash her hand, helplessly recovered. However, just received back, she started pulling her clothes.

"Work in the morning, you ... don't like this, lying down and sleep for a while, you can't help you." Gu Yunxi said anxiously.

On the morning, I didn't care about him at all, continue to fight my clothes.

Gu Yunxi is involved in his hair, and his eyes look at the bathroom next to it.

Three steps walk in, pick up the towel on the upper side, quickly wet with cool water, take it to the bed. Put her hand on a towel and slowly wipe it.

Lu Yichen feels cool, no longer, quiet lying quietly.

Seeing that she is finally quiet, and Gu Yunxi is loose.

I kept with a towel in one night to wipe her arm and calf, and I went to her body temperature to fall, I went a while in the chair.

"Beingbell Bell ..." Gu Yunxi's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Gu Yunxi was awakened from the dream, reached a face, looked at the sky, just started to lit, and took out the mobile phone from the clothes, and saw the phone of the agent, and quickly took it.

"Hey, Yunxi, where are you?" The voice of the broker came from the phone.

Gu Yunxi's consciousness looked at the morning in the morning, be careful, and try to take her away from her, open the mouth: "I ... I am outside, what happened?"

"Company is looking for you, you have come to a trip." The voice of the broker is a little anxious.

Gu Yunxington, asked: "Is it now? Do you know what is it?"

"Yes, the sooner the better. What do you still don't know if something, you have come." The broker urged.

Looking at the bed, I was sleeping in the morning, and Gu Yunxi wrinked and said: "Okay, I know, I will catch it as soon as possible."

Hanging up the phone, thinking for a while, walked to the table, picking up the paper on the upper side, wrote a note on the morning, telling her that there is something to go first.


"Hey ..." Lu Yichen turned over, looked at the window, reached out to touch the phone on the table, but touched it?

Wrinkled, touched, still didn't touch it. This is only one to open it.

When you open your eyes, you will stop, this ... What is this? How can I be here? Lu Yichen was surprised. Run your hand, I'm still hurting, but I can't think of how I came yesterday.

When I turned, I saw a paper strip on the table, and I went to the confused. Gu Yunxi? Yesterday, he sent me here?

Put down the note, wrinkle the eyebrows, recall yesterday.

Yesterday, I received a newspaper, I went to the legend. Where did I see ... I saw Ye Tang and Valley, and I hit a hit when I was running.

Later, I also called in the morning and Yang, and then went in to the bar, because I was not happy at that time, I took a bottle with the morning, and then ... I later appeared to have ... I also ran to the bar. Singing dancing?

Lu Yichen frowned and continued to recall. After getting down from the stage ..., it seems that it is a drink with the morning, then later ... and later?

Pumping your head, thinking carefully, but I can't think of what happened in the evening.

But I really have to thank Gu Yunxi, otherwise I am afraid I still don't know where.

Lu Yichen helplessly sigh, from the body, I saw my mobile phone, I saw the time on the upper side, I have been twelve o'clock?

Wrinkled, find Gu Yunxi's phone, dialed past, so troublesome, you have to say goodbye to him.

"Dud ... beep ... Hello, the user you make temporarily no one answers, please call. Sorry ..." later. "

No one picks up? Lu Yichen hesitated, did not continue to fight again, think about it: At this time, he is not working, or wait for him to thank him.

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