Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 124, Tang Chenchen's inferiority

On Lu Yichen arrived at the place where the morning was agreed, I saw Tang Chen Chen, who was sitting in the corner and fell eyes and emptied. Lu Yichen was eyebrows, got the past, until she sat down, Tang Chenchen or the look, my eyes didn't focus, I didn't know what I was thinking.

"Morning morning, what are you thinking?" Lu Yichen swayed his arm in front of her.

"Ah ... nothing, I ... Nothing. You just come?" Tang Chen morning returned to God, and his eyes fell to the morning, as if I just saw the illusion.

Lu Yichen sighed, "Chen Chen, what kind of feelings do you tell me now?"

Tang Chen Chen suddenly silently, carefully recalls her little bit by Yang.

The idea of ​​my heart slowly said: "When I started, I didn't pay attention to him. I just thought this person was quite fun, and later ... later he ..., I will pay more attention to him. "

"Well, then?" Asked Lu Yichen.

Tang Chenchen bitter smile, opening: "Then? Oh, to the sun, the sun is so cheerful, will I be attracted by him? I ... I am also."

Lu Yichen, asked in confusion: "Then you ... Do you like him?"

Tang Chen Chen lowered his head and looked at your white fingers and his thoughts flew.

In Lu Yichen, I saw her default look, my heart is happy, opening: "Since you also like him, why not promise him?"

Tang Chenchen fierce, looking up, but Zhang Zhang mouth, still did not say, bowing his head continues to look at his fingers.

Lu Yichen frowned, open mouth: "Morning morning, you ... Are you worried?"

Tang Chen Chen was shocked, panicked, said: "No ... No, I am not worried about what."

"Morning morning, if you have any words, you can say it, you can tell me, I will help you, you don't say anything, I don't know what to do," Lu Yichen, I don't know what to do. "Lu Yichen Say that he said heavyly.

Tang Chenchen's head is lower, and it is necessary to bury your head to your chest.

"Hey ..." Lu Yichen helplessly sigh, continue: "Morning morning, we all have met for so many years, can I still don't know you? If you have something concerned like this, what is worried."

Tang Chen Chen bite the lips, looked up at her, smiling and said: "Oh, yes, we all have met for so much. I ... I don't like him, but ... but he is so beautiful. , I ... I can't afford him at all. "

Lu Yichen, looked at the bitter Tang Chenchen, comfort: "Do you have anything? You are so good, it should be that he can't help you."

Tang Chen Chen shake his head and opened: "I don't understand in the morning, I am an orphan, or you know? I don't know who my parents are from my parents, I ... I am now full of hard work. ... but ... but Yang passed him ... He ... he has a lovable parent, and his home has its own business. One more than him, I ... I ... how do I match? Hehe? He should have a better choice, not so much energy and time on me. "

See Tang Chenchen said that Lu Yichen's brow, gradually frowned, patiently listened to her, before he said: "Morning morning, you can't be like this. You have never seen my parents, I have parents, but I have parents, but They died in my childhood, I ... I said that you said, then I am orphan? Again, even if it is orphan, can you pursue your own happiness? Orphan is a low person? Orphan? Orphans ...... "

"No, no! I am not this, I am ... I am ... I am ..., I am sorry, I ..." Tang Chenchen interrupted Lu Yichen, said. Lu Yichen looked at Tang Chenchen, sighed, said: "Morning morning, I know what you want to say. You should not look at yourself, this kind of thing, not we can choose, you can take your own ability Now, you are already very powerful. You shouldn't worry, you will not be able to match others, you should worry that others can, there is enough qualifications to you. "

"I ... I have you said so much?" Tang Chen Chen lip, smile bitter.

Lu Yichen nodded and opened his mouth: "You are much better than I said, you have to believe yourself."

Tang Chen Chen barely smiled and bowed to continue to live.

Lu Yichen worried in the heart, but I didn't know what to say.

The flower light is at the beginning, the two are separated, and each go home.

On Lu Yichen opened the car, driving on the way home, Yu Guang looked at a pair of roadside, and the couple had a couple of relaxed, thinking about the conversation of Tang Chenchen this afternoon, and he raised a burst of helplessness. However, she is more definitely, she likes Yang, no, perhaps, she is a love. If you don't love him, you will not feel that you can't help him, you will not feel like this.

Helpless sigh, I am aiming at the phone on the table, hesitating for a while, or giving Yang to play a call.

It was raised soon.

"Hey, in the morning, how is it?" Yang's anxious voice sounded.

Lu Yichen took a moment, the opening: "Yang, I have a good news and a bad news, what do you want to listen?"

Yang has hesitated for a while, saying: "I ... I will listen to the news first."

Lu Yichen lips, open mouth: "Chen Chen is not doing you, she also likes you."

"Really?" Yang Jing shouted.

Lu Yichen sighed and said: "There is a bad news."

Yang has a little more emotional emotions and asked cheerful: "What is there? You said, there is no bad news to affect my good mood now."

"I ..." Lu Yichen Zhang Zhang did not know what to say.

When Yang passed this, she also found her is wrong, opening: "What happened in the morning? You said, I am fine."

Lu Yushen squatting, opening: "Morning Morning ... She felt that she couldn't help you, she ... she is very ... very inferior."

"What?" Yang Jing said surprised. Thinking for a while, the opening: "Why? Is it wrong with me? Is there anyone say?"

Lu Yichen shakes his head and opens: "No, it's not your problem, you do very well, no one is talking about her. She can't do this, she ... she ... hey, I don't know what to know. How to say her. I advised her this afternoon, I don't know if she can listen to a few words. "

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