Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 125 Ye Tang Help

"In the morning, what should I do now? What should I do? I ..., in the morning, you can think about it." Yang said that. Lu Yichen frowned, open mouth: "Don't panic, this thing we will slowly discuss, you have grown up with my blueme bamboo horse, the other is my best girlfriend, you can rest assured, I will definitely help you. "

Yang passed this slightly, and asked: "That ... in the morning, what do you think I should do now?"

Lu Yichen thought for a while, opening: "Chen Chen now has a heart knot, and we are now just thinking about solving her heart."

"To right, what should I do now?" Yang said quickly.

"Well ..." Lu Yichen thought for a while, opening: "This way, I will persuade her first, you will be able to show it, send some small things, don't have to be too expensive, must be chic."

"This ..., okay, I know. In the morning, my lifelong happiness is pleased." Yang has said solemnly.

Lu Yichen should have a call, think about how to help them.

In a few days, there is something in Lu Yichen to go to Tang Chenchen's family, and talk to her, and guide her. By the way, give Yang through ventilation, teach him how to ask the girl's fun.

"Hey ... What should this be better?" Yang gave a pile of things he gave to Tang Chenchen, there were necklaces, earrings, jewelery and all kinds of creative small gifts, everything is exquisite and precious. Items, but Tang Chenchen is not, and I will return it back to him.

Yang passed, sigh, licking up the phone and opened the calendar, hey, until today, he has not seen Tang Chenchen in some days. Every time he uses her to come out, she refuses to meet himself.

Yang's annoyance grabbed the hair, later, and the movement of the movement sent out the phone number that morning that had already been behind ...

For a while, "When you are talking during the call, when can you not talk!" Yang was annoyed to drop the mobile phone in his hand. In fact, he knew that he was Tang Chenchen to pull him black, and all can contact her. The communication method is black.


When Tang Chenchen called Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen has just reported to Yang through the ventilation.

When I received a call from her, I was a little guilty, "Hey, Chen Chen. What happened?"

"What's wrong? Hey, Lu Yime! Don't think that I don't know if you have a ventilation every day, I will tell you, I will not be allowed to make a trip to him, otherwise, otherwise, I am angry ignore you. ! Search who will play with you with you! "Tang Chenchen half is a warning.

On Lu Yichen, some want to cry without tears. Who is she?

"That's ok ... I don't give him a ventilation in the future. However, you ..."

"Don't say, in the morning, I know that you are so good, but I just want to think about it, do you give me some time?" Tang Chenchen phone is slightly exhausted.

On Lu Yichen biting lips, open mouth: "Well, morning morning, you ... You can tell me anything, you can rest assured, I will not give him a ventilation."

"Well, good. Waiting for me to understand something, I will tell you, you don't have to worry about me." Tang Chenchen opened.

Lu Yichen helplessly sigh, open: "Okay, do you have to take care of yourself?"

"Well, I will." Tang Chen Chen should hook a call.

Lu Yichen looked at the phone hanging on the phone, helpless sigh, but he also known that these things can only let Tang Chen Chen want to clearly, others are not her, giving her, not necessarily what she wants.

However, you can try to help Yang and add some points, and you should be able to deepen their feelings. Thinking of this, blinking the eyes on the Lu Yichen.

Yang has always contacted Tang Chenchen. Now Lu Yichen does not dare to tell him about Tang Chenchen, and I don't know what she is now.

I am sad, but I don't dare to find her, and she is afraid that she will be more angry.

Under the helplessness, I ran to Ye Tangjiari and the company in three days, I went to Lan Yong to complain.

"In the morning, you said that I didn't appear for a long time, will morning morning will I forget me?" Yang Hao's eyebrows looked up and looked up to the anum of arms in front of him.

"You have already asked this today." Lu Yichen did not lift.

Yang is like heard, continue to say: "I want to talk to me in the morning, you will talk to me, how are you talking about?" Looking at her.

Lu Yichen looked at it, with Yu Guang swept him, open the mouth: "You also said that you can't talk about twenty times, I won't tell you, I will give you a ventilated letter, morning morning will definitely I ignore it. "

"You ... how can you do this?" Yang cried and mourned.

The colleagues who are working next to them are turned to look at them, and if they don't have something to turn back, pretend to work, in fact, the ear is high, and listen to their conversations carefully.

Lu Yichen's headache frowned, suddenly felt the colleague in the company, seeing the more strangeness of his eyes. I am helpless, but I don't say anything, I can only do anything.

Yang passed a little bit, there was no feeling, and it was invisible to the seat next to it, and there was no love in love.

"Hey, what do you say? Is there anything in the end? How is this man around you?" There was a sound behind the ear of the lance in Lu Yichen.

"Who knows, the feelings between the other people have, even if they have hooked one now, watching the ring in her hand is being married, really distressed his husband, there is such a wife." Another one People laugh at said.

Lu Yichen held the mouse, instantly tightened, just want to stand up, heard Liu Ruifeng's voice sounded, "Okay, your two work is not finished? Don't hurry back? Carefully overtaken."

The two people should have returned their own seats.

When I looked up, I saw Liu Ruifeng and good fortune himself.

Lu Yichen smiled nodded, thank her for help, Yu Guangnie Yang passed, helpless raising his hand, smashing the painful temple, opening: "Yang, Yang Dai, I ..., hey, you It's not used here, forget it, let's go out. "

Yang suddenly came to the spirit, opening: "The piece called Chen Chen came out, I have never seen her for a long time."

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