Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 157, hard work

Let go of the dress, I found that there is a card in the box, and I wrote a few words in the upper side. "In the morning, in order to thank you, deliberately customize you. Love you Ye Tang."

On Lu Yichen looked at cards and dresses, I was very touched.

Before she also listened to Huang Tang, he has many years of insomnia, since he sleeps with her, his insomnia is a bit improvement. He didn't think that he also sent a gift to himself, which made her heart very happy. Moving.


"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, Meng Meng came to you to play!" Ye Mengmeng jumped to the Ye Tang's home.

I heard the voice of Ye Meng, Lu Yichen quickly greeted, "Meng Meng came!" Said that the Lu Yixing was happy. I asked with a smile: "Meng Meng, do you want to be?"

"Meng Meng wants to be a little." Said that he fellally kissed the cheek in the morning.

"Walk, let's go into the house." Lu Yichen pulled the homage to the house.

Ye Tang came over from the study and said with a smile: "Meng Meng came over?"

Meng Meng nodded, smiled and said: "The little uncle is good, I will find Xiaoyu."

Ye Tang smiled and touched her hair, opening: "Then you play, I have to work." The time is full of water, I will look down on the lady in the morning.

Lu Yichen was embarrassed, and raised his hand and gently hit him.

Ye Tang smiled and touched her hair and turned to study.

"Meng Meng, come, eat an apple." Said to Ye Meng Meng handed a just cut apple.

Ye Meng was smiling, said that he said: "Thank you Xiao Wei, you like Xiaoyu, I like Xiaoyu."

On the morning, she touched her hair and said with a smile: "Xiao Yan also likes to Meng."

Lu Yichen accompanied Ye Meng Meng for a day, and the laughter has never stopped.

Ye Tang is in the study, listening to the laughter of the outside, and the heart is also a warm.


"Small, can I accompany you this evening? Let's sleep together." At night, Ye Meng Meng pulled an early morning clothes.

"Hey? Meng Meng doesn't go home to find a father and mother?" Lu Yichen pinned Mengmeng's face.

"No, I don't! I have to live in Xiaoyu, I have to sleep with Xiaoji." Ye Meng Meng Shuo.

Lu Yichen couldn't stand her spoiled, and suddenly, she reached her, and said softly: "It's good, Meng Meng said what is."

Ye Tang just came out from the study, and saw that Lu Yichen said with Ye Mengmeng gentle, and the heart turned soft.

He seems to have seen the future - back home from get off work, in the morning, in the morning, the kitchen is ready for dinner, learn the husband, a family is happy, happy, happy ...

Seeing this scene, Ye Tang produced the idea of ​​the child.

Thinking of this Ye Tang went to them, looked at Ye Meng and said: "Meng Meng, Mom and Dad should miss you! Uncle will send you home!"

"No, I don't, I have to sleep with Xiao Yan!" Ye Mengmeng refused.

Ye Tang headache frowned, persuaded: "Meng Meng, you see that today Xiaoyu is tired, you will go home first, you can come to Xiaoyu tomorrow, good? Uncle knows Meng Meng, the most embarrassment, is it Meng Meng. "Ye Tang said kindly.

Ye Meng Meng bite his lips and looked at the morning. He was smiling. He reluctant: "Well! Meng Meng will come to Xiaoyu to play again."

Ye Tang smiled nodded and drove Ye Meng Meng back home.

Soon, Ye Tang returned to his own home, and Lu Yichen is sitting on the sofa to watch magazine.

Ye Tang smiled and said: "I came back in the morning."

Lu Yichen Wen Yan and smiled at him, said softly: "Give Meng Meng home?

Ye Tang, sitting on her, said gentle: "In the morning, you see Meng Meng so cute, will we have a child like Meng Meng!"

Lu Yichen's face changed, and the lower head continued to look at his magazine, did not say anything.

Ye Tangyu lip continued: "In the morning, we are getting married for so long, should have a child."

"Ye Tang, we should have dinner!" Lu Yichen's face stood up.


On the dinner table, a silence, the head of the first day, one grain, one grain, one grain, "" Morning, eat more green vegetables! "Said that the Ye Tang won some green vegetables in the morning bowl.

"Oh, ok." Lu Yichen red face did not looked up at him.

Seeing her, Ye Tang is no longer teasing her, quietly eating.

After dinner, Lu Yichen returned to the living room to pick up the magazine, and this is a way to avoid the Leng Tang.

"In the morning, so late, you still have to read it? Don't look, tomorrow again!" Ye Tang said with the book.

Lu Yichen glanced over Ye Tang and did not care.

Ye Tang helpless hand in the hand of the hand, open the mouth: "Don't be angry, give you a look."

Lu Yichen raised his hand and continued to look down.

"In the morning, I don't sleep again tomorrow, let's take a break," Ye Tang smashed.

Lu Yichen hesitated, put the magazine in the hand on the table, get up and Ye Tang, come back to the bedroom.

Push the door, in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang followed.

Lu Yichen suddenly felt that the arm was smashed.

Ye Tang is hard, firmly fixing him on the wall, and the cold feeling makes she can't help but huddle, he closed his eyes low and kept shaking his face deeply kissed her.

On Lu Yichen, he looked at him. He wanted to refuse, but Ye Tang did not let her have any opportunity to escape, and hug her more.

They quickly dreams.

The sky is bright, and Lu Yichen feels that the body is extremely bitic and stiff. This feeling is uncomfortable than she usually work, and the Ye Tang has a few words.

Holding a slowly sitting by hand, slow down, she walked to the mirror, looking at myself in the mirror, her face was ruddy, and the eyes of the eye showed a smile.

The Ye Tang at this moment is still sleeping.

Lu Yichen walked into the bathroom, rushed a hot bath, and then felt comfortable, when I came out, I found that Ye Tang has woke up, wearing clothes.

After eating breakfast together, two people went to the company.

Chen Feng found that Ye Tang's face was a little pale, thinking that he had a breaking night, worried, said: "Although the work is very important, you should pay attention to the body."

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