Ye Tang is clear, clear the throat, open mouth: "Well, I know, I will pay attention to it later, you don't worry, go to work first." Chen Feng nodded, turned back to his office.

Ye Tang sent Chen Feng and continued to handle the work in the company.

During this time, this time was not lightly tossing every day, and it was not very good to bring the face when I was working, I didn't care, but I thought it hadn't recovered it before the injury.

"Vomiting ..." Lu Yichen squatted to the toilet.

She was screaming in the toilet, she was shocked, and I asked worried: "In the morning, what happened? Nothing?"

Lu Yichen's hard swing hands, weak smiles: "I am fine, it may be eating bad things in the past few days."

Xiao Xi supported her hand, opening: "Otherwise, I will go to the hospital with you?"

Lu Yichen shook his head and smiled and said: "No, this is still working, I will go, don't bother you."

Xiao Xi saw her looks still good, nor does it still stick to it, smile and nodded, open the mouth: "Well, I will help you please leave, you will be careful, I will give me something. phone."

Lu Yichen smiled and opened: "Thank you, I will be careful."

"Let's go, I will help you go out." Xiaoxi supported the morning and carefully went out.

Lu Yichen also did not reject her good intention, walking away with her strength.

Xiaoxi helped the things to clean up things, and sent her to the company.

Lu Yichen drove to nearby hospitals, thinking about picking some medicine, hurry back, continue to work, after all, I have just returned so many days, or back a lot of work.

When I arrived at the hospital, I was arranged to have a whole body inspection.

After completing the check, sit on the hospital's chair, waiting for your own inspection.

"Lu Yichen, is there?" A small nurse stands at the door.

"I am here." Lu Yichen should have, stand up from the seat, hurry to the small nurse, smile and say: "I am Lu Yichen, have my checkout?"

The small nurse handed her hand to her hand, smiled and said: "This wife is really a congratulations, you are pregnant."

"What? Pregnancy?" Lu Yichen was surprised to raise his mouth and did not dare to pay attention to her.

The little nurse nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, you are pregnant, but if you want to know more accurate news, you still need to be a B-ultrasound."

Lu Yichen was surprised to watch the checklist on the hand, saying that there was no time: "Great, I ... I have a child?" Said that lifting his hand gently touching yourself without any changes.

Seeing more because I know my pregnancy, surprise woman, small nurse does not have any incompetent, gentle: "Yes, you are really pregnant."

"What is B super? You ... you will take me." Lu Yichen raised his arm and said that he said.

"Here, come with me." The little nurse said with a smile, and carefully supported land.

Lu Yichen feels like a dream, this feeling until he has finished B super, watching the little peanut benevolence in the screen, only feeling a true, joyful tears, and instantly fall.

When I took the mobile phone, I called Ye Tang. I took a pass, I heard the voice of Ye Tang, and the tears in the eyes of Lu Yichen came out, and she said: "Ye ... Ye Tang, I have ... I have something To ... you have to tell you. "

Ye Tang heard the voice of her throat, panic, the next consciousness thought she was bullied, anxiously asked: "In the morning, what happened to you? You don't cry, there is something to tell me, I will go Help you solve. "Stand up from the seat, go to her.

"This is afraid you can't solve it." Lu Yichen wiped tears and said with a smile.

I don't wait for him. Why, I said softly: "Ye Tang, I am pregnant, I have our child."

"What? What? What do you say? I didn't listen to it?" Ye Tang was stiff, couldn't believe it.

Lu Yichen loot, so he said angry: "How? Do you want to have this child? Or do you say that you said to me?"

Ye Tang offers a fierce sitting on the chair, slowly overflowing on his face, holding a mobile phone showing silly smiling.

"Ye Tang? Are you listening? Ye Tang?" Lu Yichen saw no sound in the mobile phone, and asked in confusion.

Ye Tang came back to God, said that he said: "Where are you in the morning? I ... I will go to you."

Lu Yichen said with a smile: "In the hospital, that is the hospital that is closest to our company."

"Okay, you are waiting for me, don't run, don't move, find a place to sit down, I will go to you now." Ye Tang said with the key to pick up the table, quickly ran out.

Lu Yichen smiled and sat on the phone, sitting on the chair at the hospital, waiting for Ye Tang to pick yourself, but also reported to the family.

Innovatively got a circle of blessings, parents even taking care of themselves in the apartment, but thinking about it is too much trouble, there is a morning refused.

Ye Tang arrived very quickly. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw the first morning of the hospital at the hospital. I quickly pulled her from the chair, frowning: "How do you sit at this, don't say that you are in the hospital Waiting for me? Sitting here, what should I do if I blow it? "

Lu Yichen raised his hand and said: "Ye Tang, I am so happy, I am pregnant, I ... I have our child." I happily jumped.

Ye Tang quickly said she was tight, worried: "You are not alone now, can't do this dramatic movement." Said that she took her.

Lu Yichen exclaimed, nest in his arms, laughing and bending.

Ye Tang Yu Touched her forehead, smiled and said: "Hey, I will take you home, you don't want to go home, just take a good rest at home, okay?"

Lu Yichen nodded, smiled: "Ok, but let's go to a company first, I will clean my things."

Seeing her happy, Ye Tang also didn't want to bother her interested, smiling nodded.

In the company

Seeing Lu Yichen back, Xiaoxi hurried forward, and asked when he faced: "In the morning, are you okay?"

Lu Yichen smiled and pulled her hand, I am happy: "Xiaoxi, this time I want to thank you, or you will remind me to go to the hospital, I may not know that I am actually pregnant."

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