Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 162, secret investigation

Many days have passed, and the valley did not find any abnormal nanny and housekeeper. Every day, I dinner, walk, rest, all seems to look very flat, very peaceful. Valley didn't live in the company, let Ye Tang have a little breath, but there is no vigilance to her, which is always a stone in Ye Tang, very heavy, let him worry.

Ye Tang special inspiration boom and housekeeper, let them pay attention to the daily travel and unusual movement of the valley, let them report to Ye Tang in time when needed.

Today, Ye Tang is just nothing, intended to find a babysitter and butler to understand the grain's micro travel.

Ye Tang contacted Wang Bao Himeh and Yang Poist, and said to them, let them report it.

I have been busy with the work of the hand. Ye Tang quickly came to the Peace Hotel, when the Ye Tang got off the bus, I found that Wang Baomao and Yang Pistant have arrived in advance.

Seeing Ye Tang came in from the door, Wang Baomao and Yang gouters quickly got up: "The leaves are always good!"

Ye Tang head is indicative, pending hands, letting them, "When you come out, what do you find too?" Ye Tang took a teacup.

At this time, Yang's house said: "No, I will talk to the valley. I have an urgent matter in my family. I have to go home. I will agree. I will say it. I will come back. "

"Just, the Valley said that she wants to eat mymei, let me go to the street, I am a Yang manage home for a while, and the valley has not found anything." Wang Boim said.

"You are doing well." Ye Tang face revealed a smile and expressed satisfaction.

"Yes, you have been with the valley for so long, report to the grain travel situation! Wang Boim, you will say." Ye Tang looked at Wang Boim.

Wang Bimen quickly sat in danger: "Ok, I will eat normally in the morning, when she is good at noon, she will come out the sun, stay in the bedroom when the weather is not good, she does not let it follow, I will basically eat at noon, sometimes she Said that she wanted to eat, she didn't let it followed, I had to do it, go out and sometimes two hours, sometimes I will come back five o'clock, once I remember to come back in the evening, as for why, I don't ask, evening I don't go out at home, after dinner, I will return to the bedroom in the living room, sometimes tired, eat dinner directly back to bedroom! "

"I saw the basics of Wang Boim, when I went out, I followed her, she went out more in the afternoon, I quietly followed her, I found that she always asked the boss like you. I am far away from her, I don't dare to get close, I don't know, I have a little time in the morning, I see some people who have seen it about two or three different faces, and I have, I I know these. "Yang's house has a strike.

"You are doing, go back to continue to monitor the valley." Ye Tang was preparing to leave.

Ye Tang left the Peace Hotel and quickly arrived at the company.

On the way back to the company, Ye Tangshun said to a bank. "Hello, help me check the grain deposit and payment!"

"Excuse me," asked the accounting staff asked.

Ye Tang explained that "I am the boss of Valley, this is her information, because it is a bit, she can't personally come, let me help her, you can investigate."

Ye Tang said with the information prepared in advance to the staff of the staff.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I will wait." The accountant smiled.

Soon, the accounting staff found the Valley deposit record, "Mr. Ye, the valley is 600,000 yuan last week, last week, six deposits, 800,000 yuan last week, Tuesday deposit is 700,000 yuan, and the deposit of $ 10,000 on Friday. Yesterday, the deposit of 500,000 yuan, this is the most recent deposit record of the valley. At the same time, she also gave many accounts for many accounts when deposit. These accounts are ... "

Ye Tang listened to the report of the finisher, and the face was gloomy. He couldn't find something. He seems to understand what it is, and the bank will go out of the bank. Let the driver accelerate the speed of the car, soon arrived at the company.

Ye Tang also knows that the Valley has had a few monetary exchanges, which is also known from the bank.

"Chen Feng, come to my office." Ye Tang arrived in the office, press the inside, and hang up the phone, Ye Tang is very angry at this moment, and take a work desk.

"Hey ..." At this time, Chen Feng came to the door of Ye Tang office.

"Enter!" Ye Tang knows that Chen Feng is waiting outside.

Ye Tang saw him and said: "Chen Feng, you quickly put down your work, I now arrange you to investigate the situation of the Valley's funds, I want to check the source of the fund and go, you have to check seriously. If you don't have a leak, the company's things don't have to be tested, I arrange other employees to do, you seriously complete the tasks I have given to you, hurry! "

"Okay, I will go to do now." Chen Feng looked at Ye Tang's serious look and did not dare to slack, and immediately turned his head and left the company to investigate the matter.

In the afternoon, Ye Tang received a phone call from the morning, came to Lu Yichen's voice: "Ye Tang, you see that you are busy every day, you have not spent a wife, I really want you. With me, you don't know if I am very bored at home. I know that there are many things waiting for you to deal with it. I don't think it's these few days, go home, take me! "

Ye Tang looked at the calendar and found that he didn't have time to spend a morning. Sometimes there is no return to the night, sometimes go home to go to the middle of the night, immediately: "Well, in the morning, I arrange the company." Things, let's go home after letting go home, waiting for me at home. "When I finished Ye Tang hanging up the phone.

Ye Tang thought that he didn't have a good time for a long time. Moreover, she still pregnant, I feel that I don't have to land, so I quickly arrange the company's things. In the evening, I finally arranged a week.

Subsequently, Ye Tang quickly left the company and returned home.

"In the morning, I came back." Ye Tang accelerated his footsteps to the living room.

Lu Yichen is now eating sweets, "Hey? Do you know back?" Some angry asked in the morning.

"In the morning, I was still angry with me." Ye Tang strokes the hair in the morning.

Lu Yichen looked at Ye Tang, turned over white, "Who dares to leave the leaves," I can't help but laugh. "

Ye Tang knows that there is nothing to be angry in Lu Yichen at this time: "In the morning, I invited a week, we used this week to go abroad!"

The laughter is revealed in the morning face: "Really? Too good."

Ye Tang is nodded, a force hugged her from the sofa, smiled and said: "Okay, I can't eat too much, I hold you go to rest."

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