Lu Yichen smiled with his hand to ring his neck, and found a comfortable position in his arms. Ye Tang was carefully holding the bedroom back to the bedroom, put her in bed, sitting around him, relatives, talking about her.

The beautiful eyebrows in Lu Yichen laughs.

"Beingbell ..." Ye Tang's mobile phone suddenly sounded.

Ye Tang was unfolded, took out, but found that Chen Feng, hesitated, I wanted to hang up.

Lu Yichen pushed him, laughing and said: "You have something to do first, wait for us to play, I will not let you deal with these work."

Ye Tang smiled nodded and opened: "Okay, then I will come back later." That turned it out.

The phone just turned on, Chen Feng's voice came over, "Ye Tang, you let me find something bad."

Ye Tang Yi, then reacted, what he said, the opening: "I am not going out now, come over my family."

"What? What? I am going to your home?" Chen Feng asked.

Ye Tang picked his eyebrows, and there was some doubts in the voice: "How? Have you been there?"

Chen Feng was silent, helplessly said: "Yes, I have been before, but now you can stay in your home, you can still be pregnant, I have to go, what happened to her uncle How to do?"

Ye Tang frowned and said seriously: "Well, you also make sense, then I am going to find you."

"No, you still accompany her at home, I will give you a video call." Chen Feng suggested.

"That's good, I will go to the study." Ye Tang said with a call.

Looking at the eyes of a laughing, the look of the Ye Tang face also became warm, gently closed the door of the bedroom, turned to the study.

Sitting on the chair of the study, Ye Tang looked at the beautiful pattern on the ceiling.

Soon, Chen Feng's phone called, "Ye Tang, let you wait!"

"Well, it's okay, hurry to talk about the valley!" Ye Tang smiled and said.

"Well." Chen Feng nodded and continued: "I found some friends asked them to help, the successful black is the Valley micrograph."

"What is your problem in her computer?" Ye Tang asked.

Chen Feng smiled a little bit to the mouth. "In fact, this question is big, saying that the little is not small, it is very suspicious. I will follow this, continue to investigate"

Ye Tang picks up the eyebrows, the opening: "Is it? What did you find out?"

Chen Feng thought about what he found, the brow couldn't help but wrinkled, and the eyebrow said: "Then ... then I will find that the valley has indeed made some hands and feet."

Ye Tang picked his eyebrows and asked coldly: "What did she do? Is the last company's information leak not what she did?"

See Chen Feng nod, the look on the face of Ye Tang did not change, this matter he had already suspected that it was a slight, now it is confirmed that he guess it.

"But ... she didn't just do this." Chen Feng looked at his face and said carefully.

"What?" Ye Tang Yi, turned to look at Chen Feng, asked: "She still did something else? What is it?"

Chen Feng nodded, helpless sigh, said: "In fact, the other things she did did have brought too much loss to the company, so I didn't care before, or I started from her where I started. Also found that she leaked the company's information, I am afraid I can't find what she did before. "

Looking at his expression, Ye Tang's consciousness thinks that he will not say anything. Lips, asked: "What did she do?"

"I didn't write a manuscript before Lu Yichen. It seems to be about what the fund is just written. When she just wrote it, I was going to send it the next morning, I was stolen. On the evening of our hostile company, I will publish A article ... a news that is almost the same as Lu Yichen. "Chen Feng frowned.

Ye Tang heard this, his heart has a little moderate model, hesitating: "You want to say ... I want to say this, follow ... I am related to the valley?"

Chen Feng nodded and continued: "This thing is not related to her, but it is what she did."

Ye Tang frowned for a while, talented to say: "But ... But I said to me in the morning. Her manuscript did not give it to the valley? Not only didn't give the valley, other people Also gave it. "

Chen Feng sighed and opened: "Yes, Lu Yichen's manuscript no one is given, but they want to take the manuscript directly from her computer."

"It's impossible." Ye Tang didn't want to shake his head, looked at Chen Feng, continue to say: "You don't know, if the Valley is really moving a computer, this morning will definitely tell me, However, she has never told me ... I said that I have been moving over her computer. There is also a manager in the GM, she wants to move the computer in the morning, the company is definitely Someone will tell it in the morning, so she is not too suspicious? "

Chen Feng helplessly shrugged and said: "I didn't say it was a grain, and she was stolen from the Lu Yichen computer from the Lu Yichen computer."

"The light is the big steam?" Ye Tang face looked at him.

Chen Feng nodded and opened: "Yes, Lu Yichen is called Liu Ruifeng. They have two previous relationships. After writing the manuscript, Liu Ruifeng is broken, borrowing Lu Yichen's computer checkpoint Things, that is, Liu Ruifeng wrote the manuscript written in her computer. "

"Liu Ruifeng? I seem to have heard of this person. This is what this matter is the morning that they fall together?" Ye Tang recalled it, and said coldly.

"Yes, this is the case. And I also found that the colleagues in their company have basically known that from there, Lu Yichen will not play with Liu Ruifeng." Chen Feng replied.

"How did you find this?" Ye Tang asked in confusion.

Chen Feng smiled and smiled. "When I traced the valley, I found that their two relationships did not look very uncommon, and they focused on her, and then found our company's last disclosure documents, of which A large part is related to her, and the coat is checked. "

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