Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 182, Lu Yichen

When the line of sight is unintentional to the photo on the wall, Lu Yichen is a glimpse, settled to watch the handsome Ye Tang and his laughter. The attachment of the attachment in the eyes of Lu Yichen, I thought of the happiness of the two people, and the mouth didn't consciously picked up a happy smile.

Gu Yunxi looked at the love of Ye Tang in the eyes of Lu Yichen, suddenly feel very weak. I really want to ask Lu Yichen, or if I have better than her, I can't get the Ye Tang? Even if Ye Tang brought her only hurt, she is still unwilling to leave him, I would rather be hurt by him, and I don't want to give myself a chance?

I know this truth again, and Gu Yunxi laughed, decided to give up, no longer forced her to make a decision. As long as she is happiness? Now I seem to protect her the best way, I am afraid it is silently accompanying.

Closed eyes closed, Gu Yunxi worked hard, ticking a very bright smile, smiling and said: "I will support you in the morning, I ... I will support you. Since you still choose Ye Tang, then I will no longer force you to choose any choice, as long as you can pass happiness, then I am very happy. "

"Yunxi, I ... I am sorry. I am not good, I can't help you, you are worth a better girl." Lu Yichen moved his sight from the photo and said.

Gu Yunxi strives to let himself ignore the heart as if it is to be torn, and smile is more gentle: "Don't say sorry in the morning, you don't have anything to me. I like you is my own thing, you don't need I am sorry for this. The person who said sorry is that I am, I have not controlled my feelings, just bring you so much trouble. "

Lu Yichen was silent, looked up at him, reluctantly smiled and said: "Yunxi, you will be better than me, she will love you very much, you will be very happy."

Gu Yunxi listened to her meaning, eyes were all dark, the gentle smile of his mouth could not support, the hand of the hand is holding hard, exhausted the whole body, so that his voice is smooth Said: "In the morning, don't you let me like you silently, don't give me your chance?"

On Lu Yichen biting the lip, looked at the original proud and dazzling, now looking at his own look, even a humble pleading, the seemingly calm voice is also slightly trembled.

Silent is low, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I can't give Gu Yunxi hope, I have broken his ideas. But watching him now, but I can't say a refusal.

Gu Jingwei looked at her, waiting for her decision, no matter what, he will respect her.

On the morning, there were some cars and took a deep breath. I went out of my heart in my mind. I looked up and reluctantly said: "Yunxi, we are friends, always friends, the best."

After listening to her, Gu Yunxiang tone, the hands and hands on the side were also slowed down, raised their hands and touch her hair, said softly: "Yes, we are the best friends, you have What can come to me, I will always protect you. "

On Lu Yichen, smiled and said: "You can rest assured, if you have something to help, you will definitely open, never polite with you."

Gu Yunxi's face is deeper, smiles and said: "Well, I will wait for you to come to me. But now I will go first, and there is a notice to catch up." Staring at the end of the lady.

In fact, there is no notice at all. He has already made the agent pushed the work of this time. This is just just to find a place to be slightly sorted out your own mood. However, if there is a slight stay or not, then you will leave with her.

Lu Yichen did not suspect, nodded, smiled and said: "Well, you hurry, don't go late. I will send you out?"

Gu Yunxi disappointed eyes, reluctantly smiled and said: "No, you are going to take it, I will go out, I will see you again tomorrow." Said that quickly turned around.

He is afraid that he will not wait for his emotions. Anyway, it has decided to give up, then don't give her a trouble, then two people get it, at least now, it is still silently. Guard, accompany her, two people are still the best friends.

Looking at Gu Yunxi is almost falling and escaping. Lu Yichen helplessly sighed, how would you not know what he wants to do? However, directly refused him to open it again, just do this, try not to give him hope.

Tang Chenchen looked at Gu Yunxi when he left, his expression was not right, frowned, and quickly entered the house.

When I entered the door, I saw that Lu Yichen was sitting on the couch. I went to her around. I smiled and asked: "What? What? What did you just say? I think he almost ran out."

Lu Yichen returned to God, sighed, helplessly said: "Morning morning, I don't know how to do it now, I still can't let go of Ye Tang, but I looked at Gu Yunxi, but also can't refuse He, I ..., ~ "

Tang Chen Chen blinked, thinking for a while, be careful: "In the morning, you ... you just mean, you still choose Ye Tang?"

Lu Yichen loot, looked down at himself, and nodded in silently.

Tang Chenchen fell in her belly, frowned, seriously said: "In the morning, do you think that this child will choose Ye Tang? If so, then I want to advise you to think about it. "

Lu Yichen, smiled and shake his head, opening: "No, I don't do it with this child, I really like Ye Tang, I often think of the time we are happy before we are happy."

Tang Chenchen's brow is more tight, helplessly said: "In the morning, you can't just look at your happiness together, you still have to think about what he is doing now and hurts you."

"Morning morning, I can feel that Ye Tang him loves me. Although I don't know him ... he is with Valley .... However, I still want to believe him, I want to hear his explanation." On the morning, I said the lips.

Seeing her face firm, Tang Chenchen helpless smile, holding her hand, gentle: "In the morning, no matter what you do, I will support you."

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