And Zhong Wei, I saw that Whether Tang Chenchen, or Gu Yunxi, did not let Lu Yichen's mood have improved, could not help but feel very frustrated and weak. Just when he thinks about how to make Lu Yichen happy, when he put down his sorrow, just, his secretary gave him an idea.

"Chairman, you better than the morning of the city, the right tour! Appropriate travel can relieve your pressure and relax." The secretary on the side recommended.

He recently always listened to the chairman and sigh, even he couldn't see it.

Zhong Wei listened to the secretary said that the eyes were bright, and the squat was soaring that this suggestion was seriously thought. "Yes, too, if you travel in the morning ... It's not a good way ... Let her take a look The world outside, maybe there is a bit improved? Have you always stay in this city, think of those unhappy things and Ye Tang that bastard! "

Zhong Wei thinks that Ye Tang is burning in anger, and I can't wait to find him now.

"Hey!" Zhong Wei took a table, "Well, just make this decision, Zhang secretary, you can help me with two tickets, the faster, the better, the company is not too busy, you can help me well. It's just, I am relieved! "

"Okay, no problem!" The secretary was busy.

Zhong Wei returned home, just walked into the living room, he heard a crumple response of "bar -" in the kitchen, Zhong Weike busted.

At a glance, it was that Lu Yichen was squatting on the ground, his eyes were stagnant, no focal length, and the finger was taken at a shark.

Zhong Weili quickly grabbed her wrist, "In the morning, what is this?"

At this time, I was a focal length at this time. I saw the who had already come back. I was worried about him. I couldn't help but sorry, "I am, you are back, I have just want to do something. However, it is not careful but smash the plate, sorry ... "

Said, her voice is getting smaller and smaller, slowly low.

Zhong We looked at her full of soul, and the mood appeared, and more distressed, more and more firmly got to take her the idea of ​​taking her abroad, pity, watching her: "Okay, in the morning, we don't do it. , ,,,,

Lu Yichen, louder his head, "" Go abroad? "

"Well, right, it is to travel abroad, I think, you didn't play with you from Xiaoyao, this time, I put a company's thing and play with you. , Is it good? "Zhong Wei said to her.

Lu Yichen knows that his current situation is very bad, and even the people around her don't have the way to make her happy. If you even put down the company, you will take her out to travel, how can she live up to her? kindness. Moreover, if you go out to travel, relax your mood and a good thing.

I thought about it, Lu Yichen made a smile in Zhong Wei, "Okay, I listen to it."

Zhong Weixin was relieved, and she was afraid that she did not agree. When she said that she said it was, it was more gratified for her own outside.

So, two people finalized the trip to abroad.

And here, Ye Tang is driving to investigate the mourning of the Valley, this time, Ye Tang is under the pressure of heavy, and the whole person has lost a lot, he lets him accelerate the valley Investigation, and he did not bear his expectations, and the truth of things gradually became clear.

This makes Ye Tang also loose a sigh of relief, but when Ye Tang has just loosened, he does not know that Zhong Wei and Lu Yichen are preparing for abroad.

When Ye Tang knows this, it is already two days later.

"Hey ..." At this time, Chen Feng waited outside the Ye Tang office.

Ye Tang is sitting in the office chair to deal with official work, "Please come!"

Chen Feng hurriedly walked to Ye Tang's desk, "Ye Tang, don't you let me pay attention to Lu Yichen? I just learned that Lu Yichen is ready to take the place of the morning, now Lu Yichen is dealing with the company. Give the company's things to your hand to temporarily deal with it, it seems that they will leave immediately. "

"What? ... they want to go abroad?" When he heard Chen Feng's words, Ye Tang did not have a little mental preparation, the whole person was .

I saw Chen Feng nodded, Ye Tang continued to ask, "Why do they walk so urgently?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "I don't know this."

"I know, you go!" Ye Tangton is stupid.

Chen Feng looked at Ye Tang, did not say anything, turned and left Ye Tang's office.

Lu Yichen is going to leave, Ye Tang didn't know what to do? Ye Tang refused himself -

"Do you bear the sadness of this morning?"

"Could not bear."

"Why do you want to have a sadness of Lu Yichen; why do she tears face face; she is still in your child now?"

"I ... I don't know, I don't tell Lu Waitakata, I also know that I am not right, but I don't want her to be sad for this matter, I think I will completely check this matter, I want to tell Lu Waixiang, if Tell the morning, she may misunderstood, then she went to find the valley and asked. What should I do? On the morning to see the people who have a deep heart, what will happen? "

"Maybe you are correct! Why didn't you chase in the morning? She cried, don't you know?"

"I also want to train in the morning, but I suddenly said that my stomachache, although I don't know if I don't know how I don't know how it is true? But I have to continue to check this matter, I know, this is unfair to Lu Yichen. But I have no way. I am the company's top pillar, I am still a man in the morning. For the company, in order to land, I have to do this. "

Ye Tang kneel his head, his headache, he used to find Lu Yichen many times, but never saw her.

Lu Yichen has always been refused to see him, it is clear that he has not forgived him, Ye Tang couldn't help but feel the body and mind, some of them didn't worry, if you can, he really wants to get all this through all, how about it!

If you change others, Ye Tang is estimated to do this, but it is a pleasure of departure, and he can't give up so easily.

Moreover, the truth of now is about to find out, he can't give up at this time!

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