Lu Yichen has finished the work in the hands in the morning, looked up at the busy colleagues, wrinkled, got up and got up to the manager's office. "Manager, why do you arrange so little work?" Lu Yichen is very uncomfortable.

In the face of Lu Yichen's question, the manager feels that it is difficult, don't know how to explain?

Manager wants to say -

He returned to the office, just arrived in the office, the manager pushed the door, Ye Tang, who was sitting on the office chair, "Ye, what do you have?"

Although Ye Tang has come to the company very early, the spirit is not more poor, it seems to be the spirit, "the day after tomorrow, there will be named the name of the staff in Lu Yichen to report, you arrange a relaxed job!"

At first manager, he thought he had made a big mistake, so that the Ye came to his own office to train himself, heard the lot of Ye Gang, and the manager was gently lighter.

"Lu Yichen?" The manager was very surprised. Lu Yichen is the lady of Ye Tang, isn't it to rest at home? Now they have their own daughter, should there be a husband at home? The manager's face is concerned, seeing Ye has no answer, the manager is not good.

Ye Tang got up and prepared, "I think you can do it very well."

The manager did not speak, obviously Ye's general understanding, let him take care of Lu Yichen.

As the subordinates of Ye Tang, the manager must listen to the arrangement of Ye Tang, the same as the boss of Lu Yichen, the manager is responsible for reasonably arrangement of the daytime.

However, Lu Yichen's double identity made him left and right, "In the morning, I have a small amount of work, it is not doubting your ability, I am very clear about your performance, and I don't have because of your intermediate vacation to devalue your meaning, I hope you understanding."

"Since the manager knows, why not give me the same amount of work as a colleague?" Lu Yichen is very impossible.

The manager has already thought that there will be these in Lu, but how to live in the field? Never let Lu Yichen find yourself to take care of her, but also have a good explanation to the leaves ...

Lu Yichen felt manager weird, manager wants to say, the god is abnormal, there is no hammer, "manager, is it listening to me?"

The manager initially responded in time, "in ... listen."

At this moment, I have a more skeptical manager in the morning, and I am very convinced that the manager must have something yourself! But as a manager's subordinates, it is not good to ask, let the manager do not come to Taiwan. "Is there anything that makes you very difficult!"

"No!" The manager quickly replied, but it was obvious that the manager looked a little guilty, although not recognized.

Lu Yichen is very urgent, the manager does not say that you can continue to ask.

After a while, "Manager really doesn't want to tell me if it doesn't matter, I will go to Ye to hit a small report." Lu Yichen also does not have a way, and can only take Ye Tang to threaten the manager.

The manager heard the sum of Ye, more fear, "I promise you."

Lu Yichen did not expect that the manager promised her request so quickly, and didn't think.

First, a person is a person! The manager thought, in order to keep his own rice bowl, don't be guilty, today's things don't want to meet again.

"You go to work first! Arrange it in the afternoon, add your work! You can work as usual tomorrow." The manager said not to panic.

When I heard the manager, I was very happy, turned and left the manager's office.

When I got off work, Ye Tang did not continue to process, but went to the underground parking lot to drive, drive the car to the road, Ye Tang officer waiting for the morning.

"In the morning, I will go first." The colleague next to him said to turn around.

Lu Yichen put down the work in his hand, preparing to leave and did not continue to work, there is a daughter waiting for her, and I think of my daughter at home, and quickly pack the company.

In the corridor -

"Have you heard? Jianshe Road opened a barbecue lamb, the meat is rot," one of the people who love the food said the taste.

Speaking of the lamb evoke another employee's appetite, "Is it? Is the month's salary together!"

"Our college students who have just graduated can come here to practice, it is very difficult, can work together is our blessing, certainly about it!" The staff of the employees on the side said.

Indeed, for college students who have just graduated, it is not easy to stand in a city standing, waiting for this month's salary last month, this month is waiting for the next month; the boy who is not married is small. The abacus, earn money, in case a certain day in the future, I have encountered my favorite girl. No capital is not a joke around. At the same time, I also pay special attention to the female colleagues around you; the girl shopping together on the site, did not go to the end of the month The two pockets are empty, waiting for the monthly salary, although the plan is planned in detail, it is planned to change.


See Ye Tang, Lu Yichen quickly accelerated, "Are you waiting for me?" Lu Yichen's face revealed a smile.

Ye Tang did not speak, opened the car door to get on the morning.

On the way home, I didn't tell Ye Tang today. Ye Tang was not easy to promise himself to work, tell Ye Tang not necessarily what happened?

Maybe Ye Tang is too tired, soon returning to the bedroom after dinner, there is a relaxing and happy, she thinks tomorrow, I can't sleep like it, but I can't sleep, the living room has come to a baby laugh. .

She has not been idle for a moment since Lu Yichen received a re-arrangement of the manager.

Every morning, Lu Yichen is not far away from the interview. Sometimes, the hurry has taken to the car to eat. When they come back, they will come back in the evening. Go back to the company to organize the interview materials ...

Working Day, I sometimes work at home on the weekend, although exhausted, but Lu Yichen felt very happy.

Lu Yichen experienced the previous things, seeing the problem is more transparent, the ability to do things is also improved, which makes colleagues envious and embarrassed.

After a month, the manager arranged a very good job in Lu Yichen every next morning, got the praise of the manager.

Soon after, the manager organized a member of the office. "This meeting specially praised one of us Lu Yichen, worked carefully, worked hard, was reluctant, the most important thing is to have excellent performance, worth learning! I decided to give Lu Yichen promotional salary I hope everyone will work together to make their own dedication for the company! "

Although the face of the first morning colleague is praised by Lu Yichen, in fact, the heart is very embarrassed.

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