Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 25 of the emotions lost

Lu Yichen completed the manuscript, and the hands were deeply sucking deeply, "Dedne!" Lu Yichen encouraged himself. Each time to complete a task, Lu Yichen feels very accomplished, this seems to return to high school, then Lu Yichen is a science high school student, in the shift, but Lu Yichen is not convinced, fierce Mathematics and physics, she believes that as long as the two homework is excellent, it is not better than the first few of the classes. From then on, Lu Yichen is diligent in the day and night. Every time I solved the problem that others will not have a problem, it will feel very Pride, as such a high tribut, she is a black horse in the class, which is highly valued by the teacher.

The society is not more than the school, there is no windy harbor, there is no strong material backing, everyone kills the meal bowl, the so-called competitive choice, the survival of the fittest, is a strong society, and the strong people will be envied by the people.

"Look at her out, I am proud of myself!" A employee pointed to the morning with his fingers, but this employee did not dare to say that the whisper whispered to her employee.

The employees around her have no concern, "What can be proud! Who doesn't know that the man is president, in our small place to install it!"

"Yes! It's also promoted to raise salary, it is worth learning! This leaf is always true, which is the singer?" Another employee is very dissatisfied.

Front employee is expected to be short, "Hey! When I can climb a president! Wear beautiful clothes, wear gold and silver jewelry, but unfortunately there is no life!"

"Mei, don't pull this! You are not good now; Lu Yichen is the big mountain behind the president, in fact, there is nothing this! Mei Mei is working hard, hard work, no longer falls in the morning! Lu Yichen It is virtual, we will do it in the future. We will need to go out in the future. We also need to rely on your big score! "The employee next to him said to take the shoulders of Meimei employees.

Mei Mei was teasing a smile, mixing days in the workplace, and who believe in the opponent? And it is still a colleague who is desperately fighting to win, Meimei is a passer in life!


You have a sentence, seven mouth and eight tongues, Lu Yichen is disgusted by the scene before the scene, and there is no talk to the position of his work without speaking.

"Don't say, hurry! Otherwhere to give your work at noon!" The team leader said that he would continue to work.

I heard the team leader urged to do this.

At this moment, I was very shocked, and I was very lost.

Lu Yichen wanted to understand, he worked on day and night, sometimes even sacrificed his weekend, every day, to interview, organize, and delivered, for it to prove his strength, all of which rely on his own efforts and sweat. Not relying on Ye Tang.

The more you want to get angry, the more you want to get rid of you, why do you think about your efforts this?

One morning, Lu Yichen's doubt and intake, I didn't work hard.

After lunch, everyone left here. Only one of the memories of the morning is sitting here. How can she have her mood to have lunch? A few blank paper in the cabinet, holding a ballpoint pen.


Three of these employees have eaten, and they see it there, "I didn't have lunch in the morning, did you have lunch?"

At the beginning of the morning, a big brain was thinking about things, didn't talk, "I am still not hungry." I didn't look at them, and I wrote my name on the paper.

Seeing Lu Yichen, they didn't say anything, I had to return to my work in the afternoon.

When I returned home at night, I was ready for dinner, and I was going to a plate on a plate.

Seeing Ye Tang and Lu Yichen, Tang's mother is very happy to welcome, "The son and the daughter-in-law come back!"

The mother of Tang said with the arm in the morning. "I have been tired in the company in the morning, wash your hands and dinner! You talk about your child, why do you go to the company at home? There is Tang Chur outside. You look at my daughter-in-law! "Said in the Ye Tang.

On the dinner table, there are many days in the morning, "I have a good time! My parents, I will go to the bedroom to wash!" Said to Ye Tang.

"In the morning, my mother is a good old hen from the country. It is good to you! Sit down and eat more." Tang's mother is a little doubts, why didn't you eat a few mouthfuls today? Is it too hard?

Lu Yichen suddenly felt very sorry, "Mom, I have already eaten, I can't eat it, thank you Mom and I still remember my body!" Said that turned and left back to the bedroom.

Going back to the bedroom, Lu Yichen, Ye Tang will definitely ask yourself, "Tang, I am a bit tired today, I want to rest early, I will sleep first."

Ye Tang is nodded, pick up the pajamas ready to wash.

In the middle of the night, Lu Yichen turned back to the opposite side, can't sleep.

It is hard to rely on the results of your own strength, why do colleagues look at themselves? Lu Yichen suddenly thought of a barbecue shop in the company's hall to talk about the construction of the road. Since they like food, then take the customer for the scorpion, look at the colleagues' views on themselves, one game.

This day, I was saying to my colleagues on Friday. "I would like to eat the barbecue when I came to the morning." I would like to eat the barbecue.

"Well, good!" Although they were a little surprised, they had a good agreement with sound.

Soon until evening, they came to the Ten September Barbecue.

"The boss, come up with your hair!" Said a male colleague.

After a while, the service took the lamb string that was just released, and there was a beer, and there was a dozen a dozen pieces of a hand.

"Partners, today I will ask the passets in Lu, everyone will eat casually, don't be with me!" Said to raise the glass.

There is nothing to drink in Lu Yichen, the brain is awake, "Do you think I can have today's achievements, relying on my own strength?"

At this moment, everyone drinks halo, "In the morning, you see you are lucky, the president's wife! Don't worry about how to work, you can make a salary."

"In the morning, if I said, if I have a man who has identified and status like Ye, I can also have a salary increase every day." Mei said fainted on the table.

At this moment, Lu Yichen understood that it was in their hearts, he was not his own strength, but his position.

Lu Yichen is not willing, it is often busy.

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