Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 213th chapter is angry

Lu Yichen suddenly saw Chen Feng, first, and then reacted, the look gradually cooled. It turned out that Chen Feng did not speak Ye Tang's phone. I also knew that Lu Yichen went to the United States. Because Ye Tang went to the United States, he had to take care of him, Chen Feng did not worry, it was afraid that there was something in Lu Yichen, so I thought about it. Let the assistant immediately book a ticket to the United States.

Just arrived in the United States, I got off the plane. I didn't stop at a moment. I was letting the hotel in the United States listening to the hotel where they live in Lu Yichen.

This is not, he immediately rushed, and did not expect it to have encountered the morning.

I saw the baggage of the big bag puppy in the hands of Lu Yichen, and she covered the gray face. Chen Fengxin's police bore masterpiece, knowing that I have to do things.

"Hey ... I really happen." Chen Feng said with a trick.

Lu Yichen saw Chen Feng who thought of he just started to deceive her with Ye Tang, there is no good face to him.

If it is not forced to ask in her, I am afraid that she is still in the drum.

Cold cold snorted, "Hey, don't let me see you, see you, I am upset!"

Chen Feng has already arrived in front of her. He heard this, and he heard the crit of 10,000 points. Chen Feng was speaking, he was guilty, innocent Chen Feng, innocent lying gun.

"Cough, this ..., that ... I and Ye Tang are not intentionally hidden, just ..." Chen Feng scratched his head, I don't know what to say.

He didn't open it, it was cold, and the face of the opening, the face was colder, and his eyes narrowed. He looked at him. Chen Feng's words were abrupt.

Lu Yichen did not send him, and immediately walked forward.

Leave Chen Feng alone in the wind.

"Hey, Lu Ye, where is this?" Chen Feng respredcted, hurry to catch up.

At this time, Lu Yichen has already stopped a car at the door, sitting, said in English: "Master, trouble to the airport."

Chen Feng, who was busy, heard the sentence of Lu Yichen and driver, thinking, this is a lot.

The driver has nodded, and the car " -" will leave quickly.

At this time, Chen Feng's mobile phone rang.

It is an Ye Tang's phone, hurry: "Hey, Ye Tang."

"Are you in America now?"


"What about land?"

"Just, just go."

"Walk? Where?" The tone of the Tang Dynasty on the phone has increased a lot.

Chen Feng left the phone silently left the ear, weakly replied: "Airport ..."

Ye Tang's heart suddenly panicked, this is finished, Lu Yichen is really angry, otherwise it will not suddenly want to go back, she is really angry with himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Tang immediately rushed to the phone. "Chen Feng! I don't care what you use, give me a horse to stop her!"

Chen Feng took the forehead, this huge capitalist!

"However, Ye Tang ..., you also know the temper in the morning, if you really want to go back, how should I stop her ..." Chen Feng is some discouraged.

Ye Tangton, "You just need to delay her for a while, the airport will naturally handle it. After waiting to return to China, give you a raise."

Chen Feng eyes bright, immediately guarantee: "Well, I will go now."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng quickly called a car to the airport.

When Chen Feng arrived at the airport, Lu Yichen had bought a ticket, and queued by the ticket gate.

Lu Yichen low, silent watching the ticket, faint pain in the heart, did not expect this to come to the United States this time, even broke her original and Ye Tang An'an, the valley is slight, all the valley Lu Yichen is now awkward to the valley, thinking of her heart is violent.

Especially before, I saw Ye Tang and her, and the hearts of the morning were like burning a fire.

I was immersed in the lack of arrogance in the grief, and the dead arm was taken, and then a lot of vigorously pulled her back.

The eyebrows are not frustrated, just want to attack, look back, Chen Feng familiar face is introduced in front of you.

Lu Yichen struggled, "Chen Feng, you, what do you want to do!"

Chen Feng put the sound, "In the morning, you come over, I have something to tell you."

"What can I say here? You let me ... let go!" Lu Yichen struggled.

Chen Feng helpless, I had to grab her luggage in one hand, dragging her away, dragging her: "In the morning, I am sorry, I also follow Ye Tang's command, what you have, you have something dissatisfaction Give Ye Tang, you also understand me, I am just a small staff under his hand, you know, look at Ye Tang's temper, there is a bad thing, a unhappy, not allowed me to eat It is not guaranteed! "

Chen Feng lies not to play the draft, helpless, so there is only to kill the hand, the Leaf Tang is doing the pad.

Anyway, I will be soft in the morning, and I will not really take him. Chen Feng turned over white eyes, very irresponsible.

Lu Yichen struggled, her luggage was held by Chen Feng, but he had to drag him to the lounge.

At this time, there is no one, Chen Feng pulled Lu Yichen into the lounge, and put her with her body in the lounge and did not let her leave.

The door of the lounge is not very small, just allowed Chen Feng to stand at the door, but also can't let go of the launch.

The morning is in a hurry, and I can't take Chen Feng for a while.

After the other side of Ye Tang gave Chen Feng, he contacted his people in the US branch, using commercial cooperation and interest temptation and airport, greeted the airport, let the plane door closed, people don't The way is again.

After the Ye Tang and the airport greeted, they rushed to the airport to find land.

Lu Yichen is killing Chen Feng in the lounge, his eyes are sour, it happens when the airport broadcasts sound: "Passengers in the airport broadcast:" The passenger of the A532 is closed in advance, the remaining passengers I can't board it, please prepare in advance. "

It is about five seconds, and the morning will react, lower, watch the ticket in his hand, A532 ... Is this a plane of her class?

Lu Yichen's scorpion was turned down, the face was ugly, and the corner of Chen Feng bent and did not think of this estimate and Ye Tang did not switch.

Cold-cold glanced over Chen Feng, still blocked at the door, is very ugly, sitting in the corner, unfolding alone.

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