Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 214 Ye Tang Interpretation

Chen Feng looked at Lu Yichen's sulking. I feel that I don't have a little unusual. At least I don't want to make such a bliss, Chen Feng thinks like this. When the atmosphere got heavy, Chen Feng was a bit uncomfortable.

So active opening: "Cough ... that, in the morning, I see your face is not very good, can I help you? You believe me, I will definitely help you ..."

Lu Yichen is not moving, she will not believe that Chen Feng's words, can he help her leave here? Can still stop the plane? So, even a look will not give him.

Chen Feng blinked, intentionally tested her, so he didn't blocked at the door. I walked over, she sat down, I was going down, and I asked: "In the morning, why is you going back so soon?"

Lu Yichen faintly glanced at him, and the corner of his mouth evoked: "Don't I look at them here's loving drama?"

Chen Fengyi, he didn't know what happened to the morning and Ye Tang Valley micro-face. It turned out that Ye Tanggu will definitely do what makes the Lu Yichen misunderstood, and did not expect it to be hit by Lu Yichen.

"Then you can't talk about it, at least Ye Tang will give you a explanation, maybe this is a misunderstanding?" Chen Feng tried to recover some of the Ye Tang.

"Explanation? The ear can see it as a virtual eye, I have seen it. What else does he explain? Moreover, before this, I have never been believed in my heart. Before I go to the hospital, I still specially went. The branch is also specially asked, I didn't expect that the people in the inside said that Ye Tang did not come through the company once. Is this not deceived? What do you want me to forgive him? "Lu Yichen said the leaves?" Tang and Valley are slight, and emotions are getting more excited, and the eyes are not hitting red.

God knows that when she saw Ye Tang pushed the valley, I laughed, how painful in my heart, how painful, just like I am a outcome, he and the valley are a pair of life for many years. Wife.

Ye Tang, since you have me in your heart, why do you want to provoke the valley? Since you like the valley, why do you want to marry me?

Chen Feng saw her red eyes, and Chen Feng did not dare to say more. I am afraid to give her a crying, slow tone, slowly said: "Then, what is going on after going back?"

Lu Yichen low, bitter smile: "Oh, what can I still have? Since Ye Tang is here to accompany the valley, what do I do?"

Lu Yichen took a deep breath, the eyes became serious, and the words of the word: "If Ye Tang still loves the valley, then I am willing to let them all."

Donned, then said: "You should know, I will be in the morning, the most dismissed the feelings of the people, people often say, the person who is not being loved is a third party, so I want to be clear, if Ye Tang Love is really a slight, then he said directly, I will not obstruct them, but will let me all them, why not let me be here! "

Chen Feng listened to this, suddenly, if you want to say, you can't say it, don't know how to say it.

For a long time, I still have a sentence: "You can rest assured, I think Ye Tang is still having you, you still have children, Valley ... They are impossible, Ye Tang will not abandon your mother and child Two people. "

This, I'm going to listen to Lu Yichen, who is in Ye Tang, who is not Chen Feng said, nor she said, but to say that Ye Tang himself said.

Chen Feng looked at her. I thought about it, continue to comfort her: "In the morning, don't be angry, Ye Tang will be explained by you, maybe I don't know this."

Lu Yichen listened to this, still did not respond, there is no role in her heart.

Chen Feng sighed, giving a bell, unless it was explained by Ye Tang personally, or she can't hear it.

Lu Yichen did not speak, Chen Feng did not know what, the atmosphere in the lounge was quiet.

Suddenly, "-".

The door of the lounge was opened, and the two did not look up at the same way. The Ye Tang outside the door came, and the forehead was sweaty. It would be that it will be so slow and rushed in such a short period of time.

Chen Feng hooks, shrugging shrugs, leaving the lounge, put the door, give two people alone.

Ye Tang stepped into steps, and his eyes have been staring at Lu Yichen's face. When she is flat, she doesn't seem to have anything, and the heart is like a needle, it can't be uncomfortable.

He knows that this time is more or less hurting her. In the sanatorium, he clearly saw that Lu Yichen saw his pain in the eye, and there were many minds in his face.

Ye Tang walked over, squatting in front of Lu Yichen, hands holding her cold fingers, the scorpion contained her distressed, gently said: "In the morning, I am sorry ..."

On Lu Yichen, the nose was sour. She didn't want to hear that Ye Tang's sorry. Once he said sorry, the two must have problems.

"In the morning, I am wrong, don't be angry, do you listen to me? Is it good? I do this is why it is, I have a bitter, I don't want to intend to hide you, not tell you. You listen to me explained, you lift your head to see if I am fine? ... in the morning ... "Ye Tang was so comforted her.

Lu Yichen looked up at him, glaring, cold, no feelings.

Ye Tangxin is a pain, and even busy explains: "In the morning, I can explain, you listen to me, I came to the United States this time, I have been a person, she let me take care of the valley, this is ... "

"It's enough!" Lu Yichen has interrupted his explanation.

Ye Tang's words were abrupt, watching her.

Lu Yichen was silent for a second, looked at him, the eyes were firm, questioned him: "Ye Tang, I ask you, do you still love the valley, your heart is not from the beginning to the end, didn't forget her, even She hurts me, hurts our children, hurt your wife? If you still love the valley, I can let two people, not doing your stumbling block, I will put this position, Ye Tang Lao's position Let the valley, so, you can make a bright and big, you don't have to secretly touch it when you meet, you can give you a name, you will be together, no one will become your Hold it. As for the child, I will bring yourself. "

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