Ye Tang Yi, quickly pulled Lu Yichen explained: "In the morning, things are not what you think, don't you be angry, listen to me? Yes, this time I lied you, I said. I am coming to the United States to talk about business, but ... but ... I ... "" Enough, don't say, I don't want to hear. "Lu Yichen interrupted his words, looked up at Ye Tang's eyes, Asked earnestly: "Ye Tang, do you still love me?"

Ye Tang looked at the eyes of Lu Yichen, the gentleness of the eyes, said seriously: "I love you in the morning, I certainly love you, you have to believe in my love for you and your child."

Lu Yichen slowly hangs his eyes, thinking that it is a daughter who is sent to the old house, and it is soft in an instant.

However, I thought that Ye Tang actually hit himself to see the valley, and they still ... I was still intimate, my heart was in a blunt, I asked: "Child? Oh! Do you still remember that we have children? Are you forgot our children to be premature premature birth by the valley? Is it forgot a few times a few times? You ... isn't it ... Is it still loved the valley? "Ask the last sentence Lu Yichen seems to be exhausted, and the thin body swayed, almost fell.

Lu Yichen slammed his fist and wanted to drive this sudden dizziness, but he also knew that his body is weak. After birth, although there is a good nutrient, it has not been very good, and the front time Because I want to prove that I am too embarrassed. Just I didn't expect, now I am just emotional excitement will make my eyes black.

Ye Tang was shocked by her, hurry forward to her in his arms.

Lu Yichen raised his hand against Ye Tang's chest, and did not let him hug himself. Looking up at Ye Tang's nervous and worried about his eyes, the heart is like being cut by a knife, it is almost unable to breathe.

The fixed look at Ye Tang for a while, and Lu Yichen slowly packed his mood, the look of his face gradually became calm and indifferent.

Ye Tang looked at Lu Yichen slowly became a calm face, and his heart became more and more panicked. "I said:" In the morning, I really really don't have the one you see, I love you, I will follow her. ....... "

"Enough, Ye Tang, I don't want to hear you, don't say that you haven't said that these are not, if you still love me, I still love our home, our daughter will go back with me, this time You have been watching the grain. I will no longer be pursued. "Lu Yichen interrupted Ye Tang's words, and said calmly.

Ye Tang looked at the calm land, and the brow is tangled into a group, and I don't know how to make a decision. Yourself in the morning and daughter, but ... but the valley looks like this, and a large part is because of yourself, you have no way to leave.

Looking at the hidden tang of the face, the hands on the side of the body were trembled, and the heart was in the heart of the sadness. The coldness in my heart spread into the whole body, and even the hands and feet were cold.

Chen Feng looked at them both, hate can't rush to Ye Tang, with his head, let him go back to Lu Yichen. Although it is indeed that you can't afford the valley, you will go to this step now. If you don't have her own self-adhered, even if Ye Tang does not send her hand, she also hides the law sanctions.

After waiting for a while, I saw the lion tang or a face entangle. Lu Yichen rose a feeling of exhaustion.

Originally, I was because I thought about him, I didn't work well, I would like to go abroad to find Ye Tang, and the way is good.

Who knew that he had rushed to the United States in a thousand miles, he actually gave himself such a "surprise".

Thinking of this, Lu Yichen did not continue to consume his thoughts, calmly opened: "Ye Tang, if you don't want to go, I don't force you. I will go back, and I can still have to do it. Your rest assured, I will definitely do it. "

Ye Tang was shocked, heard the resoluteness in the calm words of Lu Yichen, hurry to hold her to his chest, open the mouth: "In the morning, don't do this, I don't feel like I feel, I Love is you. The reason why it will come to the United States, because the spirit of the Valley is a problem, I just came over to help her treatment, there is really nothing between us, you don't do this. "

Lu Yichen is only quietly listening quietly, and the light looks forward to the light is slow.

Chen Feng saw a clear light in the end of Lu Yichen, and Zhang Zhangji wants to say anything, but it also knows that it is not to be able to take a circle next to it.

"In the morning, I know that I will come over, I am not right, but I am afraid that you will be angry, I will hit you, I know that I am wrong, don't you be angry? You can do it, you can know that you can know the disease. Mitr, I will go back so bad? "Ye Tang continued.

The light of the end of Lu Yichen is completely extinguished, and the lips, no more, turn around, take yourself next to the baggage.

"Morning ... in the morning, you listen to me talk to you ..." Ye Tang quickly pulled land on the morning.

Lu Yichen turned and looked at Ye Tang, brow, wrinkled, indifferent opening: "Let go! Ye Tang, since you don't want to go back to China, then go to find the valley, stop me here?"

Ye Tang was surprised by her indifferent look. The next consciousness sent her hand, stunned, quickly responded, and the resistance of the child continued to explain: "Morning, you ... I just ... just ... "

"Ye Tang, if you won't go, let me go, don't stop me back." Lu Yichen said coldly.

Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen Shen indifferently, she explained that she didn't listen, and was also caused by the fire, and asked the anger: "Lu Yichen, have you a little sympathy? Valley is now a patient, she ... she will It is also our reason for this now, you ... can you have a little sympathetic? "

Lu Yichen is just calm, and there is no fried hair, and even even said, just turn around and continue to take your own luggage.

"Morning, you ... don't you do this, let's talk about it?" Ye Tang frowned.

Lu Yichen silently shakes his head and bowed down to take his own ticket.

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