Chen Feng saw that Lu Yichen was the iron heart to leave, and the heart was also a shock, the lower consciousness turned to the Ye Tang next to it. Looking at the air ticket on the lady in the morning, Ye Tang face change is more ugly, the gentleness of the eyes will fade, the cold is said: "How do you turn it now? You before ... before ... Good, how do you have a little sympathy now? "

Chen Feng can't wait to hold Ye Tang's mouth next to him. This thing is that Ye Tang is not right. Now I have known it in the morning, and I don't have good luck.

Ye Tang's words seem to be a knife, a knife is lined up in the morning of the morning.

Lu Yichen pulled the baggage, and tried to let himself ignore the pain coming from my heart. I used the whole body's strength to squeeze out a stiff smile, and the sound trembled: "Is it? I have been like this Maybe you have a mistake. "

Ye Tang was taken by the morning, looked at her stiff smile, and the voice of slight shaking, the heart hurts, and he humped a mouthful of breath, and the mouth said: "In the morning, we need to talk about it now. Yes! I know that I have been looking at the valley is my hometown. I have apologized. I have no idea for her, I love people are you. I just come to help her treatment, as long as she The condition has improved, I will leave immediately. Is it good? "

Lu Yichen is low, and a bronger is a brisk laugh. Oh, did you have forgotten what before the valley? Do he forgot how the valley is to be your own?

Seeing Lu Yichen, Ye Tang frowned said: "In the morning, you talk, you ..."

"Ye Tang, what do I say? What do you want me to say?" Lu Yichen looked at him and asked coldly.

Ye Tang's brow is more tight, tolerance to the anger in his heart, said quietly: "In the morning, can you don't do this? Valley will become now, how much less relationship with us, you ... …you……."

"What happened?" Lu Yichen coldly interrupted Ye Tang's words, his mouth pulled out a tattoo smile, and said: "Ye Tang, right, and the valley becomes now, it is a little less relationship with us, but She becomes now, because she own self-sufficiency. "

Ye Tang glanced over the eyes of the eyes, as if I didn't know.

There is no look at him in the morning, continue to say: "Ye Tang, how did you forget how the valley is to me? She is embarrassed to give me a job everywhere. I will wear my shoes, and I will join someone behind it. Design me. "

Ye Tangyu lips, helpless opening: "But she ..."

"What happened? Is it not wrong because I am fine, so she is not wrong? Oh, then she hurts me seriously injured, do you remember? If she is not to expose my where, how can I be so heavy? Injury? I almost fed! "Lu Yichen is more exciting.

"In the morning, don't be excited, I didn't forget that I didn't forget." Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen emperor and quickly persuaded.

"You didn't forget? You didn't forget, would you like me?" Lu Yichen asked with a smile.

Ye Tang headache frowns, these things are indeed not forgotten, but ... but the valley is now a patient.

When I saw Yong Tang frown, she did not speak, and the excited emotions of Lu Yichen were also faded, just looked up quietly.

Ye Tang helpless sigh, open mouth: "I remember these things in the morning, but ... but Valley has gotten lessons, and she now looks like this, my heart is not whipped, I ..."

If you don't wait for Ye Tang, Lu Yichen pulled his baggage to bypass him.

Ye Tang quickly raised his arm and did not let her go.

Chen Feng looked at them and looked at the two momentum. He quickly rushed to Ye Tang, thinking that if he can say something good, he will not be so angry, this is not so angry. Also there is room for cyclone.

Ye Tang also saw Chen Feng gave himself to make the eyes, but also understood Chen Feng's meaning, but looked at the indifferent land, but it was confirmed that she was unreasonable, but she didn't take care of Chen Feng, just tight pull Landing in the morning.

Lu Yichen used to force, opened his hand and took his arm and looked at him: "If you have something, don't pull it."

"You ..." Ye Tang was stunned by her, and did a few deep breaths. She kept a good mood, wrinkled with her eyes: "In the morning, can you still have no reason to make trouble?"

On the morning, it hangs his eyes and covers the sadness of the bottom. Unreasonable? Is it unreasonable? He hit himself to find a grave and said that he is unreasonable?

When I was injured by Ye Tang, I didn't refute him. I just pulled my baggage and went to the desk and changed the recent flight.

Ye Tang looked at the back of Lu Yichen, and the irritability pulled the neckline of his shirt, and it took care of his life.

Chen Feng rushed to the back of Lu Yichen, and wanted to retain her. However, when the line of sight arrived on the Ye Tang, who was angry next to it, stretched into the half-air hand and weak.

"Ye Tang, what's wrong with you? You can't serve a soft? Do you say a few words? You don't know if you need a woman. Why do you want to keep with her? You are Holding her, this is nothing? You ..., hey ~ "Chen Feng hated the iron uncomfortable.

Ye Tang didn't see Chen Feng at a glance, just frowning looked at the direction of land on land.

Chen Feng helplessly sighed, and said: "I don't have much to say, you think about it. I will take it in the morning, she is now unstable, but I don't have something." Chasing the direction of Lu Yichen.

Ye Tang silently stood in the same place, watching Chen Feng ran to the desk to buy a ticket, and ran to the laughing of the laughter and talking to her.

Lu Yichen looked at Chen Feng, who came to him, her brow wrinkled, but did not say anything.

"In the morning, don't be angry, this matter is Ye Tang's fault, if you are not worth it, do you say it?" Chen Feng is not indifferent in the morning, smile Say.

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