Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 220 Valley Micro Ideas

Ye Tang specialty accompanied the valley for more than half a month, talking to her every day, slowly opened the heart, and also started to be treated. Seeing everyone's slight illness is almost the same, Ye Tang is also ready to return to China, after all, this time, I don't know, I don't know in the morning, I just lie to her to say that I came to New York to talk about work.

And I haven't seen my daughter for a long time, and I still miss her in my heart. When I was at home, I had to tell her about her story every day. Now I haven't going back so long, will she not know yourself? Thinking of this, Ye Tang has firmly determined the idea that he wants to go back.

After the Ye Tang was determined, he went to the Valley's mother, prepared to talk to her his thoughts, and farewell to her.

The valley controlled the wheelchair to go to the garden at the door of the room, looking at the bright sunshine in the sky, thinking that Ye Tang's consideration and companionship, the smile in his mouth, the smile of his mouth.

"Small micro, how do you feel today?" Valley's mother took a piece of clothes, smiled and walked near the grain, gentle clothes on the valley microphone.

"Thank you mother, I feel good." You said with a smile.

Run your hand, I'm touched the grain, and the Valley's mother smiled and said: "It feels good, your illness is almost the same, waiting for you, I will take you to play? "

The Valley is shining, and the surprise said: "Really? Great, I will try to make myself get better soon." Said that she hugged her mother, spoiled in her arms laugh.

Ye Tang Yuanyuan looked at them two intimate looks. The mouth did not consciously slammed, and I thought about waiting for my daughter with the morning. She would not think so, in the morning What about arms? If she is really like this, I am afraid I will send all the things she want to her year.

When I was watching it, Ye Tangcai continued to walk to them.

Valley's mother first saw Ye Tang, and nodded his head, and he greeted.

The low-shot is still in your own arms, and I'm smoldering: "Small micro, get up, all people are people, I still stick to my mother, shy?"

"No, no matter how big your daughter, what is your daughter, is there anything as shamed in your mother?" I didn't want to shook my head.

The smile of Ye Tang mouth is more gentle, smiles and said: "The mother, since she likes it,"

Valley heard the voice of Ye Tang suddenly lifted his head from his mother, biting his lips and shy, asking: "Tang, you ... When did you come?"

Ye Tang raised his hand, dragging the chin, deliberately thinking about a while, laughing and said: "I just came to a small meeting, I came here, I saw you can't stand in my mother."

The Valley's face is red, dissatisfied: "I ... I don't have it, you must have a mistake." After that, he controlled the wheelchair back to the room.

Ye Tang smiled and shook his head. He shook his head, he turned to say to the mother's mother: "Auntie, I am going to say goodbye to you today, the valley is now almost the same, I also I have returned to China. "

"Hey ..., when do you want to go?" The Mother of the Valley snorted and asked with a smile.

"Go tomorrow, I will go back in the same day today." Ye Tang smiled and said.

The valley mother nodded, nor to retain it again, smiled and said: "Thank you for coming to the United States this time, thank you for helping the little health, thank you!" .

Ye Tang is busy holding her, opening: "Bo mother, I ..., hey, you don't blame me, I will go to accompany the valley first." After that, he turned and left.

Valley just returned to the room for a while, Ye Tang came in, smiled and said to her: "Valley, today's sun is good, let's go out."

Valley is thinking about what you have just been, there is still a little red, just nodded, didn't speak.

Ye Tang pushed the valley to walk in the small garden at the door, thinking that he would go back tomorrow, and more gentle to her, who knew that this scene was seen in the morning.

When I saw Lu Yichen, Ye Tangxin knew that this is worse, there is no hesitation, and if you want to explain with her, but I didn't expect that Lu Yichen did not listen. Still indifference, there is no sympathy. In the case, I stayed again in the United States.

Chen Feng has never been able to open Ye Tang's phone call, and there is no way to tell him that there are two cars, seeing them to be unhappy and scattered, afraid that there is an accident in the morning, and I didn't dare to say to Ye Tang more, I will follow her.

When I saw Lu Yichen, my heart was a panic, and the coming is to happiness, so I deliberately laugh with Ye Tang more intimate in front of her. Yu Guang saw her pale face, and her heart was very proud.

When Ye Tang chased Lu Yichen, the heart is proud and happy, all become worried, Ye Tang will follow the panic left by Lu Yichen, the emotions of the emotions, so that she can't afford it. Looking at the figure of Ye Tang disappeared, the valley was also coma.


"Hey ..., Tang ..." The valley opened his eyes and worried from the bed.

Ye Tang quickly hugged her excited body and said softly: "I am ... I am here, you are excited."

Valley looked up at him, looked at his hand and touched his face, which was relieved, hesitated for a while, asked: "Tang, have you gone back?"

Ye Tang frowned, opening: "No, I will not go back for a while."

Valley is a glimpse, be careful: "That ... land ..."

"Okay, your body is not good, take a good rest." Ye Tang hit the valley.

Valley nodded, there is a ecstatic happiness in my heart, Ye Tang can keep yourself, there is still their own, and he is still a remained with Lu Yichen, then he still has a chance.

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