These days, in the sanatorium. The valley is lying on the hospital bed, and the eyes are not staring at the door. She just gave Ye Tang called the phone, I would like to have it.

I was thinking, the door "" came, revealing the face of the gods of Ye Tang, but it seems to be full of helplessness.

Valley saw Ye Tangton bloomed a big smile, gentle said: "Tang ... you are here, I am waiting for you for a long time."

Ye Tang is nodded, walked over, put the insulation bucket on the bedside, and asked unhappy: "How do you feel today? Is there a good?"

I heard Ye Tang's concern for her own, and I was happy. "I have you with me, I have a lot of recent, Tang, thank you for your care, you have to take care of your body, don't get tired. ! Otherwise ... I will feel distressed. "

The sound of the Valley is getting smaller and smaller. When it comes to the last sentence, there is suspicious red on his face.

Ye Tang Yi, looked at her shy look, flashing a complicated look in his eyes, to say: "You, ..."

The Valley is like this, so that he really can't say anything else. Before, at least he has his own reasons to rebuting her, but now she looks like this, let him can't .

Valley looks up, doubt: "What?"

Ye Tang didn't live, don't look at her: "Nothing, I will bring you lunch, you will eat it."

The valley nodded, suddenly opened, suddenly opened, and asked: "Tang, you will give me a meal every day, it is better to ... this way, I will give me a mother tomorrow. Nanny, let her give us two people to eat? "

Ye Tang heard that she said "we are two people." Shake your head and said to her: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to trouble your mother."

Valley thought about it, said: "Okay." So, well-behaved eating Ye Tang gave her a meal.

Ye Tang suddenly silently, he is not stupid, this time, the valley is ready to take care of him, and care is incomparable. He knows that the valley is mood and intended to him, and it is also very clear that he is in the grain.

From this valley, you can see it. He is specially and expert, and the valley is very difficult to wake up. When it is sick, the valley is not asking, no one is ignored. Only if there is reaction to him, I only remember him alone.

This makes him very difficult, so on the one hand, it is also for her unbelive, and then promises the Valley's mother agrees to take care of her.

Hey, if you can understand that he is a little bit ...

"Ah!" Valley screamed, successfully pulled Ye Tang from his own thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tang frowned and asked.

Valley is embarrassed, "No, it's okay, I just accidentally, I have some soup in the bedding."

Ye Tang is a bit, he just remembered Lu Yichen, hey, I saw the Valley, I thought: "I want to give me the bowl, I will come."

Valley is a small, then the heart is ecstatic, excited: "Really? Tang! Tang!"

This looks, I have a bad walk to hug him.

Ye Tang didn't talk, walked over, took over the bowl from her hand, and handed a few paper, let her clean it to clean the soup that just accidentally sprinkled into the bed.

"Come, Zhang Wei ..." Ye Tang took a soup with a spoon, first put it on his mouth and blow it again.

The valley smiled and smiled, opened his mouth, and drunk.

A bowl of soup, Ye Tang put down the tableware, asked her: "Today, the weather is good, do you want to go to the sun?"

Valley is busy, "Okay, I haven't come out with you for a long time."

Ye Tangjun, called a wheelchair, looked at the valley, hesitated for a moment, put her up, ready to put her in a wheelchair.

Suddenly, "cough cough cough and cough ..." a cough sounded.

Ye Tang and Valley are not as good as the same, the former is doubts, is it confused? Isn't he going back with Lu Yichen? The latter is not happy, not please he interrupted Ye Tang and her sweetness.

Sure enough, Ye Tang put her on a wheelchair and told him a doctor at the side: "You pushed her to the sun outside."

The medical staff nodded and pushed the valley.

Valley is helpless, you can't refute, I have to look at Ye Tang in the eyes: "Tang, you will have to come."

Ye Tang mouth hooked a smirk, obscured her head, "Reassured, I will pass it right away."

I looked at him and laughed.

After the people went out, Ye Tang saw Chen Feng, who was in petrification.

I am not reluctant to ask: "Are you going back in the morning?"

Chen Feng did not answer him, and vigorously asked him: "Ye Tang! No, how do you, how can I have a slight relationship, you are not afraid that Lu Yichen knows you angry?"

Ye Tang suddenly said, "Even if I am with the valley, what happened? She is not careless? Even explanation does not listen to me."

Chen Fengyi, petrified a moment to react, understand where Ye Tang didn't twist, and quickly asked him: "I sent you a message that day, you didn't receive it."

Ye Tang gave him a look at the eyes, "Don't you know that there is no signal in the sanatorium?"

Chen Feng did not expect the problem to be here, sighed a little: "Hey, this you don't know, I have been talking about the phone in the morning, I have been talking about the phone, I guess the mobile phone, I guess She must have to give her an explanation. "

Ye Tang Yi, he did not think of it, but maybe you do something wrong? I want to give her a explanation, how can I explain? "

"Oh, you don't know if a woman is a knife mouth tangerion heart? Is it a hard creature?" Chen Feng is on the side.

Ye Tang did not put his words in his heart and asked: "I just asked you how you came?"

Chen Feng pointed to his nose asked: "I? I am still not for you, one is not a heart than one, I am coming to advise you to hurry back to give her an explanation, do not allow your woman and the child. I don't know, I don't know. "

Ye Tang's eyebrows, "What are you coming to this? That's good, I will tell you that you will tell Lu Yushen, say that I think this is her fault, her is wrong, I am not wrong, I am not ready. Apologize. You have originally give birth to my attitude. "

Of course, Ye Tang adds some ingredients of deliberately gambling.

Chen Fengzhen's foot, anxious: "Ye Tang! What are you talking about, Lu Yichen is now in a breath, how can you say this? Is this not a fire to pour the oil?"

Ye Tang snorted, "You will tell her according to what I said, okay, there is nothing, you will go back, manage your company."

After that, let's go out, continue to accompany the sun.

Chen Feng looked anxious, but it is very weak for this attitude.

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