Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 250 in-depth investigation

Zhong Wei did not put his wife Qian Shu Hui's words. "Well, this thing I know." "Then I will go back to the bedroom, you have to rest early!" Qian Shuhui looked at Zhong Wei. Continue to work, just a sentence is perfunctory, you have to leave the book to rest.

Qian Shu Hui is more than anyone who knows Zhong Wei's temper. If you argue your nephew Qian Haoyu, Zhong Weilda will definitely be big and thunder, and personally investigate this matter.

Zhong Wei and Qian Shuhui have been without a child, Qian Haoyu is smart, talking to the heart, since childhood in Qian Shu Hui and Zhong Wei, Qian Shuhui is very petting him, but Zhong Wei is very painful and pity, the road, Zheng Because of this, their views and opinions are inevitable.

Zhong Weichin believes that there is no uncle in his company. At the beginning, it was the first to rescue the company's economic crisis, and the Lu Yichen was sent to Ye Tang. There was no complaint in Lu Yicheng. Zhong Wei sent himself to the end of the morning. Every time I think about the current situation in Lu Yichen, I am very self-responsibility, and I am arranging the work of my company in Lu Yichen. This is one of the reasons.

At night, Zhong Wei finally worked hard, maybe because he was too tired! Going back to the bedroom and lying on the bed soon entered a dream.

At noon the next day, Zhong Wei dialed the phone of Lu Yichen. "In the morning, you came to our company, I have something to discuss!"

"Okay,." Hang up the phone, and quickly stepped to Zhong We 's office.

Zhong Wei saw that Lu Yichen pushed the door, "Xiao Wang, according to the command I arranged, I need a qualitative change!" Zhong Wei handed his hand to let Xiao Wang leave the office.

"In the morning, let's sit down! Don't use yourself, you don't have to restrain yourself." Zhong Wei put down the information in his hand.

Lu Yichen knew that he was very hurtful, staying like a friend, but after all, here is the company, his own family, a colleague, "Hey, I want you to treat me with other colleagues!" Lu Yichen squatted .

To be honest, until now, Lu Yichen doubts her ability to be worried about her ability, she does not want such a thing to happen again in the company.

With Zhong Wei's understanding of Lu Yichen, anyone who decided by Lu Yichen could not stop, plus Zhong Wei more or less to know that there was a situation in Ye Tang in Ye Tang before, and it was very understood in the morning.

"In the morning, frankly said that when you started to come to the company, let you take over to clean the company's account for reasons. I have been watching it on your aunt, and I will open an eye for Qian Haoyu. Close one eye, but the speech of your aunt last night, let me be more worried about the company's running, now the dead sheep is not too late. "Zhong Wei frowned.

Lu Yichen is very clear, if it is really money Haoyu, the aunt must protect Qian Haoyu, Lu Yichen does not want to see the fight against the aunt, "But ... aunt ..."

I haven't waited yet, "You don't have to take care of your aunt, I will explain it to you."

"Yes, you will be directly for me, so you have the investigation, there will be no too many obstruction. For the company to be smooth, in the morning, you must try our best to investigate." Zhong Wei said the heart.

Lu Yichen is more confident, "I will not live up in the morning!"

Leaving Zhong Wei's office, I took a sigh of relief in Lu Yichen, and then I was more assured to check.

At the same time, Zhong Wei also called with the Ministry of Finance and cooperated with the Lu Yichen investigation.

After lunch in the afternoon, Lu Yichen did not dare to slack off, and the elevator came to the second floor of the Finance Department.

"Hello! I am the staff of the company's 12th floor, I want to borrow recent corporate funds in-depth statement." Lu Yichen requests.

The Director of the Finance reminded it carefully. Is it the launch of the bell boss? He probably viewed a personal information of Lu Yichen on the computer. After all, this kind of information is not to read. There is no one in the upper and lower, and there is no problem.

"But you can't bring it back to read, there is a work desk to use it, after all, it is the company's internal information, I hope you can understand." The Director of the Finance added.

At this time, Lu Yichen did not expect that the Director of the Finance Ministry can promise so fast, "I understand."

"Please wait for me to wait for me later, I will let the hand sorted down and then I personally send you." The Director of the Finance said.

Lu Yichen is a bit embarrassed, "I am in trouble!"

"Nothing." The Director of the Finance of Finance said turned around.

A cup of tea, the Director of the Finance, delivered the information on Lu Yichen to Lu Yichen, "you have to be here."

Lu Yichen stood up and took information, "Thank you very much!"

"You are welcome! You slowly read, I will go first, and I have a lot of sectors need me to deal with it." The Financial Director said to leave.

On Lu Yichen nodded, did not speak, seriously looked through the company's recent capital access report.

The latter land is afraid that he has a leak, and you will carry a notebook with you each time, record detailed data.


After a few weeks, I finally found on Qian Haoyu's head. Lu Yichen more convinced that she was questioned. Lu Yichen found Qian Haoyu forgery, greedy public funds, and smashed in it.

But the headache of Lu Yichen is that the evidence in the finance is not clear enough, it is difficult to convince, the results will only make you more trouble, in case you can infer, not only let the misunderstand money, but also aunt It will be a dispute with you, and you will feel uneasy in Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen did not give up, this problem is at all, she feels that she is very close to the truth, she firmly believes that someone will have changed its financial statements.

So landing in the morning overtime to find evidence.

Just now, Ye Tang learned from Chen Feng's news in Lu Yichen.

Just hanging up Chen Feng's phone, Ye Tang made a call on Lu Yichen.

"Sorry, the phone you have made is temporarily unable to connect, Sorry ..." Ye Tang has a very anxious.

Ye Tang once again dialed the wall of the morning, "answer the phone! Lu Yichen."

Or no one answer -

In fact, when I returned to China in the morning, I didn't tell Ye Tang, because I didn't know how I face Ye Tang in the morning.

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