Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 251 is saved in time

So, when Ye Tang called again, Lu Yichen is directly hanging. She is really don't know how to face Ye Tang. What kind of methods and attitudes should be used to talk to him, if she makes her unable things, I am afraid she can't do it, at least I can't do it now.

The Ye Tang, who took a call after he took a call, and the last phone was hanged by her.

Ye Tang's eyebrows, thinking about what she is doing now? It's so late now, is she still working? Does anyone stay with her in the company? ......

Ye Tang is going back, suddenly, "Bar -", he accidentally touched a glass of glasses in hand, and suddenly breed an uneasy feeling, it seems that there is a bad thing to happen.

So, no longer hesitate, grab the car key and rushed to the past.

After Lu Yichen hanging up the Ye Tang phone, the heart of this day is not easy to calm down, and it is very chaotic.

She thinks that she is too small, Ye Tang will not think she is very small, but ... she can't control herself, just choosing temporary escape.

She just didn't know how to face Ye Tang. After he experienced the incident of Valley, he would not be very difficult, would it be very frustrated? His a big man is actually put a mad woman, saying that it is simply can't believe it.

"Oh! Lu Yimeng! Don't you think about it again?" Lu Yichen patted his head and worked hard to think about Ye Tang's things.

"Call, now the most important thing is to finish the rest of the work, let go home, don't go home," Lu Yichen looked up and looked at the night, forced himself to calm down. After work, then quickly go home.

From here, Ye Tang is driving to Zhongshi Group, Chen Feng said that he saw that Lu Yichen recently sent to Zhongshi Group, and she just went back to China, her loved ones in China had only her, and she, abroad Before, I have already sent a resignation, I want to come to the world, I will not come to the world.

If you are in the Zhong's group, it is good, at least Zhong Wei, the average person does not dare to provoke her. Ye Tang is thinking, there is a bit sad, compared to others, her morning, less affection ...

After the end of Lu Yichen, it was already late in the middle of the night, looked up and looked at the time on the wall, this time company has no one.

Because I watched the computer for a long time, she knead her eyes, closing the computer, gotting the car key and got out.

In the underground garage, it was even in the middle of the Senson. I didn't see the five fingers. On the morning, I opened my mobile flashlight. After the weak light shines, she walked, suddenly I felt the back of the cold, as if someone is staring at her I thought about it, I felt the scalp hair in the morning, I looked back at the head, but I found out that the garage was empty, nothing.

"Call, it's okay." Lu Yichen patted his chest, it seems to be less horror film.

Lu Yichen is a white private car, which is Zhong Wei to her, which is parked in the most insight.

Lu Yichen gradually approached her car in the direction, she was close to the car, while groping the car key, no time, suddenly sounded a slight dress friction.

"Who!" On Lu Yichen, the heart suddenly mentioned his eyes, this time point, the general company will not have people.

Through the weak light, back, suddenly "ah", Lu Yichen lost his voice.

When she took photos, a black man suddenly appeared in front of her, and there was a darkness of the black man at once, in the dark, and at the same time, black people The dagger has also arrived on her neck.

The opening is threatened: "Don't call, let me call me, let you go to see the king."

Lu Yichen's breath, anyone who suddenly squatted out in the black lacquered space, it would not be calm.

Run your hand, I have a forehead, I have already a cold sweat, she does not dare to act, slow tone, "You, who you are doing ... If you want money, I can give you ..."

The black man seems to be disdainful, the dagger is still in her neck, "Don't talk nonsense, get on the bus!"

Lu Yichen did not dare to act rashly, only to take it, "Oh, the black man racks the neck of the lace, while cauting to move.

"car key."

"Here ..." Lu Yichen was a second, and the left hand was buckled with mobile phone. The right hand was slowly swallowed.

The black man took it, when it was late, it was fast, and Lu Yichen took out the flashlight in the mobile phone, squatting, sideways, perfect, avoiding the clamps of the black child.

"Help! Help! Help ..." Escaped to clamp, Lu Yichen's strength, fight the whole body to run, shouting for life, she is now praying, but the people in the duty room Hear ...

"Mom! You are smelling! Dare to run? Look at Laozi can't interrupted your leg!" The black man saw she slipped from her hand, and suddenly fire.

Lu Yichen feels nothing, don't call your life. However, the duty room is not a general distance from the underground garage.

"You stand! Don't run!"

The black man is behind her, and she knows that she is anger. If he seizes his own words, it is not necessary to punish yourself, and there is only a whole morning to run, even the legs I have been sore, she doesn't dare to stop at a moment ...

The man and woman's physical strength is really different, and the morning feels that she even with the black man is only one step away. His hand even grasped her hair floating in the air ...

Suddenly, "Well ..." a boring, there is a pain in the end of Lu, which seems to have hit a meat wall, and she is sore, and the eyes are sore.

"Who are you!" This is a black man.

Familiar sound, cold and mixed with violent, not Ye Tang?

Ye Tang reached out, put Lu Yichen's tightly in his arms, or he just heard her call for help, immediately rushed over, I am afraid that now I don't know what the situation.

When you think of this, Ye Tang Xinli is also a self-blaming, and he is afraid that his heart is more embarrassed to Lu Yichen. Fortunately, he arrived in time.

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