"Who is it is not important, it is important that you can't get it tonight!" The black man is intimidating with a dagger. Ye Tang's eyes were deep, and after the Lu Yichen was in his body, she cared her with his generous shoulders.

The black man is sharp, and the strong body pounces towards Ye Tang, Ye Tang also doesn't want to come to the weak, and two people have twisted in a piece.

"You don't want to beatented again ... don't ... I want to report the police ..." Lu Yichen saw the black man down the Ye Tang in the ground, she was very worried about Ye Tang's safety, at this time, there is a big mind in Lu Yichen Blank, I don't know what it is.

That black man heard him with alarm to threaten him with alarm, then let go of Ye Tang, and walked in the morning, "Hey! Are you still coming?"

Lu Yichen was scared by the black man, hiding backwards, "You ... you don't come over ..."

The black man approached step by step, and his face revealed the dangerous laugh.

Do you have anything to rush me, don't hurt her! Ye Tang strengthened his body with both hands and looked at the black man.

"It's infatuated! Cut!" The black man twisted, looked at Ye Tang, did not take care of him spit a spit.

That black man is holding a dagger and preparing to piercing the anchor.


Ye Tang was exhausted with the whole body, rushing to the black man, pressing him on the ground.

Suddenly, the black man turned over and countered, scratched the Ye Tang's arm with a dagger.

Ye Tang did not have time to avoid, blood soon soon soon the Ye Tang's clothes, Ye Tang took the wound in time, but the blood still can't stand the way to the outside, the appearance looks very serious.

That black man saw Ye Tang very fierce, and I was very afraid. He rarely appeared in such a situation, and he didn't know what it was. Thirty-six will go to the top. The black man see the situation, and raise legs. Run.

Lu Yichen immediately took out the phone from the bag, with the flashlight with the flashlight, "Don't run ... You stand ... I have a loss of money."

At the same time, Lu Yichen dialed the 110-help phone, "Hello! Helping Center? Shunda company underground garage has a gangster wearing black gangster."

The Ye Tang Dynasty on the other side tried his hand, "In the morning, it was useless, the black man didn't move!"

Lu Yichen suddenly understood, patted his forehead, only calmly, I almost forgot that Ye Tang is now in the wound, and then she will feel self-blamed and embarrassed.

"Ye Tang ..." ran over Lu Yichen and quickly helped the Ye Tang.

Lu Yichen stared at the wound in Ye Tang, pale, and his eyes were shouted.

I saw that Lu Yichen did not suffer from harm. Ye Tang took a deep breath, "Don't worry, I have a little injury!"

"You don't talk, wait for me!" Ye Tang wounds and tired, so that Lu is very distressed in the morning.

Lu Yichen turned and moved to Ye Tang's car until now, Lu Yichen also clearly remembers which spares of Ye Tang's car.

After going to the back of the car, open the trunk on Lu Yichen, take out the medicine box, and come to the front of the car, reach out a bottle of Soviet water.

"Come! Ye Tang, you should drink the water first." Lu Yichen said with the water to the hand of Ye Tang.

Ye Tang took the soda, and a small mouth.

Lu Yichen kneel off the medicine box, pulling the gauze, picking up a bottle of iodophor, is ready to give Ye Tang.

Then, I took the scissors, cut the Ye Tang's sleeves, just took out a few cotton swabs, soaked the cotton swab, disinfected with the knife of Ye Tang, "You endure!"

Ye Tang didn't talk some heads, it looked quietly around every move in the morning -

In Lu Yichen, I took out two dry cotton swabs, apply the booties around the wound, then put the used cotton swab into a recyclable box, then take the two cotton swabs that have been immersed, apply a knife, last medicine and Wrap the gauze to fix the medical tape.

"It has been packaged." Lu Yichen said to organize the medicine box, and put the used scissors, cotton swabs, iodol, gauze and other articles.

Ye Tang is only taking care of things in the morning, and it does not take care of yourself. This makes Ye Tang very uncomfortable. Ye Tang is silently asking yourself. Is there a long time in the morning?

A cup of tea, Lu Yichen quickly organized a medical box, got up and put the medicine box in the trunk of the Ye Tang car.

"I will go back first!" Lu Yichen didn't look back in the underground garage left by his car, leaving a person in the Ye Tang in the same place.

Ye Tang wants to say, don't know how to stay in the morning?

At this moment, Ye Tang is stupid to stand there, looks at the back of the land, he doesn't know whether he makes the choice is wrong? Maybe it's right! Although it was in order to solve the economic crisis in order to solve the company's economic crisis, Zhong We will not have to send his own extraordinary women in the morning, but they have been in a long time after all, they have been invested, not talking, sweet, honey, fishing water Huan created their own crystallization, and the morning feels very lucky and contentment, their daughter is well-clever, caught; or maybe the choice of himself is wrong, and there will be a lack of tragic encounter. Falling on the head of the land.

Ye Tang thinks this, suddenly feels like there is a few million poisonous insects biting to swallow their heart, and the pain is difficult to bear to cut.

I don't know when, Ye Tang's mind echoed to his life fragment with Lu Yichen -

That night, I made Ye Tang to help her pull, Ye Tang looked at her beautiful and moving body, couldn't help to hold the Lu Yichen, and the body like a fire in burning ...

"Waiting for our children, we have to travel together, don't go to the country, don't go around!" Ye Tang excited man dance.

Lu Yichen inhibited the anger of the heart, "Ye Tang, you haven't realized your mistakes yet."


After a while, Ye Tang turned to return to his car, give him a cigarette, gently sucking with a bite, seeking what is thinking?

Soon, the clouds were in the clouds, and Ye Tang did not help cough several times. At this time, Ye Tangcai realized that he did not open the window.

Ye Tang opened the window and passed the child, holding a good steering wheel.

Original Ye Tang is intended to go to the company first, but I think I haven't seen my daughter for a long time, I miss my daughter, so I am going to the homes in the intersection of the corner of the university road.

When I got home, I quickly walked to the living room, Ye Tang heard her daughter's cry, he quickly ran to the living room, picked up his daughter, "How do you take care of Miss Miss, let Miss let Miss like this!"

The lower person heard the reprimand of Ye Tang, scared straight, "Miss ... Miss cried to be a father and mother ..."

Ye Tang shot his hand to let the little fragrance left, and then make a daughter to play.

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