Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 366, Ye Tang appeared

Because things are too sudden, there is no reaction in the morning. Just when the bear child wanted to spit a water, Ye Tang, who was observed Lu Ye, who had been observed.

When he saw Ye Tang, he hurriedly ran away.

"Why are you so unleailed, actually let a bear child bully." Ye Tang took out the paper towel to the morning to try the sake of the bear's child in the morning, and said nothing.

"How come you here?" Lu Yichen asked.

Just now Ye Tang called Chen Feng sent people to protect Lu Yaochen, he thought that he thought, still he didn't worry, he had to come over, where did he see that his child is bullied by a bear.

"I just came over this side, just saw you." Ye Tang may tell Lu Yichen to come over to find her.

"Then you will go first, I ..." I didn't wait for the first morning to finish, Gu Yunxi they came over. "

"Ye Tang, how come you, you have no things now, just we are in the party now, you are also together." Gu Yunxi came over, he heard the Lu Tang left, he would give Lu Yichen open. Opportunity, hurry up.

"My things are already busy, now there is time, then I will stay." Ye Tang did not know the meaning of Gu Yunxi, so he left down

Tang Chenchen looked at Gu Yunxi, she felt that Ye Tang's appearance was definitely Gu Yunxi, because Yang was not likely to call Ye Tang.

I found that Tang Chenchen's gaze, Gu Yunxi grinned Tang Chen Chen.

I was still intended to let Ye Tang have seen them, she is not good, so Ye Tang will stay.

In the evening, because of the past, they had to drink alcohol, so they were drinking in the room of Gu Yunxi.

"Come, we quickly dried this cup, I am happy today, drink more wine." Sitting in the tea whispered to talk.

"Okay, Gu Yunxi, you have already drunk today, you don't drink anymore." Tang Chen has frowned.

When I finished Tang Chen Chen, she felt that she rolled in his stomach, so she quickly got up to the bathroom.

Yang passed the Tang Chenchen like this, see Lu Yichen, and after the Lu Wi-Morning, he quickly took care of Tang Chen Chen.

Not long, Yang has helped Tang Chen Chen back.

"Now, morning morning spit is a bit serious, I will take her back to the room, as for the drunken ghosts, you are talking about it." Yang Tong said.

"OK, we know, you will take the morning morning, Gu Yunxi will give us." Because Lu Yichen is also a pregnant woman, she knows that pregnant women are very uncomfortable, so she has to let Yang Yong and Tang Chen Chen first. left.

I heard that Lu Yue said that Yang had only take Tang Chenchen back to the room.

In fact, Gu Yunxi is pretending to be drunk. He wants to give the land of Lu Yichen and Ye Tang to make a unique opportunity to make them two people can unlock.

"What should he do now?" Lu Yichen frowned and asked.

"I want to throw him here, but I am afraid that he will run out because he is drunk, it is taken by the dog, so we have to stay in him." Ye Tang shrugged.

When I heard Ye Tang, I said that he regretted in his heart, he should not help Ye Tang, let himself almost extinct.

Gu Yunxi is drunk, and swaying, if you want to go to the bathroom, Ye Tang saw him, and hurried up and support Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi saw Ye Tang and helped him. He told the Ye Tang at a glance. Ye Tang knows that Gu Yunxi is pretending to be drunk.

"Don't help you, I will go to it." Gu Yunxi said with a stunning.

Ye Tang did not know what Gu Yunxi, he was in contact with two people in two people in Lu Yichen.

I know that Ye Tang, who is the intent of Gu Yunxi, nodded to Gu Yunxi, and separated Gu Yunxi.

Their two people's movements are in the eyes, turn over a white eye, I will say, I am clear that Gu Yunxi has not drunk today, how can it be drunk, it is for a long time to give yourself and Ye Tang Manufacturing Opportunity.

"Gu Yunxi, you don't put it anymore, I know you didn't get drunk." Lu Yichen said that there is no expression.

Gu Yunxi touched the nose, said, "I just want you two people can talk about it, don't you be angry."

"You are very bored, I am sleepy, go back to sleep first, two people love it." Lu Yichen shrugged and said.

Lu Yichen also knew that Gu Yunxi was done for her, but it was true, she didn't want to talk to Ye Tang now.

Seeing Lu Yichen to go back, Gu Yunxi looked at Ye Tang, indicating that he now loves.

Lu Yichen is finished, did not continue to stay, one person returns to the room to sleep, leave Ye Tang and Gu Yunxi two people.

Seeing Lu Yichen left, Gu Yunxi is no longer installed, a butt is on the sofa, open a bottle of wine, handed it to Ye Tang, "You talk about you, now it is good, I don't care about you in the morning. "

Ye Tang took the wine of Gu Yunxi, sat next to Gu Yunxi, drink a wine and said, "Nothing, wait for a few days, it is not angry."

"Right, no matter what to say, I still have to thank you, thank you, tell me that you are here, thank you for giving me a chance to create a chance in the morning." Ye Tang Don continued.

"Well, you will tell me thank you, but how can I do it for you, but for the morning, I don't like to see her feelings."

"I know." Ye Tang continued to drink a wine.

"You know, you will take a good morning, take care of her, don't let me have a chance to worry about her." Gu Yunxi touched Ye Tang's bottle, then drink a bite, he never felt Wine so bitter.

"I know, you can rest assured, I will not let you have the opportunity, you still have the heart." Ye Tang also knew that Gu Yunxi really like Lu Yichen, but there is only one in the morning, and he is not May give up Lu Yichen, let her give her to Gu Yunxi, so he can only sorry about Gu Yunxi.

"This is good, you must dare to bully her in the future, I will know if you don't give me an opportunity, I will know, I will not let you go." Gu Yunxi took the photo of the Yong Tang's shoulder.

"Okay, if I bulge in the morning, you can hit me." Ye Tang said, the two will laugh. "

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