Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The thirty-seventh chapter of the reason for resigning at home

The next day, because Gu Yunxi is not to create an opportunity to Ye Tang and Lu Yichen, so there is no interest in Lu Yichen to continue to play, and go back to the hotel in the morning. In the hotel, Lu Yichen suddenly remembered that the assistant Liu Shu, who had a resignation of her, resigned at home, and she took out her mobile phone to call her.

"Hey, you, how are you today? I have before Liu Shu knows you resigns." The phone was connected, and Lu Yichen asked.

"How can I still, just like it, it's okay, I will hang." The phone is that the news is Lu Yichen but her aunt.

Listening to the voice of aunt, it is not concerned about the morning.

"I have something, I am looking for a little bit, where is it now?"

"You are sleeping, there is no time to take care of you, it's okay, I still have something, don't say it." Aunt said impatiently.

The original aunt is very happy to pick up the phone, thinking that her bunch of sisters about her goes out, the result is good, actually, this is a call to the star.

"Wait, I know that I didn't sleep now, this is not a time to sleep ..."

"In the morning, my aunt didn't say you. If she says you, you don't care, her person is like that." Without waiting for Lu Yichen, she picked up the phone.

Just now, I just went out. As a result, I saw my mother's mother on the phone, listened, I know that I called myself to myself. He glanced at the aunt of the morning, picked up the phone.

"Aunt didn't say what I did, right,, how are you doing? Is it okay at home?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"I am fine, yes, I have something to say to you, you will come back." Because Lu Yichen gave him a call, he wanted to ask Lu Yichen about her and Ye Tang, before Tang Chenchen Tell him before the last morning, I was originally intended to let the Lu Yichen he handled him now, then he could not think.

"OK, I know, anyway, I have nothing to have recently, I will stay with you a few days." Lu Yichen didn't know that Tang Chenchen took her hospitalized news, she told her, she just y thought she was her. Thinking, so letting her go back.

"Also." He returned.

After I hangled, I saw aunt who sat next to it.

"I have to call me in the morning, you don't tell me, you don't stay here, go back to your mother's home for a few days." He said not yet.

He didn't understand why his mother-in-law did not like the morning, and it was so well-behaved in the morning.

"Well, you are actually rushing to me to go back. Who is the person who has gone halfway with you? It is not Lu Yichen, she gives you something for you, you meet her. That is to say, "said aunt.

"You don't tell me in the morning, you don't tell me, are you so beware? It is a elder, you can't have a elder." Said angry.

"I have no elders, I am clear that she is a bad water, I believe she is stupid to believe her." Aunt retort.

"You! You!" Hey, he couldn't say a word.

Seeing Lu Wei, Lu Aunt is also anxious. "I don't quarrel with you, you sit down, I am wrong, I will call you this doctor."

Lu Ai said, she hurriedly called the doctor.

At the end of the phone, I saw Ye Tang back.

"Right, I just called, he made me back, I decided to live in a few days." Lu Yichen said faintly.

Ye Tang Zhang opened his mouth, didn't want to go back to her in Lu, but he couldn't say anything he refused.

"I know, I will wait for you to pass."

"Don't send it, I know you are busy, you will go back to the company yourself." Lu Yichen said.

Ye Tang sighed a sigh of relief, there is no anti-anti-land in the morning.

Seeing Ye Tang did not talk, Lu Yichen began to pack up, leaving.

After leaving Lu Yichen, Ye Tang sat on the sofa. He was afraid that this time, she went back to her back. He didn't easily let Lu Yichen to go to the old house, and hope that Lu Yichen can look at the child. Consider the divorce, but from the afternoon, until this morning, Lu Yichen's attitude towards him, or because of the help of Gu Yunxi, Lu Yun may not talk to him.

Soon, Lu Yichen arrived at home.

Lu Yichen just got into the door, she saw a person holding a medicine box, doubtful, I don't know who is sick.

"That, hello, please?"

"Hello, I am a doctor, you can call me a doctor."

"Pay for your doctor, then, can I ask why people are sick at home?" Asked Lu Yichen asked.

"And, the cardiovascular blood vessels of Lu, have just been stimulated, and the blood pressure is raised, I came over to see him." Seeing Lu Yichen's attitude, paying doctor, I told her. .

"How is it now? How is your disease? His disease can not be cured?" I heard the heart of my own sorrow, and the heart of Lu Yichen was on the eyes of the throat.

"Mr. Lu has no problem, as long as it is well cultivated."

"That's good, thank you for your doctor." Lu Yichen heard that there was no problem now, she was relieved.

The doctor smiled and laughed.

The doctor just left, Lu Aunt came in from outside, just took the doctor, she took the doctor, she had to be angry because she was, so she had to leave.

"Hey, the bus is coming, how, you have just something you just have something, how can you not show it before?" Said Lu Mom's ironic.

Lu Yichen listened to Lu Aunt's words, she did not send, because she thought her aunt said it is quite right, because in her opinion, she only knows that she is resigned because of her.

"Why don't you talk, have you been able to say it before? You know what you are sick now, you can really be filial." Seeing Lu Yichen does not refute, Lu Aunt is more ironic.

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