Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 349th chapter of Yan Lingqiu satire

Seeing Lu Yichen crying, Ye Tang's heart is not a taste, he can only follow her silently. Lu Yichen went shopping in the department store, the mood finally gradually succeeded, she took a look at this side, and she took a look at the Ye Tang, who was behind Lu Yichen, I bought a single day, no matter what I don't have to get it.

I have always been in the lady of shopping, I don't know everything that Ye Tang is doing behind her.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Lu Yichen finally tired, so she returned home, and Ye Tang also followed behind Lu Yichen, after confirming that Lu Yichen is back, he bought something today.

The next day, Lu Yichen came to the company. At this time, Chen Feng, they also handled it to them, so she took several people in Ji Nan and the company in Lu Yiling.

At the time of negotiations, the people in Lu Yichen and the company have been waiting for a long time in the conference room, but there are still no appearance there, they are getting more impatient.

Lu Yichen was confused. She felt that people behind a company were being difficult for them, otherwise they can't still appear for so long, and the previous documents were the same, but they did not have any problems, but they were hard-born to make them modified.

Thinking of this, the brow on Lu Yichen wrinkled.

"President, what happened?" Ji Nan, who sat around Lu Yichen, did not have a good look, thinking that there is a little uncomfortable because there is a matter of maternity depression.

"I am fine, I just think that they have a little bully, and I am not happy in my heart." Lu Yichen explained.

I heard that Lu Yue said that Ji Nan is relieved, but she is really afraid that there will be anything in Lu Yichen.

"We have so this now, there is no way to wait for the equal time." Ji Nan helpless.

On Lu Yichen, I also knew that now, I still don't make trouble, and she will no longer think about it, waiting quietly.

After waiting for a long time, Yan Lingqiu, who was drinking coffee in the office, finally got up and got up.

When I saw it in the conference room in Lu Yichen, she knew that all things were all the things that Yan Lingqiu was engaged in ghosts, and I feel that there will be difficulties in my heart.

"Are you waiting for a long time? Sorry, there is a little thing to delay." Yan Lingqiu sat down and said.

When I was sitting in Yan Ling's autumn, I heard the Yan Lingqiu, my face changed, get rid of it, this is something that is delayed, she is clearly playing in the office.

However, it will not say something for Yan Lingqiu.

I saw the expression of the people after Yan Ling's autumn. Lu Yichen knows that Yan Lingqiu must not have anything to delay, she is definitely deliberately delayed.

"Nothing is fine, we have waited not for a long time." The people on the side of Lu Yichen said.

"That, this is our modified document, you can see, if there is no problem, you can sign a contract." Lu Yichen said, and then draft Jan Nan handed the document to Yan Lingqiu.

Ji Nan handed the document to Yan Lingqiu, Yan Lingqiu turned over the document, knowing that this time she didn't say something on the document, but she won't cooperate with this morning.

"I have seen it, okay, but I think your cooperation is not very interested in this time." Yan Ling said faintly.

I heard it, people in Lu Yichen were white.

"So big cooperation, you will make a president of the agent, not enough, I think things we need to think about it." When Yan Lingqiu said a word, his eyes looked unwrapped in the morning.

Lu Yichen knows that Yan Lingqiu is aimed at her, but she is nowhere, after all, Yan Lingqiu doesn't want to cooperate with them, she has no way.

"The president of our agent is also really real, we feel that there is nothing to pay for not enough attention to this case." She was seen that this Yan Ling Qimeoming is in the morning.

"Things are what I said, if you want this case, you can, you will let your president come over, otherwise, please talk." Yan Lingqiu said.

One of the people on Lu Yichen said so that the heart is in a hurry, this case can spend a lot of effort, if they really can't, they are sure that they are not taste, but they have not said that things will be broken down to On Lu Yichen, after all, they also know, for this case, the heart of Lu Yichen is much more than they.

The most important thing is that they can now come out to Yan Lingqiu this is in the morning.

"I have something to tell you, let's talk alone." Lu Yichen also knows that Yan Lingqiu is deliberately martedly because of himself, so she has to talk to Yan Lingqiu.

I heard that Lu Yichen was talking to myself privately, Yan Lingqiu agreed.

So the two left the meeting room and came to the office of Yan Lingqiu.

Office in Yanling Autumn.

"How can you agree with our cooperation?" I asked in the office of Yan Lingqiu.

"This thing should not be anxious, I have to tell you something now." Yan Lingqiu standing in front of her desk, laughing.

"What do you want to say?" Lu Yichen frowned asked.

"I have a thing that I want to tell you, you haven't worked with Ye Tang recently, I told you, Ye Tang, I left with Shen Muan last night, I have seen it myself, now Only you are stupid to believe that Ye Tang is really love to you. "

Yan Lingqiu looks like a fool looks at the anum.

On Lu Yichen, I don't know Yan Lingqiu. This is in deliberately provoking her and Ye Tang's relationship.

"You talk, a man and a woman, the firewood is waiting together, will they do something uncommon?" Yan Lingqiu asked in Lu Yichen smile.

"Ye Tang was still in the evening of Ye Tang again, so what you said at all, and now Shen Man seems to be in the branch, how can she be with Ye Tang? Leaving, I am not a fool. "Lu Yichen learned in Xiao Li in the morning, and Ye Tang did not link in Chi Man.

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