Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 350 Ye Tang gives a prenatal education in Lu Yichen

Yan Lingqiu said in Lu Yichen, and the smile hanging on her face is solidified. Yan Lingqiu didn't know. Ye Tang, did not call it on Lu Yichen yesterday, this is only a day in order to block Yan Lingqiu, he pretend to say.

However, Xiao Li and Lu Yushen said that Ye Tang's news is true, Xiao Li and Lu Yichen said that she didn't include that she and Ji Nan were in and Liu, Li Tong, and Ye Tang because Shen Man had urgent affairs, so Chi Yu Going to help, because this thing, Xiao Li does not know.

"Even if I am talking about fake? You can do Ye Tang now, you can still use your body to keep Ye Tang, but you don't have your belly now, what is your interest in you? As long as he is not stupid, he will choose Shenman. After all, no matter what to say, Shen Man can also help Ye Tang in business. "Yan Lingqiu didn't care about what he just said, she was angry Not long before it is repeated.

As soon as I heard Yan Lingqiu, I said that my face was bad, because the maternal depression, so now I am very sensitive to the morning. I care about the words of Yan Lingqiu.

Isn't it never to contact me because I am afraid of me? No, before we said that we have to give each other space, Ye Tang often calls me, but because I want to manage the company, I don't have such a chat, so Ye Tang is impossible to betray me. .

I was reluctant here, "I didn't have pregnant before," I didn't have pregnant, if Ye Tang really disliked me, he didn't want me, so you can't happen, and then said, Shenman's poured post So long, I don't see her success. "

Yan Lingqiu said in Lu Yichen, the heart is anxious, she knows that she wants to quarrel in Lu Yichen definitely will not succeed.

"I will tell you what to do, now you can talk about cooperation." Because it is said that Lu Lingqiu decided to put pressure on the morning.

"How do you want to cooperate with us?" Asked Lu Yichen.

Although I asked in Lu Yichen, she knew that this time, the cooperation is sure that the ten eight nine will not succeed, and Yan Lingqiu will also have confirmed the idea of ​​Lu Yichen.

"Do you think I will cooperate with you? I am not a fool, I will make you a modified document just a scorpion. I have the relationship between our two people's water. I will cooperate with you." Yan Ling Autumn is sneer.

"You, you can't make it a matter, even if I have some things in private, you can't get a job, you know how much your company has paid for this time." Lu Yichen angry.

"I have a knife to put it on your neck and threaten you? This thing can only say that you are not lucky, and I will hit me, I am willing to see your busy dizzy, and then all efforts are all water Drifting. "Yan Lingqiu did not care.

As soon as I heard Yan Lingqiu, I heard that this time I did not succeed.

So Lu Yichen did not continue to continue to say anything and Yan Lingqiu, and directly came out of the office of Yan Lingqiu.

"Let's go, the case is impossible." When I came to the meeting room, I said that people in the company on Lu Yichen.

They looked at the attitude of Yan Lingqiu, and also knew that cooperation will definitely bubble, just left.

Seeing them, there is no taste in the heart of Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen also wanted to cooperate with other companies. After they left, Yan Lingqiu said directly who dared to pick up this list, it is right with her, so, there is no way between Lu Yichen, because Yan Lingqiu's words, It has caused a lot of trouble to land in the morning.

Here, Ye Tang passed Ji Nan, also known the problem facing Lu Yichen, and he helped to think about solving the land in the morning, but not now solved.

Because it is afraid that there is too many mornings, Ye Tang has gave a very good prenatal place in Lu Yichen. Ye Tang was looking for a good place, "Mom, you will go to the morning today, I gave her a teaching tire. Place, you said that you are looking for it. "When I got home, Ye Tang hugged the leaf, and said to Ye Mother.

"What happened in the morning? Why is the good end to go to the prenatal education?" Ye Mom asked.

Ye Tang is not intended to tell Ye Mother has a maternal depression in the morning, and I don't want to worry about Ye Ma.

"I just want to relax in the morning, you also know, I will manage her company in the morning, I have been focused, and I will see that the prenatal education is also good." Ye Tang explained.

"Dad, what is the prenatal education?" Sitting in Ye Hao, Ye Hao, who was on the Ye Tang, asked.

"The prenatal education is to talk to the baby in the mother and the belly, teach him something." Ye Tang smashed the leaves whose hauffs said.

"I will also teach this, I can teach." Ye Hao said.

"Yes, you will, we are smarter." Ye Mom said.

"Grandma, I didn't have a prenatal education when I was in my mother's belly?" I thought about what I thought, Ye Yu asked very much.

Ye Tang listened to Ye Wei, then in the heart, when the morning was in the morning, Ye Tang was ignored by the Valley, so he didn't give birth to a prenatal education in Lu Yichen.

Now I don't know how I should answer for my own daughter.

Ye Mom saw Ye Tang know, and he also knew that his heart was not good.

"To the right, I am so smart, I don't need prenatal education." Ye Yixing said.

Seeing Ye Tang, Ye Tang's heart is even more no taste.

Ye Mom told Lu Yichen's prenatal education in the next day, so she went to see it, she stayed at the place where the prenatal education was a little more relaxed.

Because of a good mood, so Lu Yichen often sent its own feelings during INS, and she felt that she had relaxed since she participated in the prenatal education, and her mood was relaxed. People were not so violent.

Because Lu Yichen's writing is good, plus the more pregnant women she written, so there is not long, she has a lot of fans.

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