Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 351, Tang Chenchen's match

Ye Tang is often sent in INS because of Lu Yichen, so he also went to the Lu Yichen. Every time I launched an article, he will hit a lot of views. Because Ye Tang deliberately, so long time, Lu Yichen is very good with Ye Tang.

However, Lu Yichen didn't know that the person was Ye Tang, she thought he was just a fan.

"Hey, in the morning, what are you doing now?" Tang Chenchen thought of her case, I plan to compensate for the last morning.

"I just came out from the place of prenatal education, what happened?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"Is this, did I not lose? So I want to ask you to eat, have you had time this noon?" Tang Chenchen explained.

Lu Yichen saw a taxi came over. She hurriedly waved, while she waved on Tang Chenchen, "I have no time today, I have time tomorrow, let's go to eat tomorrow."

Recently, because of the past Yan Lingqiu, there is a little busy, but it is not busy before.

"That, we went to the Xiangchao to eat tomorrow." Tang Chenchen said.

"Right, how are you now with Ye Tang?" Tang Chen morning thought, or asked.

"That's that, before we said something clear, but because there is still a little embarrassing reason, it will agree to each other." Lu Yichen returned.

I thought of Ye Tang, I thought of Ye Tang, my heart was flooding, but she now can't pull the face to take the initiative to find Ye Tang.

"Well, do you have two people, I am not good, yes, you have to pay attention to safety when you work, you are still a big big life now." Tang Chenchen said.

"I know, you should pay attention to safety yourself."

After two people continued to say a session, they hung up each other.

After the call of Tang Chen Chen, she knew that she should do something for Lu Yichen, so she gave Ye Tangfa information about her will be in the Yuxiang Garden and landing in the sky, and said she is willing to match him and Lu Yichen.

Original Tang Chenchen is going to eat himself and have to eat in the morning, but now to get on Ye Tang, she thought about it, also called Yang.

Strap, if you have a morning and Ye Tang and Ye Tang and Ye Tang and Ye Tang and Ye Tang, and she doesn't want to eat dog food, so she has said to have been with Yang. And Yang passed can also help match Ye Tang and Lu Yichen.

After receiving the information of Tang Chen Chen, Ye Tang did not hesitate, he pushed all the things that he tomorrow, just to find land in the morning.

This time they can't be good, Ye Tang is still difficult to die.

On the dinner table, Lu Yichen accidentally got a disgusting thing, and the heart was nausea, he had to go to the bathroom.

"You are nothing in the morning? Are you doing something wrong?" Tang Chenchen asked while taking the lack of the next morning.

"Nothing is fine, I just have a disgusting thing, and so good." Lu Yichen shook his head and said.

Lu Yichen just finished, she continued to vomit. After a few minutes in the bathroom, Tang Chenchen saw Lu Yichen or so uncomfortable, and his heart was not a taste.

"Opening in the morning, do we go to the hospital, you are not good now." Tang Chenchen worried.

"Still not, I am already a lot now, you go out, wait, Yang Hao saw that two people didn't go out so long, he should worry." Lu Yichen said that he was fine.

Because there is a little more recently, there is a little more, so she doesn't want to go to the hospital, so she did not agree to Tang Chen morning to go to the hospital.

"Do you really determine if you are nothing?" Tang Chen Chen did not worry about it.

"I am sure, I just eat disgusting things, there is nothing, wait, you will go out first."

Tang Chenchen saw Lu Yichen so insisted, helpless, just go out first.

Tang Chen Chen didn't have long. After the morning, I spit a meeting, I felt that she had a good job.

Here, when Tang Chen Chen came to the bathroom in Lu Yichen, Yang gave Ye Tang called the phone, told Ye Tang Lu in the morning, because I was worried about Lu Yichen, Ye Tang quickly came over.

Lu Yichen just returned to the dinner table, Ye Tang also came over.

"You are fine? Is it difficult to suffer?" Asked Ye Tang worried.

Just saw Ye Tang, there is a little in the morning, she doesn't understand why Ye Tang will appear here.

"I don't have anything, I said something bad." Lu Yichen shook his head and said.

I heard the words, Ye Tang and Tang Chen Chen and Yang have greeted him, he directly allowed the waiter to withdraw all the things on the dinner, and then went to a table.

Because the things just eaten, so I didn't stop Ye Tang in Lu Yichen, just let him withdraw the dishes.

"Right, how can you here?" Asked after Lu Yichen.

"I accidentally passing, I will come in." Ye Tang did not change color.

If you know the beginning of Tang Chenchen and Yang, they almost believe that Ye Tang said.

"Right, Ye Tang, you should have no food, then you will eat it directly with us. Anyway, some dishes are you again." Tang Chenchen said.

I heard the words, Ye Tang sat in the end of Lu Yichen and dinner together.

"You eat this, this is very good for pregnant women." Ye Tang put the banquet in the dish in the bowl of the next morning.

On Lu Yichen, I nodded, I ate Ye Tang gave her a dish.

Seeing the dish of the lacquered her own clips, Ye Tang continued to give the shrimp in the morning, or because pregnant women can't eat crabs, Ye Tang must continue to give crabs in the morning after peeling with shrimp.

Tang Chenchen saw Ye Tang's waiting for Lu Yichen, and I was pleased. When you look at your side and Ye Tang, Tang Chen Chen is more satisfied.

"Hey, or because I am also a person in my own room, I will definitely don't know how much wave of dogs have been eaten." Tang Chenchen deliberately said.

"You already have Yang, you don't give us a dog." Ye Tang also knew that Tang Chenchen was intentionally combined with him to follow the morning.

"In the morning, we don't have to take her, you eat well, you still want to eat, I will give you." Ye Tang said with love.

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