Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 36, interview Chen Wei

"You are fine? Is there been scared?" After all the people left, Ye Tang asked anxious. "I am fine, I have something to do, you know? Then some is a drug, that is, the drug is not anything else, if there is anything in Yao Chen, what do I do? I blame me, or because I agree to gather, Yiero Chen will not do this. "Lu Yichen said.

On Lu Yichen, I thought that Yi Shaochen's mouth is lying on the ground, her heart is cool.

"Nothing, you don't have to worry, you don't want to be embarrassed, don't you send him to a hospital? Drug is definitely cleaned out." Ye Tang took the back of the next morning and comforted.

"Ye Tang, I am worried, he is still living today, telling me that I am his goddess, I have to sign him, and he is directly lying directly in the hospital now." Lu Yichen said that I couldn't help but cry.

Seeing Lu Yichen crying, Ye Tang's heart is not a taste.

"You don't cry, I will definitely investigate, now I have found it now, I will definitely find the culprit, give Yi Shao Chen, one, you can rest assured, I will not let white Yiero Chen, you believe me. "Ye Tang guaranteed.

With the guarantee of Ye Tang, there is no worries in Lu Yichen, and it will be dizzy directly.

After tossing for so long, the body of Lu Yichen has long said that it is a strong bow.

Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen was faint, and he quickly held her to find a doctor.

I know that Lu Yichen is too worried, so after the past, Ye Tang Song has a sigh of relief, he knows, he must now make a little bit of people who make Chen Wei's people, or he does not have to explain to Lu Yichen.

After setting up in the morning, Ye Tang went to the policeman.

"What kind of wind blows you?" Seeing Ye Tang over, Luo said smiled.

"I will definitely there is something, you say less nonsense, I want to interrogate Chen Wei." Ye Tang did not want to talk nonsense with Luo, said directly.

"Small Tang Tang, you can't say this, I can't say the interrogator, you can't tell people, don't you have a point?" Luo said that Lou Tang said.

Ye Tang listened to Luo Dynasty called his small Tang Tang, and his face was not pulled.

"You hop, you don't agree, I will go yourself." Ye Tang was unsatisfactory.

"The line is, not to interrogate someone, what is big, but I will be confused, do you have such a big burst in the morning?" Luo.

"Your single dog doesn't know that it is red." Ye Tang suddenly took a lobby, not to the face.

You will don't know if you don't know any friend, then say, my single dog is hindering you, I am working hard with my own efforts.

Luo is spit in my heart.

In order to recruit it, Luo will directly let people take Ye Tang to interrogate Chen Wei.

"Ye Tang, you save me, I know is wrong, I should not count the morning, I really don't know that the drug is drug, I know, I can't do it." I saw Ye Tang came in. " Chen Wei wants to rush to Ye Tang, seeking him to put himself, but he was pulled by the two policemen around her.

After a few hours of cell life, Chen Wei really regretted, because there is Ye Tang said that "care" Chen Wei, so Chen Wei's treatment can be in the cell.

"Who will give you something? If you say, I can consider thinking about whether you want to put you a horse." Ye Tang said faintly.

Chen Wei listened to Ye Tang, where there is something concealed.

"I said that I said that things are gave to me, but I really don't know that she will give me drugs. I thought it was something that would let Lu Yichen lost his face. Really, I can swear, I really don't know that Yan Lingqiu will give me drugs. If I know that is drug, I have no courage to go to the medicine. "Chen Wei is eager to explain.

Ye Tang, heard the matter is that Yan Lingqiu means, a haze in the eyes, good, very good, three times to find the trouble in the morning, it seems that this time does not let you pay for you.

I know that the proup is that after Yan Lingqiu, Ye Tang did not say anything with Chen Wei, turned and wanted to leave.

When I saw Ye Tang, Chen Wei hurriedly said, "Ye Tang, don't you say that I have to let me? You don't think about it."

"Human hurt people, do you think I will let me let? The next jail life hopes you can enjoy enjoyment, after all, this opportunity is not anyone, and there is, don't thank me, I am just just It's more labor. "Ye Tang said, did not take care of Chen Wei and left the interrogation room.

Chen Wei listened to Ye Tang that, her face is pale, and the tamami sits on the ground.

Two people standing around Chen Wei saw Chen Wei, there was no pity in my heart, Chen Wei, this is self-sufficient, it is not worth it.

After Ye Tang left the interrogation room, he did not directly left the police station, but came to the office of Luo.

"How things had been?"

Chen Wei did not see the world, I saw Ye Tang in, and Luo said in the hand of the hand.

"I know who is it, but this thing you don't have to manage, I can deal with it yourself. Just give me a good hospitality to entertain Chen Wei." Ye Tang took a desk desk to say .

"Why do I think I am a small hand under your hand? No, you have to give me a little benefit." Luo said nothing.

"What do you want?" Ye Tang didn't care about it.

"This is simple, you will give me a 10 bottle of eight bottles of wine, I am not greedy this person." Luo turned into the eye of the bead.

Luo Ye Tang's wine has been a long time, now it is difficult to have a few bottles, how can he not firmly caught it.

"OK, I will directly send you people." Ye Tang was silent, and nodded.

The original Luo Dynasty saw that Ye Tang was silent, thinking that he had to have too much, Ye Tang did not agree, so he would like to have two or three bottles, and Ye Tang agreed.

In an instant, the Luo is open to the eye.

"Okay, you are happy, I still have something, go first." Seeing a silly party on the side, Ye Tang discarded.

Because Ye Tang agreed to give him a wine, the Robs sent Ye Tang to the door.

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