Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Thirty-one chapter Ye Tang's threat

Shen Man handled the policeman's things, returned home, she gave Yan Ling Qiuqiu, "Lingqiu, I tell you a good news, I have now made some progress and Ye Tang, you can't help me. Let's do. "" What are you doing? "I heard the voice of Shen Ming Hao, asked Yan Lingqiu.

"I will help Ye Tang today. He will definitely be grateful to me, and in the end, I will definitely look at him." Shen Man Zhuang said Ling Yun.

"what have you done?"

"I hit someone today, I gave the next morning, I called Ye Tang. Later, I came to me when I came over." Shenman didn't think much, I told Yan Lingqiu, I told Ye Tang Lu. The thing that is being preserved.

"What? You said that you hit someone to give the next medicine in the morning!" Yan Lingqiu said with surprise.

"Yes, what happened to you? Are you a little fear?" Shen Man is curious.

"Nothing, you said, do you know who wants to give Lu Yichen?" Yan Ling Qiupou has a mood, and if you don't have something wrong.

"I don't know, but people who gave the next morning medicine were caught by the police." Shen Man didn't care.

"I know, I still have some things, I don't say more." Yan Lingqiu finished, did not say goodbye to Shenman, she happily hangs.

Shen Mang saw that Yan Lingqiu hangs a phone, and there is no reaction between the time. She originally thinks about the continuation and Yan Lingqiu say something, and the Yan Lingqiu hangs.

"What should I do? What should I do? Chen Wei will definitely reveal me, what should I do to minimize the damage?" Yan Lingqiu is anxious to walk in the room.

Yan Lingqiu knew that things were very big, and they were flying quickly.

Haven't waited for her to think about it, Ye Tang called her.

When I saw Ye Tang called myself, Yan Lingqiu's heart jumped to the eyes of the voice. She settled the heart, she padene, and received the phone, "Hello, is there anything?"

"I will say it, you will be careful when you will be careful, and I hope you can make a tail, or you will let you know the price of hurting the morning, since you dare to pay for the morning, you will There must be awareness of my anger. "Ye Tang finished, directly, I hung up the phone.

Yan Lingqiu was afraid of being afraid of the threat of Ye Tang, she knew that the current situation is no longer control, so she has to ask her father to help her handle.

I heard the news of Yan Lingqiu to give the next morning medicine. The father did not vomit blood, and I didn't have a steel for Yan Lingqiu. However, because he only had a baby daughter in Yan Lingqiu, he can only help Yan Lingqiu. Handling traces.

Now Ye Tang did not plan to let the police handle Yan Lingqiu. He knows that with the power of Del, they will definitely do the Qi Lingqiu's autumn, so he wants to pay the price of Yan Lingqiu, then he must Make up.

As a result, Ye Tang took care of Lu Yichen while he bought a lot of shares of Yan Lingqiu Father Company.

The next morning, Lu Yichen quickly woke up to see Ye Tang's tenthing.

"How is Easy Morning now?" Lu Yichen asked.

"There is no thing, he is now awake, you don't worry." Seeing Lu Yichen woke up, Ye Tang put the things in his hand, and came to the front of Lu Yichen.

"That's good, right, how long have I slept?"

"You have slept for a day, the doctor said that you are anxiety and excessive, so you will be able to pay attention to your body." Ye Tang Yushu arrived.

"I know, I will, yes, you now go to see Yi Shaochen now, I am not trying to say," Lu Yichen thought about it.

Yido Chen is because helping her, so I will make this now, so I want to see him in the morning, otherwise he will not be relieved.

"Yes, but you will eat breakfast first." Ye Tang took the breakfast next to it.

Originally, I didn't plan to have breakfast in the morning. I want to go directly to the Yuechen, but Ye Tang and her said that Yi Shaochen is now having breakfast, so Lu Yushen helpless, I have to eat breakfast first.

After eating breakfast in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang took her to the ward of Yi Shaochen.

On Lu Yichen, they just walked into the Ward of the Shampoche, they just saw the nurse who was helping to withdraw the breakfast in front of Easy Shamochen.

"President, how come you? Yesterday's things were not scared?" Seeing Lu Yichen came over, Yi Shao Chen worried.

Lu Yichen, I heard Yihao Chen, who cares about himself, and my heart is not a taste.

"I don't have anything, but it is you, or because of me, you will not do this, sorry, I am tired of you." Lu Yichen said.

"There is no, fortunately, people who have accidents are me. If you are your words, you can have it, after all, you are pregnant, and I am just a brutal man." Seeing Lu Yichen, Yi Shaochen hurriedly smashed.

Seeing Yi Shaochen, I was moved in the heart of the morning.

"Right, this is your husband, fortunately, you will be lucky." Yi Shaochen saw Ye Tang, standing around Lu, said.

"Thank you, if you don't because of you, you can't imagine it in the morning." Ye Tang thanked him.

"I just misunderstood, the president, but my goddess, I am very lucky for her." Yi Shaochen smiled.

"You can rest assured that the people behind things I will let her pay the price, and your treatment, don't worry, I have already arranged a doctor." Ye Tang wants to think, say.

I heard Ye Tang said that he has arranged a doctor, he opened his mouth, and he wanted to refuse, but if he thought he refused, then Lu Yichen will definitely be more embarrassing, but Yi Shaochen doesn't want to give Lu Yichen what? Burden in your heart.

"Hey, thank you, I just take a rest, right, right, president, I can take a salary message." Yi Shaochen's eyes shine.

Lu Yichen knew that Yi Shaochen did not want her to worry and embezzle, she smiled, "that is sure, I will give you double salary."

"The line is row, talking, you will leave if you don't have anything, I should have a good rest." Yi Shaochen laughed.

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