Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 362 Back to the Company

Lu Yichen helplessly, Ye Tang left the office of Yualhao Chen. In the afternoon, I was discharged from Lu Yichen.

Yesterday happened to be known, he was worried about Lu Yichen.

I saw that Lu Yichen came back. She quickly pulled land on the road to her, and he knew that there was no matter what day, he was relieved.

"Hey, I am fine, see you anxious." Lu Yichen happiness said.

"You still laugh, you will pay attention to safety in the future, I am scared by you." Lu Xi said.

"I know, I am not a moment, I don't have anything, I have something to lying on the hospital now." Lu Yichen laughed.

These days, because she often stayed with Easy Morning, it is not a little bit of embarrassment.

Originally, I felt that I wouldn't afford to Yue Mince, but every time I went to Yihao Chen chat, Yi Shaochen was smashed every time, she didn't feel it.

"Forget it, I am not trying to worry now, you don't go to the company in the future, you can stay at home, I can't go back to Yejia, there is Ye Tang Zhao, I am also assured." Lu I am worried about it.

"No, how can I not manage it? Do you have something to do, or how can I calculate it is your foreign girl, you can rest assured, I will pay attention to it later." Lu Yichen shook his head, disagree, Lu Yi, do not let She went to the company's statement.

"Why don't you obey? Every time I'm so embarrassed, I don't know who you are in this nature." Lu Yi helpless.

"I am definitely with you, I have to know that you will bring me big, don't follow you," Lu Yichen, I have agreed that she continued to return to the company, so she hurriedly gave it.

The next day, Lu Yichen returned to the company in the eyes of Lu Yi.

The people in the company have known the previous things before Yu Xiangyuan, and also know everything in the morning of Ye Tang, and they are also happy for Ye Tang's maintenance land.

The company about Ye Tang's thunderstorm rumors, the company's female employees know that Ye Tang Chongguan is angry for red, and I am envious of the land in the morning, I also hope that I can love my own white horse like Ye Tang love to guard against it.

"President, don't you have anything now?" Seeing Lu Yichen coming in, people in the company stopped the movements in his hand, asked.

"I haven't worry now, you don't have to worry, you work well, don't worry about me." Lu Yichen smiled and said.

I heard that Lu Yue said that they did not say anything, and they started working.

Lu Yichen returned to his office with Ji Nan.

"You and I told me what the company happened these days." Lu Yichen sat down and showed Ji Nan to sit on the sofa.

"President, these days because of the previous things, now everyone has anger to rush to your crowns in the leaf president, everyone is very envious of you." Ji Nan is said.

As soon as I heard Ji Nan, I said that she was embarrassed and coughed.

"For the president, can you talk to me in the Yu Xiangyuan, I want to know, is the matter they pass?" Ji Nan gossip asked.

When I went to the gathering of the first morning, I didn't go, so she didn't go, so she was very curious, what happened to her now.

"You are on the gossip now, and things are like that, or how can you still?" Lu Yichen helpless.

Why didn't I find that my small secretary would be a gossip.

"You talk to me, I am curious, I have been to insomnia because this thing is so much." Ji Nan is eager to watch Lu Yichen.

On the morning, I had to tell Ji Nan that the situation of the day.

After listening to the morning, Ji Nan enjoys looked at Lu Yichen. "I can't think of the president of the leaf, I have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend."

"Okay, don't say anything anymore, hurry to tell me the situation in these days, I have a decision to decide." Seeing Ji Nan's face, there is a headache on Lu Yichen.

"The recent leaf president is pressing Yan, and Yan's has been greatly hitting, and there is no situation." Ji Nan wants to say.

"Yes, because the president of the leaf plays Yan, so they will only say that the president of the Ye has rishes the crown as red, you don't want to say your own feelings?" Ji Nan continued to play in the morning.

"Okay, don't say some no more, hurry out."

On Lu Yichen, he saw that Ji Nan has been grabbing his own things through the small secretary, so she quickly let Ji Nan go out.

Because Lu Yichen knows that Ye Tang is recently suppressed Yan, and the achievement is remarkable, she thinks that she is a difficult thing she is lie in Q Yan Shuqiu, so she is going to make Ye Tang to Yanshi to She can sign a single child before Yan Lingqiu.

I thought here, I didn't hesitate in Lu Yichen, I gave Ye Tang called.

"Hey, do you miss me?" I saw that Lu Yichen took the initiative to call himself, Ye Tang was happy.

Chen Feng, who is reporting to work, saw Ye Tang's face of spring breeze, his heart begened, and the Ye Tang, which was still angry, was so fast.

Not only Chen Fengzhen is forced, but people in the conference room will also be embarrassed, but they also loose a sigh of relief, just Ye Tang is rushing, now actually a phone call.

"I miss you, but I called you because I have a business and you said." Lu Yichen said with a pleasure.

"Oh, okay, what are you talking to me?" Ye Tang sighed a sigh of relief and asked in Barba.

"I listen to my secretary, you have recently put pressure in Yanshi, and the effect is not bad, so I want you to put pressure on Yanshi, so I can talk to them, you don't know, before Yan Lingqiu is a cooperative thing, let me be angry, now I can't get caught a chance to make us more eyebrows, how can we miss it? "Lu Yichen said.

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