Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 363 Signing Contract

Lu Yichen, for the past, Yan Lingqiu is worried about the matter of the Lu, I remember that this thing is not because of her little chicken, but she is really swallowed. "That, I said, I will arrange it, but I have a suggestion." Ye Tang want to say.

Oh, since Yan Lingqiu bullied in the morning, then how can this time not to compensate for the morning? Moreover, why did you be bullied by Yan Lingqiu when he is a contract with Yan Lingqiu in the morning. I don't know.

Thinking of this, Ye Tang Chen glanced at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was made with a mist of Ye Tang's eyes.

"You said, what good opinions do you have?" Lu Yichen asked curiously.

"Since you have to re-sign the contract, then you can consider the Lu's considering, strive to take some interests, now Yans, so that you will not be very much, you will definitely agree." Ye Tang explained.

"But how do I feel that there is a little loss? It is the Yan Lingqiu to bully us, no matter what people are," Lu Yichen tangled.

Lu Yichen is a huge Yingqi Qiu, but this is nothing to do with Yan's, she seems to be very good.

"Where is it, Yan Lingqiu is Yanshi, or because of Yan, she will not be so delicate, okay, you will listen to me, since Yan Lingqiu is sorry for you, then you will not have to use it. What is concerned, and now I'm still in the hospital, you don't need to help him revenge, you make money, then give it to Yi Shao Chen a big red envelope as his wife. "Ye Tang directly Wash the lance in the morning.

"Well, I think you are quite right, I will go back to the contract now, you also hurry to put it down." Lu Yichen thought about it, return.

After getting the answer of Ye Tang, there was a call on Lu Yichen, but it was formulated.

I hang up the phone, I looked around and said, "Now the meeting is here, you go back to work, re-pay a plan to give me."

Everyone made a breath and left.

After the person left, Ye Tang went to Yanshang to put it.

Here, the Yellow, who got the news saw Ye Tang to put pressure on himself in the morning, almost did not spit a old blood.

"You wait, go to the contract with the Lu," Yan father said to the Yan Lingqiu, standing on the side, frowned.

"No, I don't agree." Yan Lingqiu heard the father and actually let himself take the initiative to sign the contract, she is not calm, let her take the initiative to find Lu, this is not a face?

"You don't agree, you see what you do before, or because you, now the company will be like this? You see Ye Tang to force our company what is like, or because I still have some kinds of heritage, company early It is easy to Lord. "

"And, do you think that your father's ability is really so big? Since Ye Tang put pressure on the company, some old things have come out, they are all in this position, I am now. Today, Lu, you don't want to go. "Yanchedi hated the iron and said.

Yes, Yanyi is a passionate of Yan Lingqiu, but he doesn't want to take his company in the taste of Yan Lingqiu.

"Can you let others go? Anyway, just ask them to sign a contract, why don't you let me go?" Yan Lingqiu said.

"Not because of your previous day, you have to give Lu Yichen a modest, and their requirements are all agreed, and now the company is no longer tossing again." The father said.

Recently, because Ye Tang's tariff is now the same and strong bow, or because there are some bottom cards in the hands of the flour, it may be Yili.

Yan Lingqiu saw his father, and his heart was not a taste. "I know, I will wait, my father should not worry, I will not do anything else in the future."

I heard the words, and Yan father put his hand and let Yan Ling go out.

After Yan Lingqiu leaving the dovenial office, the bottom is dark, good, very good, this time I endure this time, but who is the last deer who does not necessarily.

Yan Lingqiu bite his teeth and took someone to the Lu.


"That, this is our contract, you see, if you have no comments, you can sign it."

It is also an apology, and Lu Yichen does not have a feeling, and the morning is cold.

Lu Yichen is now looking at Yan Lingqiu. She thinks that I am in the hospital, I don't have a taste, or because now she has no way to make Yankingqiu pay the price, how can she let Yan Lingqiu have so long.

Yan Lingqiu saw Lu Yichen, and the heart is more hated by Lu Yichen. She didn't look directly at her contract.

After the Yan Ling has signed the contract, the people around her have given her an eye to tell her apology.

"The previous thing is that I am sorry for you, because my own alien is to find trouble, now I am officially apologizing to you." Yan Lingqiu bite his teeth.

"Don't forgive, don't want to have any entanglement with you, or because you deliberately give us trouble, we can't do it now, so, you apologize we are not accepted, ok, I also know that you are not I am really interested, so you will leave. "Lu Yichen didn't care.

Yan Lingqiu saw that Lu Yichen was refused, which made Yan Lingqiu feel that there is no face, and the fire in the heart is coming.

"How is your feelings, if you think because of Ye Tang, you think I will come over to find you, you are more than me, if you don't have Ye Tang yourself, you are not, you can rest assured, later Our two people walk. "Yan Ling said.

"Is it finished? I didn't install it. I thought you were so embarrassed. I have already regretted. I still haven't said it, but I am really right, I am more than you is really Ye Tang, but there is a leaf Tang, I still think so much, Ye Tang gives me a maintenance, I don't have to do it, the opposite is you, you don't have anything, no Yan's ah. "Lu Yichen is directly irony.

"You are giving me a look." Yan Lingqiu heard the words of Lu Yichen, said that it was seriously corrupt.

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