Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 366, Lu Yichen

At this time, Ye Tang came out of the toilet, see Shen Mun, my heart is unhappy, but now Shenman has come, he is not good, I have nodded, I don't pay attention to Shenman. Shen Man intentionally wanted to be entangled with Ye Tang, but was stopped by Tang Chenchen, Shen Man smashed his feet and angry.

Dinner table.

Shen Man has been brushing his face in front of Ye Tang, but Ye Tang does not take care of Shenman, and take care of Lu Yichen.

"Yushao Chen, you taste this, this asked is good." Lu Yichen climbs a chopsticks in the bowl of Yi Shaochen.

I don't know why, after the morning, I gave Yido Chen, I thought that the air around him was cold, undoubtedly, Ye Tang was jealous.

"Thank you." Yi Shaochen returned.

Easy Shaoche finished, he ate to give him a dish on the morning.

Due to the previous things, she always felt that she couldn't afford to easily, so I have been concerned about Yi Shaochen in the morning. Ye Tang also knows that there is no idea of ​​Lu Yichao, but he is uncomfortable, vinegar.

"Okay, in the morning, he still don't know if you take care of yourself? You don't have to take him, eat your own meals, you see you recently thin." Ye Tang saw that Lu Yichen again gave Yi Shaochen, he directly re-clamping the Yi Shao Chen Bowl, I just won the dishes in my bowl.

Yi Shaoche saw Ye Tang, he knew that Ye Tang must be eating his own vinegar, helpless, he had to eat his own dishes in An'an, refused to take care of him on Lu Yichen.

More than Yi Shao Chen knows that Ye Tang is jealous, the people on the dinner also know that Ye Tang is jealous.

Seeing Ye Tang jealous, Shenman's eyes were turned, and I could start to destroy the land, but she just opened, I was directly turned back by Tang Chen Chen.

In these days, Lu Aunt has always called Lu Yichen, let her put Chen Wei, don't be targeting Chen Wei

On this day, Lu Yichen has just come to the office, and Lu Mom called Lu Yichen.

"Aunt, I said, I can't let Chen Wei, you don't call me anymore, no matter what you said, I can't agree." No waiting for the aunt talking, Lu Yichen directly showed the attitude .

"You don't look at what day when Chen Wei is in the cell, she is almost hard, I don't care, even if you don't put Chen Wei, then you can see it." Lu Aunt It is not necessary to say it.

"I don't go." Lu Yichen said.

"If you don't go, I will hit your phone every day. As long as you don't look at Chen Wei, I will not give up." Lu Aunt threatened.

As soon as I heard that Lu Mom, I heard that she was tangled, she didn't want to harassment of the Auntie.

"I know, let me wait for her, you don't call me because Chen Wei's things will be called." Lu Yichen said impatiently.

"OK, I know, as long as you go to Chen Wei, I will not call you." Lu Ang said.

When I heard Lu's mother, I hangled directly on Lu.

I saw that Lu Yichen hanging my own call, Lu Mom did not say anything, Lu Ai felt that as long as Lu Yichen went to Chen Wei, I knew Chen Wei's current appearance, so Lu Yichen will definitely let Chen Wei, after all, Chen Wei is already I don't know what to get tortured.

After Lu Yichen, she thought about it, she wanted to let Yi Shaochen together to see Chen Wei with her own, but Yi Shaochen is not in the company, she has to visit Chen Feng with her to see her. .

"Hey, wife, are you looking for me?" I saw that Lu Yichen took the initiative to call him, Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I want you to take a look at Chen Wei with me, if you have no things, you will come over the company to find me." Lu Yichen explained his meaning.

"Why don't you go with the president?" Chen Feng asked.

"I naturally have my own consideration, okay, you will talk directly, you don't bring me together." Lu Yichen picks the eyebrows.

"Don't you take it? I will go to Luo to find you now."

"it is good."

After that, they hung up each other.

Not long after, Chen Feng came to the police station in Lu Yichen, because the Luo Dynasty, Chen Wei directly took the road to Lu Yichen, see Chen Wei, there is no recognition of Chen Wei, now Chen Wei's look is too scary, and the whole person is full of gloomy.

"Lu Yichen, are you coming over to see my joke, I am looking at you now? If you don't because you, how can I be now in the morning." Chen Wei saw Lu Yichen, there will be a little Crazy.

"I don't say you want to see your joke, or because of my aunt, I can't appear here. After all, you are hurting me, why have you come over to see you." Lu Yichen smiled.

"You are enough in Lu Yichen, are you not because of Ye Tang? If you are not because Ye Tang, you are nothing, I tell you, Ye Tang is mine, just mine, as long as I do Yan Lingqiu wants me to do something, when Ye Tang will give up you, and I will replace it. "

"So, you are best to enjoy the life you have now, one day, it can only be mine, is mine." Chen Weihaha laughed.

Now she seems to have been successful.

Lu Yichen frowned or she didn't come over, she didn't know that Chen Wei actually had such a thought to Ye Tang.

"You have no chance, you think you are now like this Ye Tang will see you, then say, even if you don't have me, if you have any qualifications you can enter the Ye Tang's eyes, you will look at your present look. It is not far from a madman. "Lu Yichen said

Chen Wei listened to Lu Yichen to say, her emotions collapsed more, talking, "I don't believe, I am so much better than you, Ye Tang can not see me, Ye Tang is mine, yes I, no one can stop me. "

Looking at Chen Wei's madness, there is no distress in the morning, there is a saying, and there is a saying that the poor people will have a hateful, so, Lu Yichen does not think Chen Wei has what can be pity.

When I visited Chen Wei in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang received news, so he rushed to the police station.

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