Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 367th chapter of Yan Lingqiu is forced to go to the blind date

"How did you come over?" Seeing Ye Tang coming in the printed room, Lu Yichen curiously asked. "I am not worried about you? Hello, come over, what Chen Wei, spicy eyes know." Ye Tang said helplessly.

Chen Wei saw Ye Tang over, she looked at Lu Yichen, "I said Ye Tang is mine, let's see, now Ye Tang doesn't come over to see me? You most Give me a hurry to leave Ye Tang. "

In the scene, the person heard Chen Wei in one day, he couldn't help but laugh at a little bit.

"Ye Tang, how are you going to put me? I am afraid here. I know is wrong, you will let me go." Chen Wei saw Ye Tang unreasoning eyes, she got.

Ye Tang knows that Chen Wei is not far away from it.

Lu Yichen saw Chen Wei, the face is a little bad, Ye Tang thought that Lu Yichen was scared by Chen Wei because of pregnancy, the opening query, "Do you think that I am a little over, after all, she is not a black hand behind the scenes, If you are not happy, then I will let people go. "

"No, there is no need, I have no so many sympathetic, how can I get rid of me to easily, and let go." Lu Yichen shook his head and refused Ye Tang to let go of Chen Wei.

Chen Wei is now not very good, she is sitting on the side, Ye Tang and Lu Yichen looked at Chen Wei, they did not pay attention to her, turned and left the police station.

Going home, I got up and down in the morning, "I can't think of it, Chen Wei actually has a heart to you, you talk about when she has such an idea."

I have always wanted to ask Ye Tang in the morning of the car, but I saw Chen Feng in the side, Lu Yichen was not good, now there is only her and Ye Tang, so there is no concern now.

I heard Lu Yichen, Chen Wei's heart, Ye Tang understood that she was jealous with himself, smiled and said, "You can rest assured, except for you, don't, you don't worry, before The reason is not to tell you is that you will think too much. "

"Hey, look at all the things you do for me before, I will not be able to pay with you now. If you have any rotten peach blossoms, I will not let me not let me. You. "Lu Yichen picks up the eyebrows, said that said.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Ye Tang Xin is moving, he has not touched Lu Yichen, so his heart is a little itchy, so, Ye Tang will fell in Lu Yichen, but even Ye Tang will fall in the morning. He is still very concerns about the children in the morning.

Because all things, the relationship between the morning and Ye Tang has been maintained very well, because Lu Yichen is still working in Lu Hao, so Lu Yichen is going to work tomorrow, and Ye Tang is not very safe Lu Yichen, so Ye Tang Dedicated daily, the name is to protect the inland morning, two people are sweet.

At the time of Lu Yichen and Ye Tang sweet honey, Yan Lingqiu can be described as a deep hot.

"You talk about what you are doing recently, not only sinned Ye Tang, but also gave the Lu Yichen face when signing the contract with Lu Yichen, did you not know how to now?" Yan father black face Say.

"I don't want to deliberately, or because I apologize to Lu Yichen, she is impossible to say something and she says." Yan Lingqiu said.

"Ask you, I still don't know? Since the small to the big, you have always been so arrogant. How many people you said from Xiaoyao?" Yan did not reprimand Yan Lingqiu.

"Now Yans has different past, since things are yourself, then you will be good, now I have already arranged a blind date, you look at it." Yellow father said, waving Waving, let Yan Lingqiu leave.

Yan Ling's autumn eyes, don't believe that your father will let yourself be blind, "Dad, I don't want to blind date."

"This is not you, you go out, I have to work." Yan Father looked at the Yan Lingqiu, put all the words that Yan Lingqiu wanted to refute.

Tang Chen Chen once knew that Yan Lingqiu was reprimanded by his father because of his father. Not only that, Yan Lingqiu was still forced to blind date, she began to have a lot of affairs, telling things Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen For Yan Lingqiu, said I am very happy. .

On this day, Yan Lingqiu came to her blind date. As a result, she saw a man who had a fat ear and sat in the position of himself.

Yan Lingqiu is cold in autumn, wants to leave directly, but she thinks that Yan Yam has said to her, she bite his teeth, or turned to the person.

I saw Yan Lingqiu, the big fat man looked at her, Yan Lingqiu saw the person, my heart is more disgusting, or because he is in front of him, Yan Lingqiu must definitely All the things you have eaten before spit out.

Yan Lingqiu frowned, reached out, "Hello, I am Yan Lingqiu."

The man saw Yan Lingqiu, got his hand, and quickly screened Yan Lingqiu. "Hello, I am Ming."

After Thome Ming, he didn't let go of Yan Lingqiu's hands, but touched the hands of Yan Lingqiu with his greasy fingers.

Seeing that Wan Ming actually so unreasonable, Yan Lingqiu's disgusting is even more rich, and trying to break away from Ming Ming directly.

After the hand of Yan Lingqiu, she wanted to Wan Ming, because of the reason why the Ming did warned, Yan Lingqiu had only once again, and it will be disgusted to the heart. , Sitting opposite to Ming Ming.

Wan Ming saw Yan Lingqiu, he is more affirmed now that the outside world is rumored to Yan's rumors. If the outside world is not true, then he is so pair of Yan Lingqiu, she has already called him a slap. However, Yan Lingqiu did not.

Because I know the situation of Yan's, I'm even more unscrupulous, I'm directly sitting around Yan Lingqiu, and I will move the whole body.

Undoubtedly, Wan Ming wants to take advantage of Yan Lingqiu, for the movement of Wan Ming, Yan Lingqiu can also be dismantled, and she now has to endure, I have blown directly. .

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