Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

382th chapter to the museum

"Dad, Dad, I have to hug." At this time, the leaves came over and pulled Ye Tang's trousers, and said. "Well, Dad hug." Ye Tang's pet's head said.

After that, Ye Tang put the Ye Meng Meng, picked Ye Hao, and three people went to have dinner.

Because Ye Tang is afraid of Lu Yichen hard, he called Yang, "You seem to have said that Tang Chenchen is already in the home today?"

"Yes, do you do anything?" Yang has doubtful.

"This is the case, I went to the old house in the morning to come back. My Meng Meng also followed. I was afraid that one person can't take care of two children in the morning, so I want to call Tang Chenchen to help care." Ye Tang explained Intentional.

"Yes, as long as you don't work in the morning, I will say it with her."

After hanging on the phone, Yang passed the things and Tang Chenchen, Tang Chenchen very agreed, the next day, I went to Lu Yichen at home.

"Hey, see who is coming?" Tang Chen Chen entered the door, she said with a hurry.

"Nice!" Seeing Tang Chenchen, Ye Hao is happy.

"To hug." Ye Wei came to Tang Chenchen, and he said.

"Shame, then big people actually let the aunt hug." The Ye Meng Meng, who is standing not far, and.

"Hey, my sister, you also made my father hug last night, you are also shame." Ye Hao mouth.

Ye Meng Meng has a little embarrassment.

"How come you come?" Lu Yichen came over and asked in confused.

"You also said that I can't work again before yesterday, I am bored, just because Ye Tang worried last night because Ye Tang worried that you didn't have two children, so I came over." Tang Chen Chen held Ye Ye While talking to the morning.

"Hey, they are big strange, obviously is pregnant, there is nothing, don't want me too much." Lu Yichen helpless.

"Just, forget it, don't say them, I will play with the children."

Several people have played a morning at home, and Ye Meng was bored at home.

"Hey, we go to the museum, too bored at home, I am going to rust." Ye Meng Meng said.

"I think you are idle, what museum is going to do." Tang Chenchen on the side gave Ye Mengmeng a white eye.

", you talk about it, you have to do a museum, my sister tells you, there is a lot of fun in the museum, do you want to go with your sister, aunt, and your mother?" Ye Mengmeng tempting to the leaves Say.

"To go." Ye Yu was happy.

"You see, the treasure also said to go, let's go together, you should go out for a long time." Ye Meng Meng is eager to look forward to watching the anum.

"No, Ye Tang will not agree, if he knows, be careful, you will be said to him, I will not let you come over." Lu Yichen threatened

"I won't be, how can Xiao Shu can't let me come over, I know, Xiaoxuan likes me, how can he not let me come over, let's go." Ye Meng Meng shakes the land The morning arms said.

"Ma Ma, go, go." At the side of the leaves and the road.

"Morning morning, what do you think?" Lu Yichen could not agree, just asked Tang Chenchen.

"I don't know." Tang Chenchen helpless.

"Hey, let's go, anyway, there is nothing at home, it is better to go to the museum. I will guarantee that I will obey, and the treasure will definitely obey, is it a good treasure? "Ye Meng Meng and Lu Yichen have been asked to leave.

"It's very embarrassed, very embarrassing." Ye said.

Lu Yichen, but Ye Meng Meng, and looked at the eyes of their two people desired, and there was no way to refuse.

"You have to go, but they have to obey, otherwise, when I got, I will take you back." Lu Yichen Ji Law said.

"I know, then we have cleaned up, I have to go."

Helpless, Tang Chenchen went to pack things in the morning.

Because Ye Tang does not allow them to go to the museum, I didn't tell Ye Tang in Lu, I thought about it, as long as I went home before Ye Tang, there was no matter, Ye Tang would not say anything, so they clean up. After a good thing, several people go privately.

If Lu Yichen knows the next thing, she will definitely say that Ye Mengmeng is going to the museum, but the accident is accident, avoiding.

Just when they went out, there was a car to follow them because they had a happy reason, so they did not pay attention to themselves tracked.

When I arrived at the museum, Ye Meng was lively.

"Hey, you will hurry." Seeing Lu Yichen walking slowly behind, Ye Mengmeng urged.

"You are a small ghost, don't you know that you are big now, she is tall with a big belly, you have to catch up with you, you can walk slowly." Tang Chen Morning's head photographed Ye Meng Meng's head On, helplessly said.

"I know, then I will take a little better, don't take my head, if I can't grow a child, I have to rely on you." Ye Meng Meng said.

"Hey, you still want to be long, you are not afraid that you can't find boyfriend in the future." Tang Chen morning hit.

"As if I have this condition, I can't find my boyfriend. Are you not a joke? Again, I can't see it, I have to find Xia Shu." Ye Meng Meng A book is said.

Seeing Ye Meng Meng so serious, Tang Chenchen can't help but laugh, "Hahaha, laughing at me, you are so small that you have set your own boyfriend, and now the little girl is getting more and more mature. "

"Well, you don't have trouble." Looking at two is playing, Lu Yichen is also happy.

"Right, morning morning, or you will go shopping with Meng Meng, I am big now, I don't want to go too far." Lu Yichen suddenly, said.

"Well, when we met, we met at the door, you will slowly walk, don't worry."

"I know, if you can't find you, I will call you again, you will go first."

Tang Chen Chen came to the thunderstorm, heard that Lu Yichen said, she didn't hesitate, with Ye Mengmeng now.

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