Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 383th chapter Ye Yu is abducted

The people who came together in the Lu Yichen changed this while in the car, I walked into the museum. They saw Tang Chen Chen and Lu Yichen let go, and they are happy. Tang Chenchen and Ye Meng Meng walk in front, Lu Yichen pushed the child slowly followed, soon they opened the distance, Lu Yimeng arrived at the hall of the first floor, and I couldn't see Tang Chenchen's Ye Mengmeng.

On the place where the stairway, Lu Yichen didn't know where the elevator wanted to find the elevator. I saw a staff member, I asked.

"That, can you tell me how the elevator go? I can't find it."

"OK, I will take you directly." I saw that Lu Yichen actually asked himself, and the people were smirking.

Sometimes someone is sleeping. Someone is coming to send a pillow. He just wants how to take a place in Lu Yichen. As a result, Lu Yichen actually found it to go to the door.

"That's trouble." Lu Yichen smiled and said.

So the waiter will take away the morning.

Lu Yichen took a while after the waiter, I found that I still didn't go to the elevator, and my heart was puzzled.

"That, don't worry, before the elevator is broken, I will take you to another." I saw that Lu Yichen was a little doubt, and that person explained.

"Well, but how long will we get?"

"Fast, take another five or six minutes, you will follow me."

"Yes, is this your child? I looked very cute." For the sake of paralysis, the waiter came to talk to Lu Yichen.

"Well." Lu Yichen nodded.

"I see you very hard, how to bring my children to the museum, and you still have a big belly."


"Okay, the place is here, you only have to go through the side here, turn the left and turn it, I am here, I have to go, maybe there is no time to bring you." People take out the phone and deliberately.

In fact, he took out the mobile phone to tell other people to act.

"Well, thank you, you leave it first." Said it was grateful to Lu Yichen. Wen said, the man turned and left.

After I saw the person, she walked in the direction he finished, and then I found that I got it more and more, and my heart was soaked. At the second corner, she is Want to turn around.

However, when the corner, when I wanted to go back to the morning, there was a black man, and I took the trolley in the hands of the land.

The thing happened too suddenly. There was no reaction between the next morning. He heard the cry of Ye Yu, and the morning will respond.

"Give the child to me, you can't take my children." Lu Yichen hurriedly chased that person.

The black man listened to Lu Yichen, and it was even more fast, joke, they did not easily got the child, if they gave Lu Yichen, would they be white?

However, because the reason for the pregnancy of Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen can't catch up with the black man, the black man runs too fast, and the figure will soon disappear.

Lu Yichen saw that the black man was gone, and the heart was more anxious, there was an urgent group to turn.

What should I do now? The child is gone, what do I want? No, will the child will be bullied, what is it taken away from the child? Lu Yichen has been self-speaking.

I can't think of a happiness, and there is more anxious.

"Don't be right, I should call Ye Tang now, and Ye Tang is nothing to have in children."

After that, I quickly took out the phone and called Ye Tang.

Lu Yichen was a long time, Ye Tang's phone has not dial out.

Lu Yichen paved deep breath, set up the god, and finally played the call.

"What happened in the morning? Is it a child?" Seeing the lake in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang smiled asked.

"Ye Tang, the child has an accident, just someone took the child away, I can't catch up, what should I do now? Do you have anything?" Lu Yichen said anxious.

Ye Tang listened to Lu Yichen, Ye Tang's heart, nervous, but he knew what he could not show in front of Lu Yichen.

"You don't worry first. You talk to me how to be robbed, are you not at home? Why is the child will be taken away?" Ye Tang Ding said.

"Just now, I have to come to the museum, I am coming with morning, because I have a big reason, so I have to let the morning morning and Mengmeng first, then I am on the first floor. If you can't find the elevator, you can find a waiter. The waiter has left in advance. When I think it is, my heart is uneasy, I want to go back, and the child is taken away by a black man. Ye Tang What should I do now? I lost my child. "Lu Yichen said.

"You don't worry first. I have passed now, you can rest assured that they will not be what the child is now." Ye Tang quickly comforted.

"Then, you remember to bring some people to come over, I will call people to block the museum." Lu Yichen is suddenly online.

"Well, then then."

The two people hang up the phone, Ye Tang quickly took the clothes, called Chen Feng, let him take people now to the museum, and because he is anxious, wait until it is, it will go to the museum.

After Lu Yichen, she quickly returned, and looking for the person in charge of the museum, told the child's things, so the person in charge did not hesitate, and it was directly closed and blocked the museum.

Because things happened suddenly, there was no Tang Chenchen in the morning, or because the museum suddenly blocked, she still didn't know what Ye Yu was abducted. Tang Chen Chen also didn't want Ye Mengmeng to know Ye Hao's things, so she gave Ye Meng Meng to the person in charge here, let him help him take care of it.

Tang Chen Chen came to the front desk to find Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen saw Tang Chenchen's Ye Mengmeng, and he couldn't stretch it at all, and he cried.

"It's okay, don't worry, I will find a way with you now." Tang Chenchen took the shoulder of the morning and gave her comfort.

"I know, let's take a look at the monitoring now, there should be a little clue." Lu Yichen knows that it is not sad now, so she has to get the uncomfortable, let himself invest in the things of Ye. in.

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